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Overview Doctorate Procedure

Here you will find important information on the doctorate procedure after admission. For information on admission (registration for a doctoral degree program) please click here.

FU Membership and Enrollment

Is there a need to become a member of the FU Berlin? Is enrollment including the student ID card and the semester ticket necessary?

Standard Time to Completion

What is the standard time to completion for the doctoral degree program? What should I do if the standard time to completion can not be met? How can a change of supervisor take place?

Writing the Thesis

Is a monograph necessary or may a cumulative work also be submitted? What must be considered? What should be on the title page?

Submission of the Thesis

How many copies have to be submitted? What should be taken into account when submitting a cumulative thesis? Which forms are necessary for submitting the thesis?

Evaluation and Display Period

Who appoints the doctoral committee? How is the evaluation procedure organized? How long is the display period?

Defense of the Thesis

Who organizes the disputation? When should the disputation be announced? How many members of the doctoral committee must be present? How long does the disputation take?

Publication of the Thesis

When does the publication take place? Which kinds of publication are possible? Is the publication required for the award of the certificate?

Awarding of the Doctoral Degree

When can the title be used? When and where do I get the certificate?

Offer: Membership in the Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft

How can I stay in touch with my Alma Mater and the BCP department? How can I become a member of the Ernst-Reuter-Gesellschaft? What are the advantages?
