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December 2023

Presentation in Oslo

Our external PhD student Maike Petersen will present our interprofessional projects “PILLE” and “TEAM” at the a seminar about interprofessional education at the University of Oslo, Norway. The evaluation of both projects is part of her PhD thesis. In her oral presentation, she will talk about how both projects may have changes student’s perceptions on interprofessional collaboration. Great work Maike!


Successful defense

The master student Eman Eldessouki successfully defended her master thesis “Optimising microdialysis calibration utilising a novel in vitro microdialysis system”, under supervision of Felix Müller and Prof. Kloft. By that, she completed her masters in the program pharmaceutical science at Freie Universität. Congratulations Eman!

New publication on prognostic biomarker in NSCLC

Our former PhD student Dr. Francis Ojara, together with our PhD student Yomna Nassar, have published their work on “A prognostic baseline blood biomarker and tumor growth kinetics integrated model in paclitaxel/platinum treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients” in a special Issue of CPT:PSP on “Dosing optimization in oncology”. Great work! 



The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In January 2024, a new postdoc Christin Nyhoegen will join our Department. Christin will be working within the GlobalResist project “Forecasting antibiotic resistance evolution – a new approach to address a major issue in global health”, a joint collaboration within the Berlin University Alliance. A warm WELCOME!

Christmas party 2023

We are looking forward to our yearly ‘Famous Christmas Party’ that will take place in the cafeteria on 14 December 2023, starting at 17:00.

PhD student doing an industry internship at AstraZeneca

From this week, Ayatallah Saleh, doctoral student of the AK Kloft, joins the AstraZeneca Clinical Pharmacology & Quantitative Pharmacology department in Gothenburg, Sweden for the PharMetrX industry module I2. Between 11 September and 10 December, she will work on population pharmacokinetic projects within the fields of respiratory and immunology. We wish her an exciting stay with many new first-hand insights!

November 2023

Hospitation at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Franz Weber, a doctoral student of the AK Kloft, is joining Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin/Germany, for a two-month hospitation within infectious diseases, pneumology and intensive care medicine. The goal of his stay is to foster the implementation of an antibiotic dosing instrument developed in the AK alongside gathering important insights into implementing Model-Informed Precision Dosing (MIPD) into clinical practice. We wish him an exciting stay with many fruitful interactions

PharMetrX doctoral program: Personal interviews

On the 20 and 21 November 2023 the personal interviews with the selected candidates to enter as doctoral students the PharMetrX Research+ doctoral program will take place: Day 1 (20 Nov.) and Day 2 (21 Nov.) online via WebEx. The start of the PharMetrX module curriculum and PharMetrX doctoral student network will be in March 2024.

We are looking forward to welcoming and getting to know this year’s candidates!

Successful defence of doctoral thesis

Viktoria Stachanow successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Optimisation of congenital adrenal hyperplasia therapy in paediatric and foetal populations by leveraging pharmacometrics” on 31 October 2023. Congratulations Dr. Viki!

Exhibition: Dual Use – Ambivalenz der Wissenschaften

From 26 October to 08 November 2023, the "Dual Use – Ambivalenz der Wissenschaften" exhibition is being displayed at the Henry-Ford-Bau, FU Berlin, exploring the concept of research that holds potential for both beneficial and also harmful applications. The vernissage, which took place on 26 October, featured a welcome address by FU President Prof. Dr. Günter M. Ziegler. The exhibition delves into instances of "Dual Use", examining them from diverse disciplinary perspectives. The exhibition also showcased contributions from the our Department at the Institute of Pharmacy, highlighting the potential ambivalent usage of pharmaceuticals, e.g the compound ketamine being effective as narcotic drug in anaestesia, yet also being consumed causing e.g. a state called ‘k-hole’. The exhibition offers critical engagement with the subject and presents art pieces by international artists such as Chan Sook Choi and Douglas Henderson. The exhibition aims to stimulate dialogue and encourage new societal and academic perspectives. 


Invited talk at 19th meeting of “Groupe de Pharmacologie Clinique Oncologique (GPCO)” 

The meeting “19es Journées du Groupe de Pharmacologie Clinique Oncologique” will take place in Strasbourg, France, on 16 and 17 November 2023.  We are looking forward to the invited presentation by our PhD student Fenja Klima in the session on CAR-T cell therapy


October 2023


Viktoria Stachanow PhD defense on 31 October

On 31 October 2023, we are looking forward to Viktoria Stachanow’s defense of her PhD thesis entitled “Optimisation of congenital adrenal hyperplasia therapy in paediatric and foetal populations by leveraging pharmacometrics”.

