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Graduate Center News 02/25

Feb 05, 2025


Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural & Life Sciences //  Feb 13, 5 – 6 pm


Looking for career options after your doctorate? And not sure what is “out there”? With the series "Career Perspectives with a PhD in Natural and Life Sciences", we would like to offer an opportunity for interactive and informal exchange about career-related topics.


Dr. Markus Thunecke, senior partner and co-founder of Catenion, will be our guest. Markus did his diploma in Biochemistry at FU Berlin and completed his doctorate at the Ruprecht Karls University, Heidelberg in 1997. Markus started his consulting career in 1997 at Mercer Management Consulting (now Oliver Wyman) before joining a strategy consulting boutique, Theron, and setting up Catenion in 2003. Catenion is a science-driven strategy consulting firm with an exclusive focus on the biopharma industry.


Benefit from Markus´ great expertise and join the next meeting. All information and the meeting link can be found on this website.



Online Workshop “Introduction to data analysis with R” // March 3 – 4 + 10 – 11


Course offer by the Graduate Center: This workshop offers an introduction to data analysis with R.

The workshop's main goal is to equip you with essential R skills for analyzing your own research data, covering data processing and visualization.


Who is the course for? Doctoral researchers registered at the BCP department, Postdoctoral researchers at the BCP department

When?                             March 3 - 4 March, March 10 - 11 (Attention! This is the correct date! We had a wrong date in the News 01/25), 9 am – 4 pm; plus optional day March 17, 9 am – 12 pm

Where?                            Webex Online Course (Please note that a video camera and a microphone are necessary for this course.)

Registration:                   Please register by February 19 via this website.



Symposium/Fachtag “Gender, Diversity & Career Development” // Feb 17


*Monday* 17.02.2025 | 9 AM – 5 PM

FU Berlin | SupraFAB | Altensteinstr. 23a | 14195 Berlin


The following questions will be addressed in the workshops:

  • How can I communicate effectively in hierarchical contexts? How to shape a successful cooperation with my supervisors and PIs amidst tight deadlines, conflicting demands, or high publication expectations?
  • How can I apply different AI tools for various tasks in my research projects? How how can I identify and inhibit potential bias in AI? What are special challenges using AI in a gender and diversity reflected way?
  • What does good scientific practice mean in the Context of Power Dynamics in Science? Which structures can I recognize and how to deal with hierarchies in academia, publication pressure, competition, and exclusion?

For further information please see here!

You can get credit points for your IRTG’s curriculum (good scientific practice, research integrity, and diversity).

Please send an e- mail to Dr. Sarah Huch with mention of the chosen workshops (gender-diversityCRC1449@bcp.fu-berlin.de)



Info series: Doctoral studies at the BCP department // Feb 28, 11 am – 12 pm


The Graduate Center at the BCP department is organizing a new information series for doctoral candidates at the department. Once a month, the focus will be on a specific topic related to doctoral studies at the department, with a short input and the opportunity to ask questions.


The first info event deals with the topic of standard time to completion in general:

What is the standard time to completion? How long does it last? How can it be extended? Which requirements (e.g. course on good scientific practice) do I have to fulfill during the doctoral studies? What do I have to do if I want to change universities?


Further information and the Webex link: https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/graduiertenzentrum/termine/infoveranstaltungen/20250228-infoseries.html



Workshop “Gender and Diversity-conscious Teaching in Science” // March 10


In this workshop, you will deal with various dimensions of gender- and diversity-conscious teaching, such as methods, communication, teaching content and framework conditions, and learn about important principles for good teaching. In doing so, we follow a concept of diversity that strengthens anti-discrimination as a perspective. You will be informed about the legal foundations, regulations and counseling services at Freie Universität that provide the framework for the implementation of diversity and anti-discrimination.


The workshop will take place on Monday, March 10, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in the seminar room A.006 at Arnimallee 22. Your trainers are Dr. Jana Gerlach, staff member of "Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching", and Dr. Alette Winter, diversity contact person at the BCP Dept. The workshop is held in English. A workshop description can be found here.


Registration can be made by February 18, 2025.



Going Abroad! Funding opportunities for doctoral researchers // March 19


Are you interested in funding opportunities for a research stay abroad? Or would you like to gain experience as a lecturer abroad?

Then you should visit this info event organized by the Erasmus Coordinator and the Graduate Center at BCP dept. in collaboration with the Division of International Affairs on:

Wednesday, March 19, 2024, 4 – 5.15 pm online via Webex


Afterwards there will be the opportunity to ask individual questions.

