News #58 // Doctoral Council Election / Originals / Career Perspectives / P2P Mentoring / GSP Statute / UB Seminars / Supervision / Campus Run / ScienceFluencer Award / Sustainability Event / Preclinical Imaging / Jyväskylä Sum. School / Workshops
Doctoral Council Election // May 15
In May 2024, for the first time at Freie Universität Berlin doctoral researcher representatives will be elected!
The Doctoral Council opens up completely new opportunities for doctoral researchers to network and have an impact together.
All those who are admitted to pursue doctoral research at Freie Universität and are enrolled or employed are eligible to vote.
Would you like to get involved in the doctoral council yourself? You don't need any previous experience, just the enthusiasm to stand up for the interests of doctoral candidates.
Nominations can still be submitted until 5.4.24!
All doctoral researchers at the BCP department who are eligible to vote had already been informed by the Graduate Center via email (22nd March).
Did you know that ...? News & Information from the Doctoral Office
Wussten Sie, dass wir seit März 2020 Zulassungen zum Promotionsverfahren nur noch auf Basis von elektronisch eingereichten Unterlagen ausstellen? Daher enthält jeder Zulassungsbescheid die Auflage Originaldokumente (wie Bachelor-, Masterurkunde) bis spätestens zur Dissertationseinreichung im Promotionsbüro vorzulegen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Dissertationseinreichung erst erfolgen kann, wenn Sie alle Auflagen im Rahmen Ihrer Zulassung erfüllt haben (z.B. die Vorlage der Original-Dokumente im Rahmen der Promotionsanmeldung). Die Auflagen entnehmen Sie bitte Ihrem Zulassungsbescheid.
Did you know that since March 2020, we have only been issuing admissions to the doctoral procedure on the basis of electronically submitted documents? Therefore, every admission notification contains the condition to present original documents (such as Bachelor's and Master's degree certificates) to the doctoral office by the time the dissertation is submitted at the latest. Please note that the dissertation can only be submitted once you have fulfilled all the conditions of your admission (e.g. presentation of the original documents as part of the admission application). Please refer to your admission notification for the conditions.
Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural & Life Sciences // April 11, 5 – 6 pm
Looking for career options after your doctorate? And not sure what is “out there”? With the series "Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural and Life Sciences", we would like to offer an opportunity for interactive and informal exchange about career-related topics. You will meet former PhD candidates who will share with you their experiences including ups and downs looking for a job. PhD holders from academia, industry, science communication, politics, public and health sectors, education and more will show you the broad range of potential careers after a doctorate and give you inspiration for future career choices. We will have plenty of time after each talk for questions, discussion and networking.
In April, Dr. Vivien Lortzing, who is an alumna of the Institute of Biology at Freie Universitaet Berlin, will be our guest. She currently works at the Research Division at FU Berlin.
All information and the meeting link can be found here.
Postdoc-2-PhD Mentoring Program // Application Deadline: April 12
The program provides an open and supportive environment for participants to accelerate their professional development. The mentors share career experiences, challenges, or opportunities with the aim of developing mentees’ self-confidence, leadership, communication skills, and professionalism. The mentees benefit from a confidential space in which to discuss and clarify their career and personal objectives.
Mentoring pairs consist of 1 postdoc-mentor and 1 mentee, who meet monthly over the course of six months. Mentors and mentees are matched based on the information provided in mentor and mentee applications (focus of interest, career trajectory, etc.) during a matching event on May 8, 2024, 9 - 11.30 am. During a kick-off workshop you will be supported in starting your mentoring relationship successfully. The workshop will take place on May 21, 2024, 1 - 5 pm, participation is mandatory.
More information and registration
New statutes for safeguarding good scientific practice published
Freie Universität’s new Statute for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice (GWP-Satzung) was approved in October 2023 by the Academic Senate.
This statute provides a framework for academic work at Freie Universität Berlin and provides a list of the rules governing good research practice. Moreover, it incorporates the guidelines of the DFG Code of Conduct for Good Research Practice in a legally binding document.
The Coordination Office for Research Integrity has been established to oversee the implementation of the Statute for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and to act as a point of contact for all members of Freie Universität Berlin seeking advice on good research practice.