Seminarraum B.-131 (UG), Arnimallee 22, 14195 Berlin


We congratulate PhD student Malin Andersson on her poster award!

During the annual meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Association (Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft, DPhG) in Tübingen, Germany (07 – 10 October), Malin Andersson, an AK PhD student, received a poster award for her poster contribution “Towards more efficient experiments to quantify antibiotic effects: Understanding the relationship between turbidity and bacterial concentration of Escherichia coli strains” . Congratulations!

Successful annual DPhG meeting in Tübingen!

We look back to a successful and inspiring annual meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Association (Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft, DPhG) that took place in Tübingen, Germany (07 – 10 October), covering the topic “Translational Pharmacy – Practice & Perspective”. The AK was broadly represented in the program, with Prof. Kloft giving a plenary lecture with the topic “Translational Pharmacometrics” and being a session chair. Dr. Linda Aulin gave a talk with the topic “Transforming Antimicrobial Therapy”. PhD students Malin Andersson, Fenja Klima, Amrei Konrad and Nicole Zimmermann presented their posters contributions.

We are already looking forward to next year meeting in Münster!


AK contributions at annual DPhG conference

The annual meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Association (Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft, DPhG) will take place in Tübingen, Germany, this year from 07 – 10 October. The AK is broadly represented in the program, with Prof. Kloft giving a plenary lecture and being a session chair, Dr. Linda Aulin being an invited speaker, and Malin Andersson, Fenja Klima, Amrei Konrad and Nicole Zimmermann having accepted poster presentations.



2nd TEAM Summer School

From 04 – 06 October 2023 we will realise the 2nd TEAM Summer School for pharmacy and medicine students from Berlin and all over Germany. In interdisciplinary seminars, workshops and excursions the students will work in matched pairs or all together on the topic “Depression – Detecting | Treating | Preventing. We are beyond excited for some very insightful days!



September 2023


Apply now! – Application period for doctoral studies in PharMetrX now open

Are you about to finish or have you just finished your studies in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, mathematics, bioinformatics, or some related field? The PharMetrX program (www.PharMetrX.de)calls for applications for the:

PharMetrX Research+ Program: You are looking for a PhD +++ in a fascinating and prosperous research area +++ within two truly trans-disciplinary research groups +++ supervised by leading experts in their fields +++ with an industry mentor +++ in the vibrant Berlin/Potsdam area +++ supported by a specifically tailored training program of academic and industrial modules +++ embedded into a network of peers +++ supported by a 3.5 year competitive fellowship?


PharMetrX Training+ Program: You have already started your PhD in the field of pharmacometrics (or will do so soon) and are looking +++ for a specifically tailored training program of compact academic and industrial modules conveying the foundations in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, systems biology, statistics, methodological approaches of modelling & simulation, etc. +++ and a network of peers to exchange with?

The application period is open from 15 July – 15 September 2023.



Successful 5th PharMetrX PhD student Network Meeting

We look back to a successful and inspiring 5th PharMetrX PhD student Network Meeting taking place in Berlin last weekend from 8 to 9 September 2023. It was a remarkable opportunity for our growing PharMetrX Graduate Research Training network to meet, discuss, maintain connections and build upon new ones throughout all PhD student years from 2008 – 2023. Many thanks to everyone who made this fantastic event possible and we are already looking forward to the next one in 2 years!


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In September 2023, a new master student Abubakar Shakeel will join our department. Abubakar Shakeel studied pharmacy at Uppsala University, Sweden. He will have his master thesis project in the area of modelling and simulation applied towards cortisol replacement therapy optimisation. A warm WELCOME!


5th PharMetrX PhD student Network Meeting

On 8– 9 September 2023, the 5th PharMetrX PhD student Network Meeting will take place. Almost 60 former & present PhD students of the PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program will meet onsite at our Institute again to discuss “hot topics” in Pharmacometrics and maintain the connections and interactions developed in PharMetrX program and expand these across various PhD student years since 2008. The network meeting will start with a Get-together event on Friday evening, 08 September, and continues with the scientific and networking contents on Saturday, 09 September 2023.



PharMetrX A4 module

From 4– 8 September 2023, the PharMetrX A4 module “Introduction to system biology” of the Module Curriculum of our doctoral programwill take place at the Institute of Mathematics, University of Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.



New article on relation between baseline biomarkers, tumour growth and survival accepted

The manuscript “A prognostic baseline blood biomarker and tumor growth kinetics integrated model in paclitaxel/platinum treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients” by Ojara et al. was accepted by CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol., and is now available online.

August 2023


Paper on new approach for risk assessment of hepatotoxity based on a PBTK modelling approach published

The paper “PBTK modeling of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid retrorsine to predict liver toxicity in mouse and rat” by Anja Lehmann et al. was published in Arch. Toxicol. (doi: 10.1007/s00204-023-03453-z) - Congratulations!


PharMetrX A3 module

From 14– 18 August 2023, the PharMetrX A3 module “Introduction to population analysis” of the Module Curriculum of our doctoral programwill take place at our Institute. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.




July 2023


Short Lectures, Award for Good Teaching and Summer Party

On Thursday, July 13 2023, students, faculty and staff of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy are cordially invited to the summer event. It will start at Arnimallee 22 and continue on the lawn between the rear exit of the building at Arnimallee 22 and the building at Fabeckstraße 34/36. For more info you find the link below.



Summer BBQ at Kelchstraße

On 10 July 2023, we will have a summer BBQ at Kelchstraße. We welcome Prof. Lauster’s group as the newest members at Kelchstraße and Prof. Bodmeiers group for a casual get to know and scientific exchange.


PAGE football tournament winners

After a year without a trophy, the ‘PharMetrX & friends’ football team won the annual football tournament during the PAGE conference in A Coruña/Spain this year. Congratulations to everyone in the team and all the enthusiastic supporters!



June 2023


Contributions to annual PAGE meeting 2023

From 28 June to 30 June 2023, the 31st Population Approach Group Europe (PAGE) meeting takes place in A Coruña, Spain. From our Department, we are looking forward to oral presentations by our senior scientist Dr. Robin Michelet and our PhD student Yomna Nassar. In addition, our senior scientist Dr. Linda Aulin and our PhD students Davide Bindellini, Fenja Klima, Felix Müller and Ayatallah Saleh will represent our group through poster presentations.



Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

On 17 June 2023, the “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” („Long Night of Science”) will take place in Berlin from 15:00-23:00. Our group will represent its research and pharmaceutical core competences such as blood pressure monitoring at the Institute of Pharmacy in Königin-Luise-Straße 2-4. Further we also support a registration campaign for bone marrow donations (DMKS). We are looking forward to meet you there!



The AK Kloft is glad to welcome new members

On 01 June 2023, two new doctoral students Miriam Happ and Zrinka Duvnjak joined our Department. Miriam will work on model-informed therapy optimisation of advanced therapies and Zrinka will focus on the interplay of monoclonal antibody therapy - disease - immune system.A warm WELCOME!


New group member

Starting from June Isabell Franke will complete a practical internship as part of her apprenticeship as administrative assistant in our group. A warm welcome!



May 2023


Robin Michelet wins “Hans Günter Schäfer Science Award 2023“

Dr. Robin Michelet, senior scientist of our Department, was awarded the “Hans Günter Schäfer Science Award  2023” for young scientists for the research article “Insights in the maturational processes influencing hydrocortisone pharmacokinetics in congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients using a middle-out approach” (in Front. Pharmacol. 2023, DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1090554). The prize was donated by the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines (FFQM, https://frankfurt-foundation.org) and presented at the 25th PK/PD Expert meeting in Nauen on 21 April 2023.



PubPharm Roadshow at our Institute

On 17 May 2023, the pharmacy-specific literature search platform PubPharm, developed at TU Braunschweig,will be presented on site in a workshop at our Institute. We are looking forward to get to know the different PubPharm functionalities.



The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

On 02 May 2023, a new master student Eman Eldessouki joined our Department. Eman will work on in vitro microdialysis systems with a focus on calibration of microdialysis catheters.A warm WELCOME!

April 2023


Theoretical Methodology Symposium on “Modelling Resistance Evolution”

From 26-28 April 2023, a Theoretical Methodology Symposium on “Modelling Resistance Evolution” will take place at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön, Germany. From our Department, Dr. Linda Aulin, Malin Andersson and Nicole Zimmermann will represent our group through poster presentation. We are looking forward to an insightful scientific exchange. For more information: see link below.



