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News #51 // R Course / Info Doctoral Office / DRS Courses / DRS Open Door Talk / Workshops / Emmy Noether / 14th BSRT Symposium / PostdocDay / Fulbright Program / UniWiND Lunch Session




Online Workshop “Introduction to data analysis with R” // 9 – 10 & 16 – 17 Oct 2023


Course offer by the Graduate Center: This workshop offers an introduction to data analysis with R.

The workshop's main goal is to equip you with essential R skills for analyzing your own research data, covering data processing and visualization. After the workshop you are equipped to confidently advance your R skills for your specific research needs.

In 4 workshop days (9 am - 4 pm) we will cover the following topics:

Day 1: Introduction to R and R Studio, Good programming practice, Reading data into R

Day 2: Data visualization with the ggplot package

Day 3: Data wrangling with dplyr, data cleaning with tidyr

Day 4: Bring your own research data (or get some real-life data from me)


Who is the course for? Doctoral researchers registered at the BCP department, Postdoctoral researchers at the BCP department

When?                             Monday, 9 October, Tuesday, 10 October, Monday, 16 October, Tuesday, 17 October, 2023, 9 am – 4 pm

Where?                            Webex Online Course (Please note that a video camera and a microphone are necessary for this course.)

Registration:                   If you would like to attend the course, please register here by 21 September 2023.


The registration is binding. Please make sure when registering to be able to attend all 4 workshop days. Participation in the course is free of charge for all (post-)doctoral researchers at the BCP department. Please find more information in the workshop description attached to this email.



Info from the Doctoral Office at BCP Dept.


Bitte geben Sie bei der Einreichung von Anträgen oder der Dissertation per E-Mail an das Promotionsbüro immer einen Betreff an, der eindeutig erkennen lässt, was der Inhalt der E-Mail ist, z.B. Antrag auf Verlängerung der Regelbearbeitungszeit, Dissertationseinreichung, etc. Somit helfen Sie uns Ihre Anfrage per E-Mail zügiger zu bearbeiten.


When submitting requests or the dissertation by e-mail to the doctoral office, please always indicate a subject that clearly indicates what the content of the e-mail is, e.g. request for extension of the standard time to completion, dissertation submission, etc. Thus, you help us to process your request by e-mail more efficiently.



DRS Courses - Booking Start // 25 Sep


Booking start will be September 25, 2023 at 12 noon. Save the date!


Workshops of Dahlem Research School are free of charge and open to early stage researchers of Berlin University Alliance. Doctoral researchers of Universität Potsdam are eligible to book workshops on Research Integrity.


To book workshops, please register here: https://www.drs.fu-berlin.de/user/register.


NEW USERS: Make sure you register with an institutional Mail-address of the Berlin

University Alliance (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische

Universität Berlin, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin) or Universität Potsdam.


REGISTERED USERS: Before the booking start for the winter semester, you will receive an email with an invitation to confirm your continued membership of an institution of the Berlin University Alliance or Universität Potsdam. After this membership confirmation, you will be allocated the workshop budget for the new academic year – only then you will be able to book workshops. Unused workshop days from the academic year 2022/2023 will expire.



DRS Open Door Talk "What's Next, Doc?" // 20 Sep


Are you nearing the end of your doctoral project and planning a career in academia? In this Open Door Talk, the team of Freie Universität’s research funding service will inform you about funding options for postdoctoral research projects.

Date: September 20,  2pm - 4pm

Venue: Dahlem Research School, room 004

Further information: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/drs/offers/drs-open-door-talks/index.html



Workshop Offers by the Graduate Centre Life Sciences (HU Berlin)


The Graduate Center Life Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin offers the following workshops. Due to a cooperation, some places are also open to doctoral researchers registered at the BCP dept. of FU Berlin.


