Chemistry & Biochemistry
Arnimallee 22Room A.025
14195 Berlin
Ms. Isabell Franke / Ms. Alette Winter
Office hours
Responsibility and availability by phone:
Please check our office hours on a daily basis and book an appointment on the day of the consultation. This is possible one hour before the consultation starts in advance either online here or at our booking terminals on site in the waiting areas.
- Site map -
As the number assignment is paperless, please remember the number you received or scan it with your mobile phone using the QR code.
First letter of surname A - L | First letter of surname M - Z |
Ms. Isabell Franke | Ms. Alette Winter |
+49 30 838 59259 | +49 30 838 59505 |
Monday afternoon, Wednesday, Thursday |
Monday to Friday |
Consultation hours for the doctoral subjects Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Weekday |
Date |
Time |
Thursday | weekly | 10:00 - 11:00 am |