Open postdoctoral researcher position

We are recruiting a postdoctoral researcher with a focus on antimicrobial resistance. The GlobalResist project aims to forecast the evolution of antimicrobial resistance and thus take a new approach to solving a major global health problem. GlobalResist is embedded in a consortium of partners from Freie Universitaet Berlin, Charité-Universitaetsmedizin Berlin and Technische Universitaet Berlin and is funded by the Berlin University Alliance. Last day to apply 24 April 2023.


25th PK/PD Expert Meeting in Nauen

From 20-22 April 2023, the 25th PK/PD Expert Meeting will take placeunder the auspices of Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Angewandte Humanpharmakologie (AGAH) in Nauen. Presentations and discussions will focus on the topics “DDI — What is new 2023?”, “Translation to & from patients — Concepts to address the translational challenge” and “Drug development for brain diseases — New Approaches”. From our Department, Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft, Dr. Robin Michlet, Dr. Linda Aulin and the doctoral students Davide Bindellline, Aya Saleh, Felix Müller and Fenja Klima will attend the meeting. For more information: see link below.



Brisbane meets Berlin: International TDM and MIPD exchange in antimicrobial therapy

On 21 April 2023, Amy Legg, clinical pharmacist at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and PhD candidate in the working group of Prof. Jason Roberts visited us at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Within a fruitful meeting the in-house Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Team (Miriam Stegemann, Frieder Pfäfflin, Ulrike Trost, Anja Theloe) and Franz Weber of our group were able to exchange country-specific experiences and challenges of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Model-informed Precision Dosing within AMS. We are looking forward to the next meeting for shaping the future of individualised antimicrobial dosing!


12th PharMetrX Symposium

On 19 – 20 April 2023, the 12th PharMetrX Symposium 2023 will take place in Berlin and Potsdam. Three PharMetrX Research+ doctoral students, Elena Pascual García, Davide Bindellini and Yomna Nassar, will present their scientific work. For more detailed information on the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage https://www.pharmetrx.de/

Venue: Harnack-Haus, Berlin/Universität Potsdam



Contributions to ECCMID 2023 in Copenhagen

From 15 – 18 April 2023, the 33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Five members of our Department, Dr. Linda Aulin, Malin Andersson, Amrei Konrad, Franz Weber and Nicole Zimmermann will represent our group through oral and poster presentations.



Participation at the annual ISAP Meeting

On 14 April 2023, the ISAP (International Society of Anti-Infective Pharmacology) Annual Meeting takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark, prior to the 33rd ECCMID Conference. Five members of our Department will attend the meeting and Malin Andersson will present her work through an oral presentation.



Workshop with Prof. Bernd Meibohm, University of Tennessee/USA

On 11 April 2023 our annual workshop with Prof. Bernd Meibohmn from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis/USA takes place. We are looking forward to discussions about hot topics ranging from protein therapeutics to model-informed precision dosing with contributions by Linda Aulin, Fenja Klima and Franziska Thoma.



March 2023


“Schnupper” students are visiting the AK Kloft

During the semester break in total four students are visiting the AK Kloft for a so-called “Schnupper” Internship. With that they are given the opportunity to look over the shoulder of the daily work of our PhD students. The students get introduced to our projects and conduct some fun experimental or pharmacometric tasks. If you are interested please reach out to Amrei Konrad for further information!



PharMetrX A2 Module: “Introduction to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics”

After the successful A1 module from 13 – 17 March, we are now looking forward to the next part of the PharMetrX curriculum: From 27 – 31 March 2023, the PharMetrX A2 module “Introduction to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics” will take place at the University of Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.



New article on target-site PK of voriconazole and its metabolite in humans

Our research article “Microdialysis of Voriconazole and its N-Oxide Metabolite: Amalgamating Knowledge of Distribution and Metabolism Processes in Humans “ by Schulz et al. has been published in the Journal Pharmaceutical Research.



PharMetrX Module Curriculum: Kick-off

On 13 March 2023, the PharMetrX Module Curriculum for the new doctoral student year of our PhD program will kick off with the A1 module “Introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” taking place at our Institute from 13 – 17 March 2023. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de


2nd Network Meeting of the Young Infection Medicine Network (jUNITE)

From 03-05 March 2023, the 2nd Network Meeting of the “Netzwerk Junge Infektionsmedizin”/Young Infection Medicine Network (jUNITE) will take place in Halberstadt. This year’s focus topic will be bioinformatics and digitalisation in infection medicine in the form of various interdisciplinary and interactive programme elements. From our Department, Nicole Zimmermann and Franz Weber will actively participate in the meeting. We are looking forward to an insightful scientific exchange. For more information: see link below.