Please register for this event by sending an e-mail to erasmus@bcp.fu-berlin.de by March 12, 2025 to receive the Webex link.



Re-registration period // Deadline: Feb 14


For re-registration, every student will receive a re-registration reminder approximately four weeks before the end of the re-registration period (last Friday of the lecture period) exclusively by e-mail to the FU / Zedat address.

Further information: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/studieren/studienorganisation/rueckmeldung/index.html


Registration renewal for 2025 summer semester: Final deadline February 14, 2025



Dahlem Research School (DRS) Workshops & Open Door Talks


"What's Next, Doc?"

Date: 12. February 2025, 2 pm

Venue: in presence @DRS

Registration: https://www.drs.fu-berlin.de/en/node/102817



DRS Award for Excellent Supervision


All doctoral researchers at Freie Universität Berlin are warmly invited to nominate their supervisor for the DRS Award for Excellent Supervision. The nomination must be for a professor of Freie Universität Berlin.

Nominations are accepted if you have submitted your dissertation in the current academic year.The selection phases cover the period from October 1 of one year to September 30 of the following year.


How to participate:

  1. Visit our portal www.drs.fu-berlin.de.
  2. Register or log in.
  3. Click on the link under "DRS Award for Excellent Supervision" and fill out the form.


The awardees will be selected from anonymized submissions by a panel of doctoral researchers and DRS staff, and notified in December. The prize, amounting to 2,000 Euro, will be dedicated to further supporting doctoral researchers.



Una Europa Summer School 2025 Sustainable Food Systems” // June 2 – 6, 2025


What is it about?

The University of Helsinki is organizing a Una Europa Summer School on the topic of "Sustainable Food Systems" which will take place from 2-6 June 2025 in Helsinki. Researchers from Una Europa partner universities will offer lectures, workshops, and field trips for doctoral researchers. The topic of "protein transition" will be a thematic focus of the summer school. There will be preparatory online meetings at the beginning of May.

What is in it for me?

PhD students and doctoral researchers from FU Berlin and Una Europa partner universities can exchange ideas on topics related to sustainability and food systems. Applications to the Summer School will open in the first week of February. Costs for travel to and accommodation/support during the summer school will be funded through Erasmus. The number of spots for this funding are limited. A participation through self-funding can be eligible and has to be evaluated on a on a case-by-case basis. English level B2 is recommended.

How does it work?

Applications are coordinated centrally by the University of Helsinki. Applications are open until March 3, 2025. Information on the Una Europa Summer School and the application process can be found here: Una Europa Summer School 2025 for doctoral researchers: Sustainable Food Systems | Una Europa



Humboldt Graduate School (HGS) & BUA workshops


Research Data Management

Open to all doctoral students of the Berlin University Alliance

Trainers: Dr.-Ing. Fadwa Alshawaf, Anja Herwig
Dates: 12/02/2025, 10:00–12:00
Location: online
Language: English

Data Publishing

Open to all doctoral students of the Berlin University Alliance

Trainers: Dr.-Ing. Fadwa Alshawaf, Anja Herwig
Dates: 12/02/2025, 13:00–14:00
Location: online
Language: English

Glück Ahoi – Gestärkt und gesund durch die Promotion

Offen für alle Promovierenden der Berlin University Alliance

Die Mental Health Days unterstützen Promovierende bei der Stärkung der Resilienz und psychischen Gesundheit. Gemeinsam arbeiten Sie an Ihrem persönlichen Mindset. Sie identifizieren Energieräuber, mobilisieren Ressourcen und lernen alltagstaugliche Entspannungsübungen kennen.

Daten: 02. & 03.04.2025, 09:30-17:30 + 15.05.2025, 14:00-17:00
Ort: Umwelt-Bildungszentrum Berlin, Kladower Damm 57, 14089 Berlin
Sprache: Deutsch


Happiness Ahoy – Strengthened and healthy through the doctoral thesis

Open to all doctoral students of the Berlin University Alliance

The Mental Health Days support PhD candidates in strengthening their resilience and mental health. Together you will work on your personal mindset. You identify energy thieves, mobilize resources and learn relaxation exercises suitable for everyday life.

