News 10/24 // Berlin Science Week / Career Talks / Conferences / Courses / Information Websites / PhD Rally cancelled / (online) Workshops
Oct 08, 2024
Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural & Life Sciences // Oct 10, 5 – 6 pm
Looking for career options after your doctorate? And not sure what is “out there”? With the series "Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural and Life Sciences", we would like to offer an opportunity for interactive and informal exchange about career-related topics. You will meet former PhD candidates who will share with you their experiences including ups and downs looking for a job. PhD holders from academia, industry, science communication, politics, public and health sectors, education and more will show you the broad range of potential careers after a doctorate and give you inspiration for future career choices. We will have plenty of time after each talk for questions, discussion and networking.
Dr. Sofia Helena Zanella Carra , will be our guest. Sofia Helena completed her doctorate in agricultural sciences at the Faculty of Life Sciences, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and now works as Senior Analyst at the Sustainable Finance Think Tank Climate & Company.
All information and the meeting link can be found on this website.
Research Integrity Workshop // Oct 21 – 22
The next Research Integrity Workshop of the CRC/TRR227 will be held October 21-22, 2024 in Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin. There are still a few free places available.
You will get knowledge of
- the principles and rules of Good Reserarch Practice (GRP)
- the most important forms of scientific misconduct
- the relevant regulations and the support and complaints structures.
Ability to apply this knowledge in one's own research context, i.e. to behave with integrity; awareness of conflicts related to research misconduct and normative aspects of research.
Case studies will be analyzed and discussed and tasks assigned for group work. Participants will receive comprehensve information after the workshop.
More information and registration:
Career Planning for (International) Doctoral Researchers in Natural and Life Sciences // Oct 22, 25, 29 & Nov 5 // Registration until Oct 13
Trainer: Dr. Iris Köhler
Dates: 22, 25, 29 October and 05 November (each from 9 - 11 am)
Format: Online workshop (see dates) as well as self-study on the Career Academy online course platform
Target group: (International) doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences; there are some places reserved for (international) doctoral candidates of the BCP department at FU Berlin
Course language: English
Course description:
The majority of people with a PhD does not stay in academia, but pursues careers in a variety of fields. There are many different career paths open to young scientists. However, it is often difficult for them to decide which path to take, or there is a lack of clarity about the requirements for a particular path.
For international doctoral researchers, navigating the German job market adds unique challenges, such as understanding local hiring practices and addressing language barriers. This course covers these aspects and offers practical advice on how to overcome these obstacles.
Information and Registration:
Workshop “Thriving Together: Peer Coaching for Doctoral Researchers” // Nov 7 // Registration until Oct 24
Trainer: Dr. Mechthild von Vacano
Date: 07 November 2024, 9 am - 5 pm
Format: In presence in Berlin (Mitte)
Target group: Doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Life Sciences, there are some places reserved for doctoral candidates of the BCP department at FU Berlin
Course language: English
In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to network intensively with other international doctoral candidates, reflect on your doctoral process and identify current challenges. At the end of the workshop, you will be invited to form peer coaching groups that can meet regularly after the workshop.
What can you expect?
- Reflection exercises: Together you will reflect on your experiences and challenges in your doctorate.
- Setting goals: You will formulate concrete goals for the coming semester.
- Peer coaching: You will familiarise yourself with the concept of ‘Success Teams’ according to Barbara Sher. This approach offers you a structured framework to track your progress together and support each other in a confidential setting.
Information and Registration:
Git Crash-Course by Dr. Selina Baldauf// Nov 18, 19 & 25
Learning to use Git is an essential skill if you use any programming language. It allows you to keep track of changes to your project over time, collaborate with others, and maintain a clear and organized project structure.
The main goal of this crash-course is to give you the basic skills you need to start using Git for your own research projects both individually and in collaboration with your colleagues. You will learn a complete Git workflow including remote repositories on Github both in theory and practice.
Who is the course for? Doctoral researchers registered at the BCP department, Postdoctoral researchers at the BCP department
When? Monday, 18 November, to Tuesday, 19 November 2024, 2 – 4 pm; follow-up meeting on Monday, 25 November 2024 (2 -3pm)
Where? Webex Online Course (Please note that a video camera and a microphone are necessary for this course.)
Registration: Please register by 4 November, 2025 via this website
Dahlem Research School (DRS) Workshops & Open Door Talks
Date: October 9, 9.30 am – 3 pm
Venue: Rostlaube, KL 32/102
Date: October 10, 2–4 pm
Venue: online
KICK OFF YOUR DOCTORATE (in the first six month of your doctorate)
Date: November 25-27, 2024
Venue: Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam
Further information:
ERFOLGREICH IN DIE PROMOTION (in den ersten sechs Monaten der Promotion)
Date: November 27-29, 2024
Venue: Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam
Further information:
Date: November 21, 9–12.30 pm
Venue: Dahlem Research School; Hittorfstr. 16, 14195 Berlin
New website for information on Counseling, Advising, and Support Services at Freie Universität Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin offers a wide range of support options that can help you in various work contexts as well as in private life or crisis situations. You can now find suitable contact points and available counseling services on a new website:
Berlin University Alliance (BUA) – Graduate Studies Support Program Website
New website for you: the Graduate Studies Support offers of the BUA partner institutions, open to all doctoral researchers of FUB, HUB, TUB and Charité, are united in one list:!
