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News #24 // Info Event: Going Abroad! / Alumni Startups / Good Scientific Practice Statute / Café cum laude / Postdoc Stipendien / Online Event: Unsuck your science




Online Info Event: Going Abroad! Funding opportunities for doctoral researchers // 17 March

Are you interested in funding opportunities for a research stay abroad? Then you should visit this info event organized by the Graduate Center in collaboration with the Erasmus Coordinator at BCP dept. and the Division International Affairs:

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 10 – 11 am (via Webex)

Afterwards there will be the opportunity to ask individual questions.

Please register for this event by sending an e-mail to graduate-center@bcp.fu-berlin.de by 15 March 2021 to receive the Webex link.


Alumni im Gespräch: Was wurde aus Quantum on Demand und Dendropharm? // 19. März

Am Freitag, 19.03.2021 zwischen 10:30 Uhr und 12:00 Uhr werden die Ausgründungen Quantum on Demand und Dendropharm präsentieren, wie aus einer Idee aus dem universitären Umfeld ein Startup entwickelt wird.

Mit dabei sind auch die wissenschaftlichen Mentor*innen Prof. Dr. Beate Paulus und Prof. Dr. Rainer Haag.

Eine Anmeldung ist hier möglich: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/alumni-im-gesprach-was-wurde-aus-startups-des-fachbereiches-bcp-tickets-135968237659


Neue Satzung zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis

Die alte Satzung zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis wurde überarbeitet und am 3. Dezember 2020 in den FU-Mitteilungen veröffentlicht:


Nun ist auch eine englische Leseversion erschienen: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/drs/resources/documents/GWP_Satzung_EN.pdf

Weitere Infos zum Thema Gute Wiss. Praxis finden Sie auch hier:



The old statute for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice was revised and published in the FU-Mitteilungen on December 3, 2020:


Now an English reading version is also available: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/drs/resources/documents/GWP_Satzung_EN.pdf

More info on the topic of Good Scientific Practice can also be found here:



Blog: Café cum laude

Das Café cum laude ist ein Doktorandenblog rund ums Promovieren und das Leben an der Uni. Die Themen erstrecken sich von Anfang einer Promotion über Work-Life-Balance bis hin zum Zitieren:



Daimler und Benz Stiftung: Stipendienprogramm für Postdoktorand*innen 2022

Die Daimler und Benz Stiftung vergibt jedes Jahr zwölf Stipendien an ausgewählte Postdoktorand*innen, Juniorprofessor*innen bzw. Leiter*innen junger Forschungsgruppen. Ziel ist es, die Autonomie und Kreativität der nächsten Wissenschaftler*innengeneration zu stärken und den engagierten Forscher*innen den Berufsweg während der produktiven Phase nach ihrer Promotion zu ebnen. Die Fördersumme beträgt 40.000 Euro pro Stipendium, das für die Dauer von insgesamt zwei Jahren gewährt wird.

Das Förderprogramm steht Bewerber*innen sämtlicher wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen offen, es gibt keine thematischen Einschränkungen.

Termin: 01.10.2021
Adresse: Daimler und Benz Stiftung, Postfach 1246, 68521 Ladenburg
Weitere Informationen: Ausschreibung


Each year, the Foundation awards twelve scholarships to selected postdoctoral researchers, junior professors or heads of junior research groups. The objective is to reinforce their professional careers during the productive phase following their doctorates. The annual subsidy amount is 40,000 euros per scholarship, which covers a period of two years to provide flexible financing for academic assistants, technical equipment, research expeditions or participation in conferences, for example.

The promotional program is open to applicants from all scientific disciplines; there are no restrictions in terms of content.


Unsuck your Science // 21 April

How a culture of care improves our lives as scientists, as well as those of our animals

As students and postdocs, we’re the actual crew of this ship called Science. Some of us get to stand on deck and enjoy the public applause. But more often than not, we’re just busy working deep down in the engine room. And that can be a privilege, because few other jobs are as interesting and rewarding as ours!

We want to do our job well. We care about our research. And though almost everyone around is well-intentioned, we can see much we don’t like – a flawed analysis here, a missing control experiment there, wishful thinking by our boss. Because we’re often the only ones to see that something’s broken, we’re also the only ones who can fix it. This holds especially true when performing animal experiments. We care about our lab animals. Taking responsibility for the life and death of another creature is never easy, but if done correctly, animal experiments can be both ethically sound and scientifically valid. So how do you know you’re doing it right? And how can you do even better in the future?

In this online seminar, 8 researchers will share their own solutions to 8 common issues. In addition to these practical fixes, we will highlight how better communications within your lab (and with the outside world) can enable such improvements in the first place. Joined by a panel of experts, we will then discuss what still makes it hard for you to make a difference, and what you need to overcome those hurdles. After the core event you may engage in open discussion with some of our speakers and members of our organisation in virtual break-out rooms.

The event will be held in English, is free of charge, and is organised by the German non-profit Pro-Test Deutschland e.V. (http://www.pro-test-deutschland.de/ueber-uns/mission/). More information, the registration link, and a detailed programme at http://unsuck.science.