The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

On 01 March 2023, a new doctoral student Marian Klose joined our Department. Marian studied Pharmacy and obtained his academic degree at FU Berlin, Germany. In his doctoral project, he will focus on the area of model-informed precision dosing in oncology.A warm WELCOME!


We celebrate 15 years of the PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program and welcome the new PharMetrX student year 2023!

On 01March 2008 the PharMetrX Graduate Research Training Program kicked off and has qualified more than 100 young scientists in the exciting field of pharmacometrics since. Congratulations and a very happy 15th Birthday! We are very much looking forward to welcoming this year’s PharMetrX PhD students soon: Zrinka Duvnjak, Miriam Happ, Marian Klose and Johannes Tillil!



New article on the influence of maturational processes on hydrocortisone pharmacokinetics

Our manuscript “Insights in the maturational processes influencing hydrocortisone pharmacokinetics in congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients using a middle-out approach “ by Michelet et al. has been published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, and is now available online



December 2022

Season's greetings and best wishes for the New Year

In warm appreciation for all support and trust throughout this extraordinary year and in remembrance of the again possible in-person meeting with colleagues and friends, exciting events and wonderful experiences at our Department in 2022, we are extending our very best wishes for a joyous end-of-the-year season and a New Year filled with health, peace and happiness to everyone.

Defence of doctoral thesis

The defence of the doctoral thesis of Mareike Berlak on “Mechanistic insights into ALK inhibitor resistance in neuroblastoma“ will take place in the seminar room 0.006 at Arnimallee 22 (14195 Berlin) on Monday, 19 December 2022, at 10:15. Guests are welcome!
As a hybrid event, it will be possible to join online: See the link attached.


Contributions to EORTC-PAMM 2022

From 15 to 17 December 2022, the 43rd meeting of the European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer– Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms (EORTC-PAMM) Group will take place in Florence, Italy. Our doctoral student, Yomna Nassar, will represent our group through a poster presentation.

Successful defence of doctoral thesis: Congratulations Dr. Linda Aulin

On 14 December 2022, Linda Aulin successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Quantitative Pharmacology of Antimicrobials” at Leiden University. Congratulations to our postdoc and we are looking forward to all to come.

Successful defence of doctoral thesis: Congratulations Dr. Ferdinand Weinelt!

Ferdinand Weinelt successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Towards the rational use of antibiotics: Utilising pharmacometric approaches to improve meropenem and piperacillin treatment in critically ill patients” on 9 December 2022. Congratulations & all the best for the future!

Annual Christmas party of our working group

According to our long-standing tradition, our Department will have our famous annual Christmas party on 7 December 2022 to look back at a wonderful and successful year and to enjoy a Christmas dinner and mulled wine together.

Prof. Kloft wins this year’s “Phoenix Pharmazie Wissenschaftspreis”

Prof. Charlotte Kloft was awarded the “Phoenix Pharmazie Wissenschaftspreis 2022” in the category ‘Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy’. The award honours our research work by Anna Mc Laughlin and Robin Michelet in collaboration with colleagues from the MD Andersson Cancer Center (Texas/USA), Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Universität Potsdam on “Early Survival Prediction Framework in CD19-Specific CAR-T Cell Immunotherapy Using a Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model“ (published in Cancers 2021, doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers13112782). We feel very honoured as for the first time ever research in ‘Clinical Pharmacy’ has been awarded.


New research partnership with Novo Nordisk supports early-career scientists in pharmacometrics

The structured doctoral program “PharMetrX”of Freie Universität Berlin and Universität Potsdam welcomes Novo Nordisk as new and seventh partner of the PharMetrX Industry Partner consortium! We are excited to see the PharMetrX network growing and are very much looking forward to our inspiring scientific exchange and beyond!


November 2022

PharMetrX PhD program: Personal interviews

From 21 - 22 November 2022 the personal interviews with the selected candidates to enter as doctoral students the PharMetrX Research+ PhD program (www.PharMetrX.de) will take place at the Freie Universität Berlin. The start of the PharMetrX module curriculum and PharMetrX network is in March 2023.

We are looking forward to welcoming and getting to know this year's candidates!

Successful defence of doctoral thesis: Congratulations Dr. David Busse!

On 23 November 2022, David Busse successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Towards precision dosing in morbidly obese patients: Complementary pharmacometric approaches to characterise antibiotic target-site exposure”. We warmly congratulate and wish David Busse all the best for his future.