The contact of the ombudspersons for research integrity at the department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy can be found here:
Info-Veranstaltungen der Universitätsbibliothek
Akademisches Identitätsmanagement mit ORCID. Vorteile der ORCID iD für Forschende
25.04.2024 | 10:00 - 11:30
Die Veranstaltung vermittelt den Einstieg in die Nutzung von ORCID und informiert über Vorteile der ORCID iD für Forschende.
Das FU-Wikisystem „Confluence“ als Arbeitsplattform für Forschende
07.05.2024 | 10:00 - 11:30
Im Rahmen universitärer Forschung helfen kollaborative Online-Tools, Arbeitsprozesse und Projekte unkompliziert zu verwirklichen. Das FU-Wikisystem „Confluence“ unterstützt Forschende, gemeinsam mit Kolleg*innen (auch FU-Externe!) Texte zu verfassen und sich zeit- und ortsunabhängig zu Projekten auszutauschen.
AdvanceAcademia! Neues Angebot im Bereich Promotionsbetreuung
Sehr geehrte Forschende, liebe Wissenschaftler*innen,
Sie betreuen als Erst-, Zweit- oder Drittbetreuer*in Promotionsprojekte an einer Hochschule oder Universität? Oder arbeiten gegenwärtig selbst an einer Doktorarbeit?
Dann könnte das folgende Angebot für Sie interessant sein: Mit „AdvanceAcademia! Akademische Karrieren stärken.“ bietet die Berlin University Alliance nun erstmals ein diversitätssensibles Programm zur Förderung der strukturierten Zusammenarbeit im Tandem zwischen Promovierenden und Betreuenden an. Es ist speziell auf die Bedürfnisse in der Universitätsmedizin sowie den Gesundheits-, Lebens-, Natur-, und Sozialwissenschaften ausgelegt.
Das Programm erstreckt sich über sechs Monate, ist kostenlos und beinhaltet individuell wählbare Module. Ab April 2024 vergeben wir monatlich bis zu 30 Plätze an Betreuende von Promotionsprojekten und ihre Doktorand*innen.
Im Zentrum steht die Förderung
- der regelmäßigen Arbeit der Promovierenden am Promotionsprojekt
- der Implementierung einer effektiven und lebendigen Evaluations- und Feedbackkultur
- der selbstständigen, regelmäßigen und engmaschigen Reflexion des Promotionsfortschrittes
- einer gender- und diversitätssensiblen Haltung in Forschung, Lehre und Gesundheitsversorgung
Wir haben Ihr Interesse geweckt oder Sie haben Rückfragen? Dann kontaktieren Sie uns gerne direkt unter oder informieren Sie sich hier weiter.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Anmeldung für den ersten Durchgang, welcher am 22. April 2024 startet, bis Donnerstag, 11. April 2024 erfolgen muss.
FU Berlin Campus Run and summer party // June 27
Look forward to the Campus Run on 27.06.2024! "Same route - new surprises" is our motto.
Get ready for a special day, packed with great sporting moments and the big summer festival taking place at the same time, with new live bands and join-in activities.
Registration is open. Get your early bird discount until April 30!
Information (in German):
ScienceFluencer Award // Application deadline: April 30
Are you an early-career scientist with a passion for science communication? Then apply now for the ScienceFluencer Award until April 30, 2024!
The Junior-GBM has established the ScienceFluencer Award, which recognizes the work of early-career scientists (students, doctoral candidates, postdocs) with a prize.
In particular, the focus lies on communication of scientific content with the media and the public is emphasized. Thus, the format facilitates bridging between academic societies, industry, universities, and science enthusiasts.
This year, once again, a jury will award the ScienceFluencer Award. We are excited to collaborate with Future Insight e. V., who is sponsoring the award this year. Apply now until April 30, 2024! The award ceremony this year will take place as part of the Curious2024-Future Insight™ conference in Mainz on July 10 and 11, 2024. Curious individuals and science enthusiasts are warmly welcomed at the event! For more information, visit the website at
Una Europa Summer School in Sustainability – Bologna // July 1-5, 2024
What is it about?
The Università di Bologna is organizing a Una Europa Summer School on the topic "Sustainability in Communication and Education. Spreading the Word and Creating Awareness" which will take place from 1-5 July 2024 in Bologna. Researchers from the Una Europa partner universities in Bologna, Berlin, Dublin, Helsinki, Leuven, and Madrid will offer lectures, workshops, and field trips to doctoral researchers.
What is in it for me?
PhD students and doctoral researchers from FU Berlin and Una Europa partner universities can exchange ideas on topics related to sustainability communication and education. Applications to the Summer School open on 15 March.
How does it work?
Detailed information on the application process can be found here.
Application deadline: 10 April
Continue here: Updated information on the Una Europa Summer School can be found on the website of Università di Bologna.
Course Preclinical Imaging // April - July
Experimental Imaging at the Charité for 3R (EPIC3R) is happy to announce the first edition of a course on Preclinical Imaging for the summer semester 2024.
Don’t miss out to get an introduction into the use of biomedical imaging for basic and translational research by a great line-up of imaging experts from Charité and MDC!
The course is aimed at students at the PhD level but interested Bachelor/Master students are also very welcome. Early postdocs can also join if there are open places. It is accredited with 2.4 ECTS credit points.
The course will take place Wednesdays 15:30-17:00 during the summer semester 2024, i.e. between 24 April and 10 July.
Please find more information in the detailed program.
Registration via email to
Jyväskylä Summer School // August 5 – 16
The Jyväskylä Summer School will be organized this year for the 33rd time. The Summer School takes place 5 – 16 August 2024 and offers courses for advanced Master’s students, PhD students and post-docs in various fields of natural sciences, mathematics and information technology. Students of these fields from around the world are invited to apply!
More information on the Summer School can be found at
Workshop "Toolkit for a successful doctorate" // June 6 - 7
Preparing you for the doctorate — on a mental and practical level — is the aim of this workshop. Treating different aspects of planning and motivation, it is designed to provide you with a great start into your doctorate and equip you with a toolkit for a successful process onwards.
Format: In-person in Berlin (Mitte)
Trainer: Dr. Mechthild von Vacano
Target Group: doctoral candidates in their first year
More information and registration link can be found here:
Workshops at Humboldt Graduate School or Charité
Effizienter und (plagiats-)sicherer Umgang mit Fachliteratur
Offen für alle Promovierenden der Berlin University Alliance
Trainerin: Dr. Ulrike Lange
Datum: 12.04.2024, 09:30–17:00
Zielgruppe: Promovierende in allen Phasen der Promotion
Format: Präsenz-Workshop in Humboldt Graduate School
Sprache: Deutsch
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
Offen für alle Promovierenden der Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Malte Engel
Datum: 15.-16.04.2024, 09:00–17:00
Zielgruppe: Promovierende im letzten Jahr der Promotion
Format: Präsenz-Workshop in Humboldt Graduate School
Sprache: Deutsch
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
Workshop Strukturierte Kompetenzanalyse: Das Portfolio des eigenen Könnens erkennen - aufbereiten- präsentieren Karriereentwicklung in den Natur- und Lebenswissenschaften
Date: 17. + 18. April 2024
Format: online
Sprache: Deutsch
Zielgruppe: BUA-Promovierende und -Postdocs
Open to all Doctoral Candidates within the Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Peter Schröder
Date: 18.04.2024; 10:00–17:00
Target Group: Candidates in all years of doctorate
Format: Online-Workshop via Zoom
Language: English
Participation is free of charge
Karriereplanung - Wirtschaft oder Wissenschaft?
Offen für alle Promovierenden der Berlin University Alliance
Trainerin: Dr. Eva Reichmann
Date: 23.04.2024; 09:00–14:00
Zielgruppe: Promovierende im letzten Jahr der Promotion
Format: Online-Workshop via Zoom
Sprache: Deutsch
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
Planning the Completion of your Dissertation
Open to all Doctoral Candidates within the Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Mark Edwards
Date: 29.-30.04.2024; 9:00–12:00
Target Group: Candidates in last year of doctorate
Format: Online-Workshop via Zoom
Language: English
Participation is free of charge
Workshop ReThink3R
Charité 3R and the ReThink3R team invite you to this interactive ReThink 3R workshop. Think about new approaches regarding the 3Rs and figure out why their implementation in your daily research is sometimes challenging. By using Design Thinking methods, you will get an unbiased and playful approach to the 3Rs, you will find creative space to exchange experiences and to work on ways to further implement these principles.
When: May 13th + 14th, 9 am – 5 pm (workload 1.0 ECTS-CP)
Where: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (face-to-face event)
Details & registration ReThink3R
The courses are aimed at national and international Postdocs and doctoral students affiliated to any university.
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