News #9 // 'Human Nature' Viewing / Workshop on Debate Training / Beratungstag / Standard Processing Time
"Human Nature: The CRISPR revolution" Movie // 3 Dec 2019 // Deadline: 29 Nov
Dear members and students of the Department BCP,
in cooperation with Mindjazz, the GBM and the SFB 973 we have organized a license to present the important documentary film “Human Nature: The CRISPR revolution” about the CRISPR/Cas genome editing technology which describes the discovery, history and applications of this genetic tool, including the borders which can impact the future of humans and life on our planet. This documentary film will be followed by a discussion between professors in genetics, microbiology, biochemistry and ethics of the Freie Universität Berlin and students of the Department Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy.
We therefore invite you to watch this important documentary film on Tuesday, December 3rd at 4.30 pm in the big lecture room (Hörsaal 1A) in the Habelschwerdter Allee 45 (Rostlaube).
The trailer of the movie is available here:
The importance of this movie for the future of humans is highlighted already in the press:
If you are interested to watch the film and to follow the discussion, please register by sending a formal e-mail to until November 29th. We are looking forward to receive your registration and to see you on December 3rd!
With best wishes,Haike Antelmann & Tobias Otte
Workshop "Debate training for the awareness for gender related topics" // 20 - 21 Jan 2020
There are still some open places in the following workshop available. Debating equally enables women and men to discuss gender-matters. By means of explaining the advantages and disadvantages of a topic, a high analytical depth is achieved in argumentation, which helps participants to reflect their own way of thinking and to voice their opinions in daily life.
Date: 20 - 21 January 2020, 9 am - 5 pm
- Finding sound arguments as well as checking their relevance
- Building arguments in a coherent and convincing manner
- Being able to refute solid arguments
- Presenting oneself in a self-confident manner, even if the audience is a discerning one
- Handling interruptions and fault-finding questions in a confident manner
- Furthering the capabilities and assertiveness of women during arguments in mixed gender groups
- Sensitization of all participants to the important differences in the communication of men and women, and individuals of different cultures
- Promotion of awareness that the expression of opinions is not dependent on a person’s gender or culture
More information as well as the registration link can be found here:
Beratungstag "Sexualisierte Diskriminierung und Gewalt" @FU Berlin / Open-Door Counseling Day // 25 Nov 2019
(English version below)
Ratsuchende aller Geschlechter sind an diesem Beratungstag herzlich willkommen. Wir bieten Beratung an: Frauenbeauftragte der Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, Chr. Eßmann-Stern, Raum 16.19, Takustraße 3, 9 - 11 Uhr, Deutsch, Englisch
Open-Door Counseling Day on sexualised discrimination and violence. All genders seeking advice are very welcome. Women's representative of Department BCP offers advice: Chr. Eßmann-Stern, Room 16.19, Takustraße 3, 9 - 11 am, German, English
Good to know …! News & Information from the Doctorate Office at BCP
(English version below)
Wussten Sie schon, dass die Dissertation bis zum Ende der Regelbearbeitungszeit im Promotionsbüro eingereicht werden soll? Die Regelbearbeitungszeit für Promotionen am Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie beträgt 4 Jahre. Sollte die Einreichung der Dissertation nicht innerhalb dieser Frist möglich sein, muss ca. 4-6 Wochen vor dem Ende der Regelbearbeitungszeit ein Antrag auf Verlängerung gestellt werden.
Bitte beachten Sie auch, dass zwischen der Anmeldung zur Promotion und der Einreichung Ihrer Dissertation 2 Jahre liegen müssen.
Did you know that the thesis should be submitted to the Doctorate Office by the end of the standard processing time? The standard processing time for doctoral theses in the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy is 4 years. If it is not possible to submit the thesis within this period, an application for extension must be submitted approx. 4-6 weeks before the end of the standard processing time.
Please also note that there must be 2 years between the registration for the doctorate and the submission of the thesis.