BJCP 2022 Early Career Researcher Prize

David Busse has been awarded the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2022 Early Career Researcher Prize for his work "Evaluating prediction methods for glomerular filtration to optimise drug doses in obese and nonobese patients". The ceremony took place at the BJP and BJCP annual Editor's dinner in Liverpool, UK.


Defence of doctoral thesis

The defence of the doctoral thesis of David Busse on “Towards precision dosing in morbidly obese patients: Complementary pharmacometric approaches to characterise antibiotic target-site exposure “ will take place in Arnimallee 22, 14195 Berlin (room A.006), on Thursday, 23 Nov 2022, at 16:00. Guests are welcome!

As a hybrid event, it will be possible to join online: See link attached.


New article on our research about the clinical implementation of TDM for oral anticancer drugs

Curious about our research on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) for oral anticancer drugs? Then check out this report in Pharmazeutische Zeitung on the work that was recently presented by Fenja Klima at the DPhG (Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft) Annual Meeting in Marburg.


Visit at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI)

From 07 – 09 November 2022, our doctoral student Fenja Klima had the opportunity to visit the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and got new insights into state-of-the-art anticancer therapy and the implementation of TDM clinical practice there.

Oktober 2022

Guest talk on “Pharmpy”

On 28 October 2022, Rikard Nordgren and Stella Belin from Uppsala University, Sweden, will give us an online guest talk on “Pharmpy”, a new tool for pharmacometrics and automated model development. We are looking forward to it!

We will be at the 46th ISOBM Congress

From 13 – 17 October 2022, the 46th International Society Oncology and Biomarkers (ISOBM) Congress takes place in Bled, Slovenia.  From our Department, Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft, has been invited to give an oral presentation on “Biomarker monitoring and pharmacometric modelling to optimise anticancer therapy”.


Contributions to SUP Fall Meeting

On 13 October 2022, the Stockholm Uppsala Pharmacometrics (SUP) Fall meetingwill take take place in Uppsala, Sweden, with the theme PBPK/mechanistic PK. From our working group Ayatallah Saleh will attend and Linda Aulin will present ongoing translational work on the FAIR project.


New article on microdialysis of the antifungal voriconazole and its metabolite

Our research article “Microdialysis of drug and drug metabolite: a comprehensive in vitro analysis for voriconazole and voriconazole N-oxide“ by Schulz et al. has been published in the Journal Pharmaceutical Research.


New article on quantification of drug-drug interaction studies

Our manuscript “Quantification of the Time Course of CYP3A Inhibition, Activation, and Induction Using a Population Pharmacokinetic Model of Microdosed Midazolam Continuous Infusion“ by Nassar et al. has been accepted in Clinical Pharmacokinetics, and is now available online (https://doi.org/10.1007/s40262-022-01175-6).

Presentation at RedIF 2022 in Porto Alegre

From 03 to 07 October 2022, the fourth “Iberoamerican Pharmacometrics Network (RedIF) meeting” will take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Dr. Robin Michelet from our working group will present the ongoing work on FAIR to a global audience in a talk as part of the symposium on Pharmacometric applications in infectious diseases.


September 2022

PharMetrX Module Curriculum continues with A4 module

From 26 – 30 Sep 2022, the PharMetrX A4 module “Introduction to Systems Biology” will take place at the University of Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrX.de


First interprofessional “TEAM Summer School”

From 22 to 24 September 2022, the first “TEAM Summer School” will take place at Freie Universität Berlin. Our Summer School will focus on the recognition, treatment and prevention of depression in an interprofessional setting. Students of pharmacy and medicine will participate in workshops and study together various different aspects of depression and pharmacotherapy thereof. If you are interested, do not hesitate to visit our website for more information and registration: https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/pharmazie/faecher/klinische_pharmazie/arbeitsgruppe_kloft/lehre/TEAM-Summer_School/index.html

Contributions to DPhG Annual Meeting 2022

From 13 – 16 September 2022, theDeutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG) - Jahrestagung 2022 / German Pharmaceutical Society - Annual meeting 2022 takes place in Marburg. Four members of our Department, Amrei Konrad, Felix Müller, Fenja Klima and Franz Weber will represent our group through poster presentations. We are looking forward to an exciting scientific exchange!


