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News #9 // DFG Info Talk / Lecture on AI tools for programming / Networking day at the BCP Dept. / Obsidian Workshop / Una Europa Postdoc Funding / RDM Seminars / BUA Postdoc Workshops

Jan 08, 2024



DFG Prospects: Online Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers


Germany’s largest independent research funding organization offers funding opportunities for all career stages between doctorate and professorship. Join the online talk and get to know the DFG and its funding portfolio for postdocs. DFG offers an overview of all funding instruments for the time after your doctorate.


Upcoming talk in the Prospects Series:

  • 10/01/2024, 10 – 11:30 a.m. CET
    DFG Funding Opportunities for Postdocs


More info here.



AI tools for programming – Lecture by Dr. Selina Baldauf // 18 Jan


AI tools promise to make our programming workflows faster and more efficient. If applied correctly, such tools help us write better code, be more productive and learn new techniques easily. In this lecture, I will present some AI tools for programming (mainly GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT) and show examples of how they can be integrated into our daily workflows for different purposes. I will also briefly talk about the problems and ethical concerns that come with such tools in science. Join me if you are interested!


When? Thursday, 18th January 2024, 4 pm

Where? Online on Webex

Further information and the Webex link: https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/graduiertenzentrum/promovierende/veranstaltungen/workshops/lecture-SB/index.html



Networking Day at the BCP Dept. // 18 Jan, 4:15 pm


Join the department's Networking Day and meet colleagues from other disciplines and working groups as well as students!


Find the program and more information here: https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/termine/2024/20240118-networking-day.html



Obsidian Workshop // 29 Feb, 9-12 am (Webex)


Effective digital note taking: How to organize your knowledge and streamline your workflow


Effective note-taking is an important skill for any scientist to keep track of their tasks and projects, key learnings from papers, and new ideas. In this interactive workshop, we will explore digital note-taking and I will introduce the powerful markdown-based note-taking tool Obsidian. It allows you to keep all your notes interconnected, organized and easy to find and it is highly flexible and can be adapted to your specific needs. For me, this tool was a real game-changer and I wished I had known it before I started my PhD.
The course will take place online on February 29th from 9-12. For more details, check out the detailed course description.


Who is the course for? Doctoral researchers registered at the BCP department, Postdoctoral researchers at the BCP department

When?                             Thursday, 29 February, 9 am-12 pm

Where?                            Webex Online Course (Please note that a video camera and a microphone are necessary for this course.)

Registration:                   If you would like to attend the course, please register here by 28 January 2024.


The registration is binding. Participation in the course is free of charge for all (post-)doctoral researchers at the BCP department.



Information Session "Funding for Postdocs within the Una Europa Alliance – France, Belgium, and The Netherlands" // 30 Jan, 2 – 3.30 pm


During this session, research managers from Leiden University, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and KU Leuven will provide brief introductions to their respective institutions and offer an overview of national research funding opportunities in France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. 

Date: 30 January 2024, 2 pm - 3.30 pm CET, online via zoom 

Please register by 26 January 2024 via this link

Further information: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/drs/calls/current_una_europa.html



Workshops on Research Data Management // 12, 13, 14 Feb


The CeDiS of the Freie Universität Berlin offers several short workshops or seminars on the topic reseach data management.


12 February 2024: A short introduction to research data management (Online seminar)

13 February 2024: Data Management Plan step by step (Online-Seminar)

14. Februar 2024: Forschungsdatenmanagement in Förderanträgen (Online-Seminar)


More information: https://www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/services/fortbildung/workshops/E-Research/index.html



Workshops at the BUA Postdoc Academy


  • Karrierestrategien auf dem Weg zur Professur: (Zukunfts- und) Karriereplanung für Postdocs

Jan. 23, 2024 9:00-17:00 & Jan. 24, 2024 9:00-16:00, TU Berlin

  • Die Suche nach neuartigen und nützlichen Ideen: Kreativität für Postdocs

1. Termin: Jan. 11, 2024, 9:00-12:00 Uhr, online, 2. Termin: Jan. 18, 2024, 9:00-12:00 Uhr, online

  • Arbeitswerkzeug Stimme – Kompaktworkshop für eine gesunde, tragfähige und belastbare Stimme im wissenschaftlichen Berufsalltag als Postdoc

Jan 18. , 2024, 10:00-14:30 Uhr, Weiterbildungszentrum der Freien Universität Berlin, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 13, 14195 Berlin, R. 109

  • Überzeugungstechniken für Postdocs - Mit guten Argumenten erfolgreich durch die Karriere

Feb. 6 &13, 2024 9:00-12:00, online

  • Das Vorsingen vor der Berufungskommission (Naturwissenschaften und Medizin)

Feb. 14, 2024 9:00-12:30 & Feb. 15, 2024 9:00-12:00, online

  • Souverän vor Mikrofon und Kamera: Medientraining für Postdocs

März 04, 2024 9:00-17:00, ZEWK TU Berlin, Fraunhoferstr. 33-36, 10587 Berlin, Raum FH1004

  • Navigating the ,Shark Tank'. Power Games and micropolitical Competence in Academia

Feb. 06, 07 & 09, 2024 9:00-12:30, online


Please find further information and the registration link here:


