Info Event Series | Doctoral Studies at the BCP Department
The Graduate Center at the BCP department is organizing an information event series for doctoral candidates at the department. Once a month, the focus will be on a specific topic related to doctoral studies at the department, with a short input and the opportunity to ask questions.
Join the online meeting, gather some information and ask your questions!
You don't have time, but still have questions or need advice?
Feel free to contact us with questions about doctoral studies of any kind!
This info event deals with the topic of writing the thesis:
- Is a monograph necessary or may a cumulative work also be submitted?
- What must be considered when writing a cumulative thesis?
- What are the requirements for a cumulative thesis?
- What should be on the title page? Is there a template?
- In which languages can I write the dissertation?
- Can unpublished publications (in preparation, submitted) also be included in the cumulative dissertation?
- ...
This info event deals with the topic of standard time to completion in general:
- What is the standard time to completion?
- How long does it last?
- How can it be extended?
- Until when is enrollment compulsory?
- Which requirements (e.g. course on good scientific practice) do I have to fulfill during the doctoral studies?
- Which courses will be accepted?
- What do I have to do if I want to change universities?
Related Links
- Contact
- FU Membership and Enrollment
- Standard Time to Completion
- Dahlem Research School | Research Integrity Overview
- Dahlem Research School | Research Integrity Courses
Webex link:
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Meeting Passwort: 7MaPbJJu95w (76272558 beim Einwählen von einem Telefon oder Videosystem)
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+49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll
+49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2
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Sie können auch wählen und Ihre Meeting-Nummer eingeben. Meeting-Kennnummer (Zugriffscode): 2795 463 0752
Meeting Passwort: 7MaPbJJu95w (76272558 beim Einwählen von einem Telefon oder Videosystem)
Hier tippen, um mit Mobilgerät beizutreten (nur für Teilnehmer)
+49-619-6781-9736,,27954630752#76272558# Germany Toll
+49-89-95467578,,27954630752#76272558# Germany Toll 2
Auf manchen Mobilgeräten müssen die Teilnehmer ein numerisches Passwort eingeben.
Über Telefon beitreten
+49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll
+49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2
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