Best young investigators presentations award at the 9th IMS

During the successful 9th International Microdialysis Symposium organised by our working group in Berlin, high quality work were presented by young investigators. We would like to congratulate Laura van Smeden and Davide Bindellini, who received the award for best young investigator oral presentations, and Frida Bällgren and Felix Müller who received the award for best young investigators poster presentations. Congratulations to all of them for their great work!

9th International microdialysis symposium 2022

From 7-9 September the 9th International Microdialysis Symposium took place in Berlin. The event was organised by our working group and we are delighted by the successful realisation.

PharMetrX Module Curriculum continues with A5 module

From 29 Aug – 02 Sep 2022, the PharMetrX A5 module “Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis” will take place at the University of Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrX.de.


August 2022

Summer BBQ at Kelchstr.

On 9 August 2022, our Department will enjoy the lovely season together through a summer BBQ.


PharMetrX Module Curriculum continues with A3 module

From 01 – 05 Aug 2022, the PharMetrX A3 module “Introduction to Population Analysis” will take place at the FU Berlin. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.


July 2022

Apply now! Application period for doctoral studies in PharMetrX now open

Are you about to finish or have you just finished your studies in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, mathematics, bioinformatics, or some related field? The PharMetrX program (www.PharMetrX.de) calls for applications for the:

PharMetrX Research+ Program: You are looking for a PhD +++ in a fascinating and prosperous research area +++ within two truly transdisciplinary research groups +++ supervised by leading experts in their fields +++ with an industry mentor +++ in the vibrant Berlin/Potsdam area +++ supported by a specifically tailored training program of academic and industrial modules +++ embedded into a network of peers +++ supported by a 3.5 year competitive fellowship


PharMetrX Training+ Program: You have already started your PhD in the field of pharmacometrics (or will do so soon) and are looking +++ for a specifically tailored training program of compact academic and industrial modules conveying the foundations in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, systems biology, statistics, methodological approaches of modelling & simulation and much more +++ and a network of peers to exchange with

The application period is open from 15 July – 15 September 2022.

Successful defense of doctoral thesis of Josefine Schulz

Josefine Schulz successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Towards the elucidation of voriconazole pharmacokinetics: quantitative insights into distribution and metabolism processes in humans” on 11 July 2022. Congratulations!


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In July 2022, Malin Andersson joined our Department as a doctoral student. She studied pharmacy at University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and she will have her PhD project in the area of antiinfectives, involving both experimental and modelling approaches. A warm WELCOME!

We participate in the 12th Scientific Symposium “Young scientists present” of our Institute

On 08 July 2022, our Institute of Pharmacy together with the DPhG (German Pharmaceutical Society, Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg), hosts the 12th Scientific Symposium as biyearly event „Der Wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs stellt sich vor – Young scientists present”. 9 young scientists of our and many of the other research groups of the Institute of Pharmacy will present their research in talks and on posters to foster exchange between all research groups at the Institute and attract new master, diploma and doctoral students. We are looking forward to an exciting event and to seeing as many of you there!

Scientific workshop with Prof. Meibohm, UTHSC/USA

On 05 July 2022, Prof. Bernd Meibohm from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA, will visit our Department again for a scientific workshop. He will give insights about new aspects of PK/PD of therapeutic proteins. In addition, three members of our working group, Linda Aulin, Davide Bindellini and Alix Démaris will present their research.

Contributions to annual PAGE 2022 meeting

From 28 June to 1 July 2022, the 30th Population Approach Group Europe (PAGE) meeting takes place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. From our Department, Alix Démaris will represent our group through an oral presentation andour young scientists Linda Aulin, Davide Bindellini, Yomna Nassar, Ayatallah Saleh and Ella Widigson through poster presentations.


The core program of the 9th International Microdialysis Symposium is online

The core program of the 9th International Microdialysis Symposium (IMS) is online!The abstract deadline is extended to 1st of July and the Early Bird registration to 15th of July. For more information, visit the official IMS 2022 website.


June 2022

FAIR annual meeting in Nice/France

From 15 – 16 June 2022, the annual meeting of the FAIR project takes place in Nice, France. From our Department, Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft, Dr. Robin Michelet, and Linda Aulin will attend.


We will be at ‘Lung In Vitro event 2022’ (LIVe2022)

From 13 – 14 June 2022, the Lung In Vitro event 2022 – (LIVe2022) takes place in Nice, France.  From our Department, Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft, Dr. Robin Michelet, and Linda Aulin will represent our group through an oral presentation.


