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News 04/24 // P2P Mentoring / UB Seminare / Supervision Offer / ReThink3R / PRIME / Friday Light Talks / Campus Run / Workshop "Nanotechnologies" / Una Europa Funding

Apr 02, 2024



Postdoc-2-PhD Mentoring Program // Application deadline: April 12


Joint mentoring program for postdocs and doctoral researchers at MDC, FMP and FU BCP. We are still looking for postdocs to join the program!


Our mission is to improve research through the development of early career scientists by creating a safe and confidential environment for peer-to-peer mentoring, improving academic mentoring by teaching young researchers mentoring skills, developing lifelong mentoring relationships and helping participants create an individual development plan for their professional future.


Mentoring pairs consist of 1 postdoc-mentor and 1 mentee, who meet monthly over the course of six months. The program represents a unique opportunity for postdocs to gain new skills via training opportunities and practical experience. Mentoring is an important skill for all postdocs looking to advance to the next stage of their careers.


More information and registration



Info-Veranstaltungen der Universitätsbibliothek


Akademisches Identitätsmanagement mit ORCID. Vorteile der ORCID iD für Forschende

25.04.2024 | 10:00 - 11:30

Die Veranstaltung vermittelt den Einstieg in die Nutzung von ORCID und informiert über Vorteile der ORCID iD für Forschende.

Information und Anmeldung


Das FU-Wikisystem „Confluence“ als Arbeitsplattform für Forschende

07.05.2024 | 10:00 - 11:30

Im Rahmen universitärer Forschung helfen kollaborative Online-Tools, Arbeitsprozesse und Projekte unkompliziert zu verwirklichen. Das FU-Wikisystem „Confluence“ unterstützt Forschende, gemeinsam mit Kolleg*innen (auch FU-Externe!) Texte zu verfassen und sich zeit- und ortsunabhängig zu Projekten auszutauschen. 

Information und Anmeldung



AdvanceAcademia! Neues Angebot im Bereich Promotionsbetreuung


Sehr geehrte Forschende, liebe Wissenschaftler*innen,


Sie betreuen als Erst-, Zweit- oder Drittbetreuer*in Promotionsprojekte an einer Hochschule oder Universität? Oder arbeiten gegenwärtig selbst an einer Doktorarbeit?

Dann könnte das folgende Angebot für Sie interessant sein: Mit „AdvanceAcademia! Akademische Karrieren stärken.“ bietet die Berlin University Alliance nun erstmals ein diversitätssensibles Programm zur Förderung der strukturierten Zusammenarbeit im Tandem zwischen Promovierenden und Betreuenden an. Es ist speziell auf die Bedürfnisse in der Universitätsmedizin sowie den Gesundheits-, Lebens-, Natur-, und Sozialwissenschaften ausgelegt.


Das Programm erstreckt sich über sechs Monate, ist kostenlos und beinhaltet individuell wählbare Module. Ab April 2024 vergeben wir monatlich bis zu 30 Plätze an Betreuende von Promotionsprojekten und ihre Doktorand*innen.


Im Zentrum steht die Förderung  

  • der regelmäßigen Arbeit der Promovierenden am Promotionsprojekt 
  • der Implementierung einer effektiven und lebendigen Evaluations- und Feedbackkultur  
  • der selbstständigen, regelmäßigen und engmaschigen Reflexion des Promotionsfortschrittes  
  • einer gender- und diversitätssensiblen Haltung in Forschung, Lehre und Gesundheitsversorgung 


Wir haben Ihr Interesse geweckt oder Sie haben Rückfragen? Dann kontaktieren Sie uns gerne direkt unter advance-academia@charite.de oder informieren Sie sich hier weiter.


Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Anmeldung für den ersten Durchgang, welcher am 22. April 2024 startet, bis Donnerstag, 11. April 2024 erfolgen muss.



Workshop ReThink3R // May 13 - 14


Charité 3R and the ReThink3R team invite you to this interactive ReThink 3R workshop. Think about new approaches regarding the 3Rs and figure out why their implementation in your daily research is sometimes challenging. By using Design Thinking methods, you will get an unbiased and playful approach to the 3Rs, you will find creative space to exchange experiences and to work on ways to further implement these principles.

When: May 13th + 14th, 9 am – 5 pm (workload 1.0 ECTS-CP)

Where: Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (face-to-face event)

Details & registration ReThink3R

The courses are aimed at national and international Postdocs and doctoral students affiliated to any university.



Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) // Deadline: August 30, 2024


PRIME funds the international mobility of postdoctoral researchers with temporary positions at German universities, including a secondment abroad. The grant also includes a mandatory return phase for reintegration into the German science system. The program is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Further information



Friday Light Talks // Every second Friday at 5:00 PM


At the Physics Institute - NewtonStr. 15, 12489 Berlin


At Humboldt University, this series isn't just lectures—it's a community where Early Career Researchers and students in quantum optics and nanophotonics come together. Join us every second Friday at 5:00 PM at the Physik-Institut for insightful presentations and lively discussions over drinks. It's a unique opportunity to connect, share, and grow within a supportive environment. Don't miss out on empowering and being empowered by the next generation of scientific leaders. Discover more: Click here for details



FU Berlin Campus Run and summer party // June 27


Look forward to the Campus Run on 27.06.2024! "Same route - new surprises" is our motto.

Get ready for a special day, packed with great sporting moments and the big summer festival taking place at the same time, with new live bands and join-in activities.


Registration is open. Get your early bird discount until April 30!


Information (in German): https://blogs.fu-berlin.de/campusrun/



Nanotechnologies for Healthcare: Bridging Life Science & Engineering // April 8 - 9


Mon, Apr 08 & Tue, April 09, 2024, 9:00 AM – 05:00 PM | In-Person

Virchow Campus in Forum 3, Seminar Room 3, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin


Dive into the future of healthcare at our workshop, "Nanotechnologies for Healthcare: Bridging Life Science & Engineering," where life sciences meet engineering innovation. This one-day event at the Virchow Campus facilitates a unique networking and collaborative opportunity for researchers from both disciplines to explore the transformative potential of nanotechnologies in biomedical applications. From the cutting-edge 'cell-to-internet' paradigm to advanced biomedical projects and the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT), join us to engage, connect, and forge meaningful collaborations that pave the way for breakthroughs in human health and quality of life. Featuring keynote lectures, technical sessions, and interactive networking, this workshop is a call to action for postdocs ready to shape the future of healthcare. Register here



Una Europa Seed Funding 2024 // Application deadline: June 28


The Una Europa Seed Funding Call 2024 supports academics from our 11 partner universities to pursue a collaborative research, education, or outreach project with counterparts across the alliance.

Established researchers and early-career researchers of Freie Universität Berlin can apply for projects within the Una Europa alliance. The Seed Funding is open to applications from all disciplines and it is your chance to secure up 39.000 € to embark on a new collaboration and accelerate your academic career.

Application deadline: June 28, 2024

Further information: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/international/network/partnership-networks/unaeuropa/news/2024-seed-funding-early-career.html

