News#36 // ReThink3R 2.0 Summer School / Webinar zum wiss. Publizieren / Marthe Vogt Award / Protest Day for Inclusion / FUB-ContinuED / Networking Day of the Department
ReThink3R 2.0 Summer School - August 23-26, 2022 in Berlin - Apply until April 29!
This is a reminder for the ReThink3R 2.0 Summer School, which will take place in Berlin in August 23-26, 2022. Application is open until April 29, see below!
Students will receive 2 ECTS-CP for complete attendance.
The ReThink3R 2.0 Summer School is designed for early career scientists from various disciplines who are interested in developing innovative solutions for the implementation of the 3Rs principle in biomedical research - the REPLACEMENT, REDUCTION and REFINEMENT of animals. For the effective implementation of the 3Rs principle the interdisciplinary combination of computer-assisted and cell biological approaches as well as awareness for species-specific animal welfare requirements are crucial.
With this Summer School, we offer YOU a platform to inform yourself about current 3R topics and methods in various disciplines and their translational implementation, to develop new innovative and collaborative approaches and most importantly to network and have fun! Our exciting 4-day program contains discipline-spanning keynote lectures from international experts, an interactive, creative Design Thinking Workshop (Teamwork on solutions for next generation science with(out)mice), and lots of networking opportunities!
When and where? August 23-26, 2022 in Berlin!
Find out more at and apply until April 29 here!
Webinar zum wissenschaftlichen Publizieren in deutscher Sprache
Die Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin organisiert erneut eine vierteiligen Reihe von Online-Workshops zum wissenschaftlichen Publizieren für Promovierende.
Neben allgemeinen Aspekten des konventionellen wie auch des Open Access-Veröffentlichens sollen in diesem Zusammenhang u.a. Strategien zur Akquise von Druckkostenzuschüssen, zur Gestaltung von Verlagsverträgen, zur Klärung von Bildrechten sowie zum Management von Forschungsdaten thematisiert werden.
Die vier auch separat belegbaren, jeweils zweistündigen Veranstaltungen (in deutscher Sprache) finden in der Zeit vom 19. Mai 2022 bis 25. Mai 2022 statt – jeweils zwischen 13:30 Uhr und 15:00 Uhr. Hinzu kommt eine offene Fragestunde für die Teilnehmenden dieser Workshops am 31. Mai 2022 – ebenfalls zwischen 13:30 Uhr und 15:00 Uhr. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Diese modulare Webinar-Reihe ist mit keinerlei Kosten verbunden.
Weiterführende Informationen sowie die Zugangslinks zu den einzelnen Workshops finden Sie bitte unter: oder
Marthe Vogt Award – current call for nominations
The Marthe Vogt Award of the Forschungsverbund Berlin is intended to recognize outstanding
achievements by young female scientists.
The Marthe Vogt Award honors an outstanding doctoral thesis in a field of research covered by one of the institutes of the Forschungsverbund Berlin. The institutes’ fields of research include, among others, information and communication technologies, structural research, optoelectronics and laser research, microsystems technology, new materials, applied mathematics, molecular medicine and biology, veterinary medicine, biotechnology, and environmental research.
Application deadline: 31.05.2022
More information:
Protest Day: Speed up for inclusion
On May 5, the motto is: "Speed up for inclusion - Reaching the goal without barriers!". For the 30th time, actions will take place nationwide around May 5 to mark the European Day of Protest for Equality for People with Disabilities.
We would like to make barriers visible on our campus at the FU Berlin as part of the Protest Day in order to actively work on breaking them down. We cordially invite you to join us! During the campaign period from April 23 - May 8, 2022, you can tell us about the barriers you have discovered on campus. You can find a template for the barrier check here:
Feel free to email us the barrier check or drop the completed template in our mailbox.
Address: lltisstr. 1, 14195 Berlin
Best regards,
Anja Ahrens
Beratung für Studierende mit Behinderungen und chronischen Erkrankungen
Deadlines for FUB-ContinuED courses
(Almost) done with your PhD – and what’s next? In order to prepare you to (re-)enter the job market, FUB-ContinuEd, Freie Universität Berlin’s international Continuing Education Program, offers online certificate courses this summer and fall that can be taken while you are still studying or already working. Stand out from the competitive crowd and complement your academic qualifications with practical skills in areas such as communication, leadership skills, and project management – essential in any professional context (even in academia!).
The following fee-based courses impart career-related skills and knowledge for an increasingly globalized working environment to international PhD students, young professionals, alumni as well as employees of the Berlin and Brandenburg universities in just 9 weeks:
- Academic Writing in German
- Diversity Management in International Context
- Feedback and Leadership
- Problem-Solving Skills for Multi-Stakeholder Challenges
- Storytelling for Leaders Working Across Cultures
- Switching Perspective: Intercultural Communication and Collaboration Skills
- Understanding Global Sustainability Challenges
For international PhD students, we would like to particularly highlight the course "Academic Writing in German", which provides valuable knowledge and tools for writing academic texts in the German-speaking scientific community. Registration deadline: April 29!
Please visit our website for all important information about the courses, registration and fees or contact us by email at
Networking Day of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy on Tuesday, May 17, 2022
This is a reminder for you to save the date for the Networking Day of the Department
- on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, starting at 2 p.m.
- at Arnimallee 22, Lecture Hall B.001, 14195 Berlin
followed by a summer party.
For more information have a look on our website.