Advisory Services
The following contact persons at the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy are available to advise you on the topics listed.
Graduate Center
Option Doctorate? | Further Training and Education | Accompanying Doctoral Studies and Doctoral Programs | Supervision and Conflict Situations | Career Management and Job Application | Higher Education Teaching and Didactics | Maternity Protection | Good Scientific Practice
Contact persons: Simone Schlender and Dr. Alette Winter
Doctoral Degree Office
Application for Doctorate Admission | Doctorate Procedure | Standard Time to Completion | Change of Supervisor | Writing the Thesis | Submission of the Thesis | Display Period and Review | Disputation | Publication of the Thesis | Award of the Certificate
Contact persons: Kerstin Reinsberg, Isabell Franke, Lydia Alnajjar and Dr. Alette Winter
Women's Representative
Promotion of Women | Sexualised Discrimination and Violence | Conflicts at Work | Reconciliation of Work and Family | Code of Coduct for good Collaboration
Contact persons: Christine Eßmann-Stern, Prof. Constance Scharff, PhD (Substitute)
Questions regarding Good Scientific Practice | Conflict Situations in the Supervision Relationship | Suspected Scientific Misconduct
Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Matthias Melzig, Dr. Sophie Armitage (Substitute)
Programming with R
Support and advice programming with R | R code good practice | R code review | R code speed up | R Markdown | Version control with Git | Collaborative coding
Contact person: Dr. Selina Baldauf
If you ask a question about code, please read these guidelines on how to ask a good question on code before.