Maternity Protection, Parental Leave, Doctoral Studies with Child
In case of pregnancy during your doctoral procedure, you may use the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG).
Please find further information here.
If you wish to take advantage of Maternity Protection, please contact the coordinator of the Graduate Center Dr. Alette Winter,
In case your pregnancy has been notified, you are only entitled to be examined within the maternity protection time (6 weeks before the birth date and 8 weeks afterward or 12 weeks in case of premature or multiple birth) if you subsequently submit a declaration of renunciation of the maternity protection time.
Further information and offers can be found on the following websites:
Parent-child rooms at FU Berlin
Financial support for household help and additional childcare is provided, for example, by the following foundation:
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Foundation
For pregnant women in emergency situations the Federal Foundation Mother and Child offers financial support.