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Zulassung / Admission

Zulassung / Admission
Image Credit: Marion Kuka

Please note that the application for admission to the doctoral studies must be submitted at the beginning of your doctoral studies!

In order to apply for admisson to the doctoral degree program, please submit the following documents as one entire-PDF-file (file name: "Name_first name_application"), sorted in the order below, by e-mail with the subject "Application for admission"
to the doctoral office according to the doctoral subject responsibilities and first letter of your surname:

Biology + Pharmacy

A - Z

Chemistry + Biochemistry

A - L

Chemistry + Biochemistry

M - Z

Ms. Kerstin Reinsberg Ms. Isabell Franke  Ms. Lydia Alnajjar
prom1@bcp.fu-berlin.de prom2@bcp.fu-berlin.de  prom2@bcp.fu-berlin.de

When you are admitted to the doctoral degree program, you will be asked to present the originals of your transcripts of records and your certificates to the doctoral office during your standard time to completion or at the latest with thesis submission.

1) Identity card or Passport

2) Application for admission

ATTENTION! As of 1st of January 2023, only the application form with date "Stand October 2022" or younger will be accepted!

The supervisor = first reviewer is the person in whose working group you are working. For external doctoral candidates, the university professor from our department at the FU, whose primary employment is with the university, will act as your second reviewer.

In case your supervisor is not habilitated the following additional application according to Section 6.3 has to be submitted incl. a list of procedures already supervised, CV and a list of publications.

3) Working plan - signed by doctoral candidate + supervisor

Approx. 1 - 2 pages continuous text:
Description of the objectives and methods of the doctoral project   

4) Time schedule - signed by doctoral candidate + supervisor

Tabular representation of the chronological sequence up to thesis submission

5) Signed CV

6) Transcripts of records + Certificate of Highest Degree

In case of certificates, which are neither German nor English, a certified translation is requested.

    • Master (120 ECTS) or
    • Diploma or
    • 2nd State Examination Pharmacy or
    • 3rd State Examination Medicine / Veterinary Medicine or
    • another equivalent qualification 

7) Master's or final thesis as a PDF (for a degree obtained abroad) in a separate file

8) Transcripts of records + Certificate of Basic Studies

In case of certificates, which are neither German nor English, a certified translation is requested.

    • Bachelor (180 ECTS) or
    • 1st State Examination Pharmacy or
    • another equivalent qualification

9) Proof of the language skills
of the language in which the doctoral degree program is done

If the higher education qualification (Abitur) was not acquired in a German-speaking country, a language qualification (German DSH2 or English B2) must be provided on the basis of one of the following certificates. Please note that no other language certificates are accepted.

German: at least Level DSH-2
Only the following evidence will be accepted:

  • DSH-2 - Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang
  • Telc C1-Hochschule
  • C2-Zertifikat des Goethe-Instituts
  • DSD II - Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz
  • TestDaF mit mindestens Niveau 4 in allen vier Teilprüfungen
  • Feststellungsprüfung des Studienkollegs

English: at least Level B2
Only the following evidence will be accepted:

  • Cambridge Examinations:
    First Certificate (FCE = B2)
    Advanced (CAE = C1)
    Proficiency (CPE = C2)
  • IELTS: at least 5.5

  • TOEFL PBT or ITP: at least 543

  • TOEFL IBT: at least 72

  • UNIcert® II

  • Telc B2-Zertfikat

  • Pearson PTE Academic: at least 59

  • TOEIC: (all modules must be completed)
    Listening and Reading Test: at least 785 +
    Speaking Test: at least 160 +
    Writing Test: at least 150

  • If you have an academic degree where the language of instruction was English and if you provide us with a proper confirmation, this can also be accepted as proof of English language proficiency at level B2.

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be found here.

Read on for the next topic: FU Membership and Enrollment