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Research Groups

Kollegium Biochemie

Kollegium Biochemie
Image Credit: Clemens Langner

The Department of Biochemistry at the Freie Universität Berlin consists of ten research groups with the focus on mRNA Translation and Turnover (Absmeier Lab), Membrane Trafficking (Bottanelli Lab), RNA Metabolism (Chakrabarti Lab), Membrane Biochemistry (Ewers Lab), Protein Biochemistry (Freund Lab), RNA Dynamics (Herzel Lab), RNA Biochemistry (Heyd Lab),Signal Transduction (Knaus Lab), Biochemistry and Genetics (Stricker Lab) and Structural Biochemistry (Wahl Lab).

The Department cooperates through associated faculty, special chairs, extraordinary, honorary and coopted professorships with local, national and international research groups at universities and other research institutions (see Associated Groups)