Here you can find offers on the themes
- Introduction / Kick off
- Good Science
- Academic Writing & Publishing
- Mental Health, and
- Career.
There is also a workshop list that gives you a good overview in table format with title, link, date, language and venue.
Humboldt Graduate School (HGS) workshops
To access the registration links and detailed workshop descriptions, please click on the headlines. Please be advised that the registration links will direct you to our new registration software. Once you have created an account, you will be able to use it for the duration of your doctoral studies.
Please note that you must first register for the software. We will then contact your coordinator office to confirm your membership in the programme. Once your account has been activated, you will receive an email. You will then be able to register for our workshops.
It is possible to sign up for a workshop even if it is fully booked. You will then be put you on our waiting list, and will hear from us should a place become available.
Some workshops are conducted online, while others are held in person at Humboldt Graduate School. Please note the format of each workshop in the description. Should a workshop that has been advertised as in person be relocated to an online classroom, we will inform you in a timely manner.
Offen für alle Promovierenden der Berlin University Alliance
Trainerin: Dr. Torsten Rother
Datum: 10–11/10/2024, 09:00–16:00
Format: Online
Sprache: Deutsch
Become Your Own Time Manager
Open to doctoral candidates of the Humboldt University of Berlin
Trainer: Dr. Sina Saladin
Dates: 15-16/10/2024, 09:00–13:00
Format: Online
Language: English
Promotion im Griff: Strategien für den erfolgreichen Abschluss
Offen für alle Promovierenden der Berlin University Alliance
Trainerin: Dr. Olaf Hars
Datum: 16/10/2024, 09:00–16:30
Format: Online
Sprache: Deutsch
Good Scientific Practice (Natural & Life Science)
Open to doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Dr. Peter Schröder
Dates: 17/10/2024, 10:00–17:00
Format: Online
Language: English
Effizienter und (plagiats-)sicherer Umgang mit Fachliteratur
Offen für alle Promovierenden der Berlin University Alliance
Trainerin: Dr. Ulrike Lange
Datum: 18/10/2024, 09:30–17:00
Format: Präsenz
Sprache: Deutsch
Open to doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Millie Baker
Dates: 04-05/11/2024, 09:00–17:00
Format: In Person
Language: English
Research Integrity
Open to doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Katarzyna Biernacka
Dates: 08/11/2024, 09:00–15:00
Format: Online
Language: English
Make the Most of Your Online Application
Open to doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance
Trainer: Dr. Eva Reichmann
Dates: 12/11/2024, 09:00–13:30
Format: Online
Language: English
Promotion erfolgreich beginnen und durchführen
Offen für alle Promovierenden der Berlin University Alliance
Trainerin: Dr. Olaf Hars
Datum: 14/11/2024, 09:00–16:30
Format: Online
Sprache: Deutsch
Graduate Center Adlershof (GCA) workshops
17.10.2024, 09:30-17:00
Conflict Management: Constructively managing conflicts in science
Venue: Humboldt-Kabinett, Rudower Chaussee 25
Conflicts in research organisations can be manifold: between members of different status groups, the delimitation of one‘s own research interests, dealing with competitive situations or the negotiation of working conditions. The formal and informal interdependency between conflict parties also plays an important role.
How to develop a clear, goal-oriented conflict behaviour that at the same time is respectful? This workshop challenges popular views of conflict and presents a positive understanding of conflictive processes. It brings participants in contact with their already existing resources for conflict solving and shows how to use these actively to influence difficult situations positively. Furthermore, it is discussed how to address conflicts in a constructive manner and how to communicate and act professional when in conflict. The workshop provides a platform to discuss and try out different strategies taking examples and individual experiences of the participants into account.
22.10.2024, 14:00-16:00
Online Workshop Series „Writing a PhD in science“
#1 Publishing in Nature Portfolio journals
The talk “Publishing in Nature Portfolio journals” will be held by Dr. Silvia Conti, one of the editors of Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering, and is intended to cover the essential aspects of scientific writing and publishing with a strong emphasis on Nature journal standards and best practices. The presentation will provide the opportunity to learn about the Nature family of journals and its hierarchy. We will touch upon the editorial criteria, content types and peer-review process. Finally, the key strategies for writing a scientific publication will be presented with the emphasis on the differences between the publication process in Nature Reviews and Nature Research journals.
Idea Challenge: 100 to 100 by Science & Startups
New molecules? Innovations in social, health or environmental issues? Groundbreaking ideas to combat climate change? New ideas for cultural projects and education? We welcome all ideas that emerge at Berlin's universities. Send us your 100 words to make the world a better place - and you will automatically be entered into the prize draw. We evaluate the entries every month and transfer €100 to each of our 5 favorites. An extra bonus: The best ideas will be presented to a larger audience and awarded at the end of the year.