Dates: 02 & 03/04/2025, 09:30-17:30 + 12/05/2025, 09:30-12:30
Location: Umwelt-Bildungszentrum Berlin, Kladower Damm 57, 14089 Berlin
Language: English


Kick Off Your Doctorate - Erfolgreich in die Promotion: Retreat für neue Promovierende (DE)

Offen für alle Promovierenden der Berlin University Alliance

Das Kick-Off Event ist eine Präsenz-Veranstaltung für Promovierende der Berlin University Alliance, die am Anfang ihrer Promotion stehen. Begleitet von erfahrenen Trainer*innen lernen die Promovierenden wichtige Werkzeuge kennen, die ihnen helfen, sich gut zu organisieren. Den Kern des Events stellen Impulsworkshops, praktische Übungen und Netzwerkaktivitäten dar.

Daten: 24.-26.03.2025
Ort: Hotel & Spa Sommerfeld
Sprache: Deutsch


Kick Off Your Doctorate: Retreat for new doctoral students (EN)

Open to doctoral candidates of the Berlin University Alliance

In-person event for doctoral researchers starting their doctorate in Berlin, the Berlin University Alliance offers a three-day retreat. Accompanied by experienced trainers, a selection of important tools will be tested in exercises and opportunities will be shown to explore these in greater depth across institutions in further follow-up workshops. Group-building activities form the core of the event, making the kick off a valuable networking event.

Dates: 26-28/03/2025
Location: Hotel & Spa Sommerfeld
Language: English



Young Entrepreneurs in Science (YES) workshops


“Your Entrepreneurial Empowerment Journey – FLINTA* only” 14.02.2025, 10:00 - 12:30 Uhr. Registration: https://apply.falling-walls.com/yes/workshop/your-entrepreneurial-empowerment-journey-flinta-14-02-25/apply/


“Navigating Conflicts” 21.02.2025  10:00 - 12:30 Uhr. Registration: https://apply.falling-walls.com/yes/workshop/navigating-conflicts-21-02-25/apply/


„Your Entrepreneurial Career“ 11.03.2025, 2 pm – 4:30 pm. Registration: https://apply.falling-walls.com/yes/workshop/your-entrepreneurial-career-for-life-sciences-11-03-25/apply/



VBIO Berufsfeld Infoabend // Feb 5


Coordinating Research, Feb 5, 2025, 6 pm, in English

Research projects in the field of life sciences require sophisticated organization and coordination. Professionals in this role play a central role in the management of research consortia or institutes, ensuring that researchers have the structural resources and training required for project goals and developing a culture of collaboration and connectedness with attention to superordinate scientific values such as open discourse, research integrity and diversity. The speakers are Dr. Svenja Rühland (Scientific coordinator and coordinator of the ZIBI Graduate School, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin) and Dr. Elizabeth Schroeder-Reiter (Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) graduate program coordinator and gender/diversity coordinator, Biomedical Center, LMU Munich).


Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JoxH1b3UTZWfH2YRD1A_qg#/registration



Open Data Seminar // starting Feb 11


This seminar (5 dates) provides an overview of making data freely available (open data) and the subsequent use of such data. It consists of a mixture of lectures and practical exercises in the group and on the PC.

The workshop will answer the following questions:

  • What is open data and why is it important to share data?
  • How do I choose a suitable repository for archiving?
  • How do I ensure that my data is easy to find and accessible?
  • How do I ensure that my data are also re-usable in the long term?
  • How do I search for useful data sets and how do I quote them? 


The workshop is intended for all-qualification-level researchers. No prior knowledge of open data is required. More information and registration here.



BIONNALE “Speed Lecture Award” // May 14 / Application until Feb 6


Attention young researchers and developers! 
Are you able to present your life science discovery in 3 minutes in creative and entertaining way? 
Then apply for pitching at our Speed Lecture Award final at BIONNALE on May 14 in Berlin, win a pitch coaching and prize money. 
Apply until Feb 06 here: HERE


The Speed Lecture Award has been initiated and is supported by the healthcare industries cluster Berlin-Brandenburg – HealthCapital #HealthCapitalBB and the German Association of Research–based Pharmaceuticals, vfa.



Call for Speakers: Soapbox Science // Deadline: Feb 21

Are you a woman*, gender queer or non-binary person in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) and passionate about your science? Have you been waiting for that perfect opportunity to talk to people about your work? Then Soapbox Science Berlin is waiting for you. Apply now to be one of our 12 speakers at our event June 15th, 2025.

Soapbox Science is a public outreach platform and our events transform public areas into an arena for public learning and scientific debate. Further, we explicitly engage women* as we want to promote their visibility in science. Find out more about Soapbox Science Berlin.