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Standard Time to Completion

Regelbearbeitungszeit / Standard Time to Completion

Regelbearbeitungszeit / Standard Time to Completion
Image Credit: Marion Kuka

As a rule, the dissertation should be submitted within 3.5 years, but at the latest before the end of the standard time to completion (4 years). Please refer to your admission notification for the end of the standard time to completion.

If it is not possible to submit your dissertation within the four-year standard time to completion, an application for extension of the standard time to completion must be submitted to the doctoral office by e-mail with the subject "Application for an extension of the standard time to completion" four weeks before the end of the standard time to completion. The doctoral board decides on the extension.

If the reason for the extension of the standard time to completion is maternity leave or parental leave, please use the application for extension due to maternity leave and parental leave.

Course on good scientific practice

In accordance with Section 7 (7) PromO, you must provide proof of participation in a course on good scientific practice worth at least one credit point (or 2 full days or 16 work units of 45 minutes each). Proof must be provided by the end of the standard time to completion, but at the latest when the dissertation is submitted. However, we recommend attending the course at the beginning of the doctorate.

You can also attend several courses on the topic so that the total adds up to one credit point.

All courses on the topic of good scientific practice or research integrity offered by the FU Berlin (DRS, KowIn, Graduate Center, doctoral programs) or the other Berlin universities that are members of the Berlin University Alliance will be credited.

The obligation to provide proof applies to all doctoral candidates who submit their dissertation after March 31, 2026.

If you have any further questions about the courses offered and possible crediting of external courses, please contact the staff of the Graduate Center.

Change of supervisor

In the event that a change of your supervisor should take place, the application for a change of supervisor must be submitted immediately to the doctoral office. The doctoral board will check whether the application can be accepted. For advice please contact the Doctoral Degree Office.

Closure of the doctoral procedure

If you do not wish to continue your doctoral degree program at the FU Berlin, please submit an informal application to the doctoral office for the closure of the doctoral degree program.

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be found here.

Read on for the next topic: Writing the Thesis