News #35 // FU#helpukraine / Running against Cancer /Mental Health Survey / DRS Pro Transfer (Mini) / Coaching für Promovierende / Info from Doctorate Office / 3R Seminars / FUB-ContinuED / Networking Day of the Dept
FU #helpukraine
The situation in Ukraine remains critical. The FU has an information website with FAQs and a "help blog". You just have to scroll down a little.
For inquiries about funding and offers of assistance, etc., please also feel free to contact the Dean's Office of FB BCP (
Our Ukrainian colleague in BCP administration, Krystyna Krupko, volunteers mainly for spontaneous accommodation of refugees. Since the FU information only addresses students and academics, but many other people also urgently need a place to stay (sometimes only for a few days), we have started our own request for accommodation on the help blog. Through this we can offer spontaneous help. Other accommodation websites apparently need longer time for organizing a match. Der Hilfe-Blog ist vorerst nur auf Deutsch:
Running against Cancer from the Berlin School of Integrative Oncology (BSIO)
The Charity-Run to support innovative projects in cancer research will take place on Sunday, March, 27 at Volkspark Rehberge. Please find more information in the attached flyer (en/dt).
Mental health survey by Scholar Minds
Dear doctoral researcher,
Recent years have brought more attention to mental health and wellbeing in academia, especially among young researchers. We are Scholar Minds, a group of PhD students of Berlin’s universities. Through sharing resources, surveying the status quo, and organising mental health events, we hope to promote awareness, destigmatize mental health struggles, and empower PhD students. Today we invite you to help us in our mission by taking our survey.
Results of the survey 2021
The results of last year’s survey are summarised in: “Update on the Mental Health Crisis in Academia: Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Career Researchers’ Mental Health and Satisfaction with PhD training” (click to see the preprint). In short, we found high levels of depression, anxiety, and burnout among doctoral researchers, signs of further deteriorating wellbeing in the COVID-19 pandemic, and, importantly, associations between the doctoral training and mental health. Thus, we all have the power to improve mental health by improving the conditions of the doctoral training
Survey 2022
Thus, this year we would like to understand better what it is about the PhD training that may make doctoral researchers more vulnerable to mental health problems. We will share the results publicly on our website.
To participate, please go to:
The survey takes ~20 min and is pseudo-anonymous. Please provide the answers until the 1st of April.
Each participant will have a chance to win 25 Euros in a raffle.
Best wishes,
Scholar Minds
You can also visit our website or follow us on Twitter (@BerlinMinds) and Facebook (Scholar Minds Berlin).
DRS Pro Transfer (Mini) on April 8; places available
Innovations from science and research can create great impact on economy, society, and ecology through innovation. Creating a comprehensible and compelling narrative is important to realize such innovations. Together, we will work out what stakeholders like investors, partners, or users expect from researchers becoming entrepreneurs. During our four-hour workshop, we create narratives for science ideas that can be presented to incubators or idea competitions like resarch-to-market challenge.
Free places available:
Coaching für Promovierende der Katholischen Studierendengemeinde / Erzbistum Berlin
Das Erzbistum Berlin bietet kostenloses bzw. kostengünstiges Coaching für Studierende, Promovierende und den akademischen Mittelbau an zu Themen wie Karriere und Entwicklung, aber auch Krisen und Konflikten.
Für Promovierende gibt es Informationen im beigefügten Flyer.
Die Website für den Mittelbau ist
Ende der Frist zur Dissertationseinreichung nach der alten Promotionsordnung
Die vierjährige Übergangsfrist der Promotionsordnung basierend auf den Mitteilungen im Amtsblatt Nr. 52/2007 vom 04.09.2007, Nr. 04/2008 vom 07.02.2008 und Nr. 02/2012 vom 18.02.2012 endet am 31.05.2022. Somit müssen alle Promovierenden, die einen Antrag zum Wechsel zurück auf die alte Ordnung eingereicht haben, ihre Dissertation spätestens bis zum 31.05.2022 einreichen um das Verfahren nach der alten Ordnung abschließen zu können. Alle nach dem 31.05.2022 eingereichten Dissertationen unterliegen automatisch ausschließlich der neuen Promotionsordnung basierend auf den Mitteilungen im Amtsblatt Nr. 21/2018 vom 31.05.2018 (gültig seit dem 01.06.2018).
End of the deadline for dissertation submission according to the old doctoral regulations
The four-year transition period of the old doctoral regulations old doctoral regulations based on the Official Announcements in the Official Gazette No. 52/2007 of 04.09.2007,
No. 04/2008 of 07.02.2008 and No. 02/2012 of 18.02.2012 ends on 31st of May 2022. All doctoral students who have applied to change back to the old regulations have to submit the dissertation latest until 31st of May 2022 in order to complete the procedure according to the old rules. All dissertations submitted after 31st of May 2022 will be automatically subject exclusively to the new doctoral regulations based on the Official Announcements in the Official Gazette No. 21/2018 dated 31.05.2018 (valid since 01.06.2018).
Online Seminars of Berlin's Animal Welfare Officer
All seven webinars from 2021 have been uploaded to the YouTube Channel of Berlin's animal welfare officer. Some of them were held in English language. In 2022, Dr. Kathrin Herrmann, Berlin's animal welfare officer, continues this 3R seminar. More information about the seminar is to be found here.
FUB-ContinuED course program summer/fall 2022
FUB-ContinuEd, Freie Universität Berlin’s international Continuing Education Program, has its Summer and Fall 2022 course program online! We offer online certificate courses for international PhD students, young professionals, alumni as well as employees of the Berlin and Brandenburg universities who want to assert themselves in an increasingly globalized working environment. Our fee-based courses impart career-related skills and knowledge that prepare young graduates to (re)enter the job market while they are studying or working. Practical skills in areas such as communication, leadership skills, and project management complement the participants' professional qualifications and are relevant to any professional context.
For international PhD students, we would like to particularly highlight the course "Academic Writing in German", which provides valuable knowledge and tools for writing academic texts in the German-speaking scientific community.
Please visit our website for all important information about the courses, registration and fees or contact us by email at
Networking Day of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy on Tuesday, May 17, 2022
The Dean of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Matthias F. Melzig, would like to cordially invite you to the Networking Day of the Department
- on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, starting at 2 p.m.
- at Arnimallee 22, Lecture Hall B.001, 14195 Berlin
followed by a summer party.
At our Networking Day you will have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with colleagues from other disciplines and working groups as well as students. Three newly appointed professors will present their fields of work in short lectures (in English):
2 p.m.
- Prof. Dr. Daniela Mahler (Didactics of Biology): “Those who can, do. Those who understand, teach - Characteristics of successful biology teachers“
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Greb (Inorganic Chemistry): “Ligand control in main group chemistry: how to push the elements in their stable oxidation states out of their comfort zone“
- Prof. Dr. Mitja Remus-Emsermann (Microbiology): “Understanding bacterial life on leaves”
3 p.m.
- At our poster session, you can share your research and exchange your ideas in detail. Students looking for a topic for their master or doctoral thesis may find it here.
4 p.m.
- The summer party starts in front of Arnimallee 22.
The event will be based on the then applicable regulations on infection control, about which we will inform you in due time.
Please spread the word in your working groups as well.