News #5 // Opening Event / Good to know ...! / Open Hardware Workshop / Jobvector career day
SAVE THE DATE: Opening Event of the Graduate Center // 9 October 2019
On Wednesday, 9 October 2019, the opening event of the Graduate Center will take place at Arnimallee 22. I would like to invite you all to this afternoon event. Further information about the program will follow.
Good to know … ! News & Information from the Doctorate Office at BCP
(English version below)
Wussten Sie, dass der Titel „Ph.D.“ nicht die englische Übersetzung des deutschen Titels „Dr. rer. nat.“ ist?
Auf Basis der Promotionsordnung verleiht der Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie bei Individualpromotionen den akademischen Titel „Dr. rer. nat.“. Der Titel „Ph.D.“ wird nur auf Wunsch an Promovierende von Graduiertenprogrammen verliehen. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um eine mögliche Übersetzung, sondern um einen anderen Titel. Auch in der englischsprachigen Version der Urkunde bleibt es der Titel „Dr. rer. nat.“. Der Titel darf nur in der verliehenen Form geführt werden. Wenn der Titel „Dr. rer. nat.“ mit „Ph.D.“ übersetzt wird, handelt es sich um das unbefugte Führen eines nicht verliehenen Titels, welches strafrechtlich verfolgt werden kann.
Did you know that the title “Ph.D.” is not the English translation of the title “Dr. rer. nat.”?
Based on the doctoral rules the Department Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy awards the academic title “Dr. rer. nat.” for individual doctorates. The title “Ph.D.” is only awarded to doctoral students of graduate programs on request. The title “Ph.D.” is not a possible translation, but a different title. The title "Dr. rer. nat." also remains in the English version of the doctoral certificate. The title may only be used in the form in which it was awarded. If the title "Dr. rer. nat." is translated as "Ph.D.", this is the unauthorized use of a title which has not been awarded and which can be prosecuted under criminal law.
Open Hardware Workshop // 22 October 2019
Registration open now!
Who: You are a researcher at the Freie Universität Berlin, you have no idea about hardware but are curious and you want to learn programming the easy and fun way
When: Tuesday, 22 October 2019; 09:00-17:00
Where: Freie Universität Berlin, Seminarzentrum, room: L 115 (ground floor), Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26 (Rost- und Silberlaube), 14195 Berlin
Information & Registration:
Most projects involve some kind of data acquisition, automatisation, dealing with established machinery and interactions in the real world including motors, microphones, displays, etc. Open hardware is not only reproducible and adaptive to the experimental use-cases, but also fast and cheap to build.
The workshop offers an introduction to Open Science & Open Hardware concepts and provides a hands-on opportunity to find information, discuss and start developing the hardware you want to build with the Arduino kit.
Jobvector career day // 25 September 2019
On 25 September 2019 the 46th job fair for engineers, computer scientists, physicians & natural scientists will take place in Berlin.
Take the opportunity to get in direct contact with renowned companies and find out more about current job offers and career options.