Workshop "From Data to Paper - a workshop on visualising data"  (Only for doctoral researchers in the field of biology)
Dates: 04.-05.10.2023
Format: In presence in Luisenstraße 56, Berlin
Trainer: Dr. Philipp Jordan
Target Group: Doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences


Intensive course "Good Scientific Practice"
Dates: 12.-13.10.2023
Format: In presence in Luisenstraße 56, Berlin
Trainer: Dr. Adam Wilkins
Target Group: Doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences


Intensive writing week for publications
Dates: 13.-17.11.2023
Format: Online via Zoom
Trainer: Dr. Martina Michalikova
Target Group: Doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences


If you would like to participate, please register on the Graduate Centre’s webpage.



Emmy Noether Networking Event “Towards an independent scientific career track” // 16 Oct


Jointly with the DFG, Charité and BIH we cordially invite you to an Emmy Noether Networking Event “Towards an independent scientific career track” on October 16, 2023, 2-6 pm, at Charité CrossOver, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin.

We selected a novel format that allows a direct exchange with the DFG head office as well as discussions with Emmy Noether grantees. If you consider applying for the DFG Emmy Noether program, we offer you the chance to get first-hand information and inspiration for your own pitch and application. In brief scientific talks five Emmy Noether grantees will illustrate their science and the lessons learned during the application process as well as execution of their grant.

We are very excited to welcoming you!


Best regards

Emmy Noether event organizing team



14th BSRT Symposium // 6 to 8 Dec


We invite you to join us for the 14th BSRT Symposium in Berlin/Brandenburg, themed The Olympic Games of Regeneration. We encourage you to participate in our symposium and compete in the different disciplines, i.e. present your research ideas and discoveries through a poster or a talk during one of our sessions. The Symposium is scheduled to take place from December 6th to 8th, 2023.


More information on the symposium can be found on the website: http://bsrt-symposium.de/



PostDoc Day 2023 // 2nd & 3rd November 2023


The Berlin PostDoc Day 2023 (#PDD23) is an annual event organized by a team of Berlin-based postdocs with heterogenous affiliations (MDC, FMP, FHI, Charité and BAM). This year, the event will be held on November 2nd and 3rd as part of the Berlin Science Week and it is open to all postdocs and last-year PhD students working on all disciplines in the Berlin area. It will be held in person.


More information and registration at: https://www.mdc-berlin.de/postdoc-day


The BCP department is pleased to support the PDD23 with the workshop offer.



Fulbright Program Research and Teaching


PostDoc in den USA? Ergreifen Sie die Chance und erleben Sie die USA mit dem Fulbright-Programm Forschung und Lehre. Promovierte Wissenschaftler:innen, die sich für einen drei- bis neunmonatigen Lehr- oder Forschungsaufenthalt an einer wissenschaftlichen Einrichtung in den USA interessieren, können sich bewerben (https://www.fulbright.de/).


Bewerbungen können jederzeit eingereicht werden, mindestens jedoch neun Monate vor geplantem Aufenthaltsbeginn.

Weitere Informationen:  germanscholars@fulbright.de



UniWiND Lunch Session // 11. September 2023


Mit den UniWiND Lunch Sessions hat UniWiND eine neue Online-Veranstaltungsreihe zu aktuellen hochschulpolitischen Themen ins Leben gerufen. Die Veranstaltungen finden mehrmals pro Jahr jeweils per Zoom statt. Ausgewählte Referent:innen werden einen Input geben, danach ist Zeit für Fragen und den informellen Austausch der Teilnehmenden.


Nächster Termin: 11. September 2023, 12:00 Uhr

Thema: Dauerstellenkonzepte an Universitäten am Beispiel der Universität zu Köln


Zu dem hochaktuellen Thema Dauerstellenkonzepte freuen wir uns auf Prof. Dr. Stephan Michael Schröder, Prorektor für Akademische Karriere und Chancengerechtigkeit und Dr. Sandra Barth, Leiterin des Personaldezernats der Universität zu Köln. Sandra Barth ist außerdem Co-Autorin der vor kurzem erschienenen UniWiND-Publikation Band 13 "Perspektiven für Postdocs im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem".


Bitte melden Sie sich bei Interesse über den Online-Ticketshop der HRA an: https://pretix.eu/uniwind/lunch-sessions/