For application, please send the attached contact form to or register here
Journal Club Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation – DRIVERS // Nov 4
The Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS)* meets online on the first Monday of every month at 11:00 a.m. to critically discuss selected literature on diversity and RRI, paying particular attention to how these topics intersect, and to the role of research assessment and its reform.
Jointly led by colleagues from NeuroCure, the Einstein Center for Neurosciences (ECN), the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), and the BIH QUEST Center, DRIVERS brings multiple perspectives to the discussion.
We warmly invite you to join us and contribute your views! We strongly recommend that participants read the paper in advance. Those who regularly participate in the Journal Club can receive a certificate of participation. Please contact us for further information:
Next Meeting: Nov. 4 - Peer Review Perpetuates Barriers for Historically Excluded Groups, O.M. Smith, et al.
Forum Junge Spitzenforschung Science Competition // Nov 19 // Application until Oct 27
Once a year, the Stiftung Industrieforschung and the Berlin universities look for young scientists with original and practically relevant ideas and approaches to solutions that have emerged from their innovative basic research as part of the "Forum Junge Spitzenforschung" science competition. This year, the focus is on „Food & Nutrients“.
We search for innovative ideas from young researchers that, for example, target the agricultural sector as a major producer of climate-damaging emissions or open up urban areas for agriculture. Whether excellent research is a basis for future innovations to ensure healthy nutrition or contributes to the prevention of nutrition-related illness - across all sections of the population and/or in crisis situations. Application ideas that focus on animal welfare in the production of milk, eggs and meat or that keep agricultural soils and groundwater healthy and clean for future generations. Fresh ideas from researchers for innovations in the value chain, in (refrigerated) storage or at the point of sale, so that food reaches us healthy and tasty. More secure and sustainable food thanks to microbiome research or the optimisation of yields and nutrient content through innovative systems and the integration of new technologies. Research in the field of Food & Nutrients lays the foundation for us to better meet the global challenges of our time.
Apply now with your application idea and win up to € 12,000! ( till 27th Oktober 2024!!!
Future WINS: Cross-sections and interfaces in science, careers and communication // Nov 21 & 22 // Registration until Oct 30
The upcoming edition of Future WINS will look into the exciting developments occurring at the interfaces between different fields. In today's rapidly changing world, disruptive innovation often happens where disciplines intersect.
Future WINS will explore three topics:
- Interdisciplinary Innovation: Explore how combining knowledge from different areas leads to creativity and breakthroughs
- Inspiring Career Paths: Discover how diverse experiences and transitioning between fields can contribute to personal growth and open up unique opportunities
- Effective Communication: Learn why clear communication is essential for collaborating successfully and connecting to a wide audience
Future WINS will bring together a community of natural scientists and put the spotlight on interdisciplinary challenges, in particular in the fields of energy research, environmental and material sciences. The aim of this biannual event is to empower and give visibility to excellent early career researchers mainly. As experts in their fields they will act as role models and thus inspire participants with their unique career path.
Join Future WINS for an opportunity to:
- Present your research with a poster and win a poster prize
- Participate in an interactive workshop
- Connect to like-minded scientists and get inspired
Future WINS is free of charge and open to participants of all genders and career levels!
Date: 21 & 22. November, 2024
Venue: Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum, Lecture Hall 0’101 + Foyer, Rudower Chaussee 26, 12489 Berlin Adlershof
Registration deadline: October 30th.
For more information and registration please visit the conference website.
Berlin Science Week // Nov 1 – 10
Every year Berlin Science Week transforms the city into a vibrant festival of scientific ideas, exploration and experimentation. This year’s Berlin Science Week theme, Common Ground, is more relevant than ever. In a year marked by elections and increasing concerns about misinformation and polarisation, you are invited to step out of your echo chamber, challenge your preconceptions and embrace new perspectives.
Over the course of 10 days, a lively program of over 300 events will be offered in the two dynamic festival hubs as well as at various other venues in the city and online.
Find more information and the full program here.
1st UNITE Conference on “Understanding and Targeting Resistance in Glioblastoma” // May 14 – 15, 2025
Dear all,
We are excited to announce the upcoming 1st UNITE Conference, focused on "UNDERSTANDING AND TARGETING RESISTANCE IN GLIOBLASTOMA" which will take place on May 14th and 15th, 2025, at the DKFZ Communication Center in Heidelberg, Germany.
This conference offers a unique opportunity to share the current state of glioblastoma research with a special focus on the latest promising approaches to overcoming treatment resistance. Leading international experts will present their insights and engage in discussions on innovative strategies to address these challenges. The event will feature keynote presentations as well as oral and poster presentations from outstanding researchers in the field of Neuro-Oncology.
Please find the attached "Save the Date" flyer, which you are welcome to share with your colleagues or your group who may be interested in attending.
Best regards,
The UNITE Conference Organizing Committee