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Studying abroad, Erasmus representative for chemistry

If you intend to study abroad during your studies, please plan that as soon as possible. Most programs have a long lead time. For example, if you want to spend a semester abroad in the third semester of your degree program, then you should start planning and organizing that in your first semester. Usually, there is an information event in the first weeks of the winter term, presenting the various options and contact persons.

The  Erasmus+ program is one of many options to study a semester or a whole year at a university within europe and have the completed courses credited at Freie Universität. In contrast to other programs, a semester abroad with Erasmus+ is relatively easy to organize. You can choose form a large number of universities that have a contract of exchange with the FU.

You can find an overview of the partner universities in the partnership database. You can find other students reports of their experiences here, too.

If you have any questions, you can turn to the Erasmus representative for chemistry, Prof. Dr. Kevin Pagel, or the Erasmus representative of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy, Rafaela Münch.

Contact: erasmus@bcp.fu-berlin.de