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Ombudspersons for Research Integrity at the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy

Scientific integrity is the foundation of trustworthy science. Students, doctoral candidates, supervisors and researchers at Freie Universität Berlin are obliged to observe the rules of good scientific practice in their academic work. Although these rules are taught during studies and everyday research, there are times when questions and doubts arise about one's own work or the work of others.

The Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy offers help and advice for such situations. Two ombudspersons from the department are available for questions and confidential discussions, for example on guidelines for good scientific practice, suspected scientific misconduct or conflicts, for example regarding authorship. The ombudspersons will help you to find the right way out of an unpleasant or critical situation in everyday academic life.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Matthias Melzig

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Matthias Melzig

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Matthias F. Melzig

Institute of Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Biology

Email: matthias.melzig@fu-berlin.de

Sophie Armitage, PhD

Sophie Armitage, PhD

Sophie Armitage, PhD

Institute of Biology
Evolution and Ecology of Insect Defences
Königin-Luise-Straße 1-3, 14195 Berlin

Telephone +49 30 838 56995
Email: sophie.armitage [at] fu-berlin [dot] de
