The Master's program in Chemistry
The Master's program in Chemistry at FU Berlin consists of 5 fields of studies and your final examination, the Master's thesis.
It is entirely up to you, when to take which classes. Just do as you like :-)
Cumpolsory Elective field
- 30 credit points in total
- You must take two classes each in organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry (each worth 5 credit points).
- There are four classes offered per subject, with two in the winter term and two in the summer term. For details check the course catalogue.
Cross-Topic field
- 5 credit points in total
- You can choose from two classes (each worth 5 credit points): "Teaching in Chemistry" (predominantly for German-language students) or "Scientific Talks and Presentations in Chemistry"
Project field
- 20-30 credit points in total
- You must complete research projects with at least two different research groups and at least 15 credit points in organic, inorganic, or physical chemistry.
- A research project consists of the practical lab work, participation in the group's weekly seminar, and a final research report. Reserach projects are offered for a length of 4 weeks (5 credit points), 8 weeks (10 credit points), and 12 weeks (15 credit points).
- You can complete a research project with any research group from our institute, or with research groups from other universities or other scientific research institutions. The research projects can be completed throughout the entire semester including the lecture-free periods in August, September, and March.
Often times, it is a lot of effort for the research groups to offer a research project or a Master's thesis:
defining a topic,
ensuring supervision,
acquiring necessary chemicals or other ressources needed,
in particular to provide a workplace with an opportunity to do the experiments and to record the results.
It may happen that there are more applicants than workplaces in a specific group. This may result in waiting time. Therefore, it is benefitial to apply for a research project early on. For your master thesis you should apply 6 months before you would like to start.
Specialization field
- 5-20 credit points in total
- You can choose from various subjects, including: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, environmental chemistry & sustainability, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, ...
- Various classes (each worth 5 credit points) are offered every semester. For details check the course catalogue.
Elective field
- 15-20 credit points in total
- You can choose from various subjects of your interest, for example: analytical quality assurance, bioinformatics, biology, patent law, German Language classes for foreign students, Advanced English Language classes, toxicology, mathematics, physics, computer science, environmental technologies, ...
- There is also the class "Modern Aspects of Chemistry": for that you need to visit two lectures or seminars of your choice, specializing in various aspects relevant for chemists. For details check the course catalogue.
Master's thesis
- 30 credit points
- The Master's thesis covers a whole semester and can be completed with any research group from our institute, or with research groups from other universities or other scientific research institutions.
You've completed your Master's program once you collected 120 credit points and completed your Master's thesis.
Below, you can find a short fact sheet with all the information above compiled.