Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
FAQ | Doctoral degree program registration (Admission)
You are only entitled to submit a dissertation to the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy once you have been admitted. For externally supervised students, this is also linked to the necessary commitment of a professor from our department, whose primary employment is with the university, as a second reviewer; capacities are generally limited here. If you do not fulfil the admission requirements according to § 3 of the doctoral regulations, in many cases conditions must still be fulfilled, such as attendance of courses, knowledge level examinations, etc., for which it is again necessary that there is still a corresponding remaining period of the standard time to completion.
FAQ | Standard time to completion
FAQ | Writing of the thesis
The cover page must be in the same language as the dissertation.
You can find the template for this here.
FAQ | Submission of the thesis
Please inform us about 10 days before the planned submission what the final title of the dissertation will be. This does not have to be the registered title, the registration is only a provisional working title, which can be changed or optimised without further application. Since this final title is entered into the database and will be queried later for the preparation of the certificate, no further changes may be made afterwards! In addition, please tell us the names of the two reviewers and whether your dissertation is a monograph or a cumulative dissertation.
FAQ | Disputation
No, this is not possible. The supervisor may submit suggestions (by email) before the thesis is submitted. These will be submitted to the doctoral board. If no proposal is received, the doctoral board will appoint a doctoral committee.
Hybrid in 2 separate rooms
Only you and the chairperson are present on site, but physically separated in an FU video conference room and the adjoining room - all other doctoral committee members and any audience are connected via Webex.
Hybrid in one room
You and the chairperson are present in the same room - all other doctoral committee members and any guests can choose to attend online or in person in the same room.
Online-only format
You and all doctoral committee members connect via Webex.
Attendance-only format
You, all doctoral committee members and any guests are in the same room.
No one is connected online and there is no streaming.
In any case, the doctoral committee must agree to the choice of format in advance!
The doctoral committee consists of
- the two reviewers
- two further university lecturers (professors or private lecturers)
- one academic staff member with a doctorate (employed at the FU Berlin)
The doctoral committee should include at least two full-time professors from the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy.
It should not include more than one university lecturer who has been retired.
The majority of the committee members must belong to the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy.
For the group of university lecturers and the academic staff member with a doctorate, a substitute member is appointed.
The substitutes of your doctoral committee (one substitute for the university lecturers and one for the academic staff) will stand in if a member of your doctoral committee is unable to attend at very short notice (e.g. due to illness).
Since your defense can only take place with a complete doctoral committee (4 professors and 1 academic staff member), substitutes should always be named by the day of the defense.