Research Exchange Day with Uppsala University

On 10 June 2022, a research Exchange Day will be organised together with Uppsala University, Sweden. From our group, PhD students Alix Démaris, Fenja Klima and Yomna Nassar will present their research. We are looking forward to fruitful discussion and exchange!

May 2022

11th PharMetrX Symposium

On 02 May 2022, the 11th PharMetrX Symposium 2022 will take place (online). Two PharMetrX Research+ doctoral students, Alix Démaris and Daniel Seeler, will present their scientific work. For more detailed information on the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In May 2022, a new guest visitor as ERASMUS+ student, Zrinka Duvnjak joined our Department. Zrinka Duvnjak studied pharmacy and obtained her masters at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. She will have her 5-monthsinternship project in the area of modelling and simulation. A warm WELCOME!

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new AvH guest researcher

On the 9th of May 2022, Prof. Dr. Stephan Schmidt joined as Alexander-von-Humboldt Research Fellow our Department as a guest researcher. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics and Director of the Center for Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology at the University of Florida, US. In our group Prof. Dr. Schmidt will focus on QSP and mechanistic modelling.


April 2022

24th PK/PD Expert Meeting

From 28-30 April 2022, the 24th PK/PD Expert Meeting will take place at Saarland University, Saarbrücken. Presentations and associated discussions will focus on the topics “Machine learning: From Buzzword to Useful Tool in Clinical Pharmacology?”, “Precision Dosing - Bringing Models to Patients” and “Neglected majorities - What do we have to consider?”. From our Department, Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft, Dr. Robin Michelet and the PhD students Alix Démaris, Ayatallah Saleh will attend the meeting. For more information: see www.pkpd-expertentreffen.de

Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Conference 2022 (QSPC2022)

From 20 – 22 April 2022, the Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Conference 2022 (QSPC2022) takes place in Leiden, the Netherlands. One member of our Department, Linda Aulin represents our group through a poster presentations.


New article on cortisol concentrations monitoring in paediatric patients

The research article “Exploring dried blood spot cortisol concentrations as an alternative for monitoring pediatric adrenal insufficiency patients: A model-based analysis“ by Stachanow et al. has been accepted in Frontiers in Pharmacology, and is now available online.


32nd Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID)

From 23 - 26 April 2022, the 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) takes place in Lisbon, Portugal. Two members of our Department, Nicole Zimmermann and Malin Andersson will represent our group through poster presentations.


Contributions and symposium at WCoP 2022

From 29 March – 1 April 2022, the 3rd World Conference on Pharmacometrics (WCoP) takes place in Cape Town, South-Africa. Two members of our Department, Dr. Robin Michelet and Prof. Charlotte Kloft will represent our group. They will co-chair a symposium entitled “Training of the next generation of pharmacometric talents around the world: Competencies – Barriers – Opportunities” together with Dr. Stefanie Hennig, Humboldt Research Fellow at our Department.


Pharmacy students joining for a “Schnuppertag”

On 23 March and 4 April, five undergraduate pharmacy students are joining our Department for a short internship, a so-called “Schnuppertag”. They will be getting insight in our working group, research projects and the methodology platform we are using. If you are also interested, please contact Amrei Konrad (a.konrad@fu-berlin.de) for further information

March 2022

Presentation at ASCPT Annual Meeting 2022

A member of our working group, Anna Mc Laughlin, will present a late-breaking abstract on tamoxifen breast cancer therapy at the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (ASCPT) 2022 Annual Meeting, which takes place online. The main topic of the meeting, which takes place from 16-18 March 2022, is “Disruptive innovation”.

PharMetrX Module Curriculum: Kick-off

On 14 March 2022, the PharMetrX Module Curriculum for the new doctoral student year of our PhD program will kick off with the A1 module "Introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics" taking place online from 14 - 21 March 2022. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

Mid of March 2022, Ella Widigson joined our Department, also being enrolled in our PharMetrX program. Ella studied pharmacy and obtained her M.Sc. atUniversity of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. Her doctoral thesis project will focus on pharmacometrics modelling approached of biologics in the area of inflammatory diseases. A warm WELCOME!

New article on metabolism of the antifungal voriconazole

The research article “Towards the Elucidation of the Pharmacokinetics of Voriconazole: A Quantitative Characterization of Its Metabolism“ by Schulz et al. has been published in the Journal Pharmaceutics and is available online.


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In March 2022, Fenja Klima joined our Department, also being enrolled in our PharMetrX program. Fenja studied pharmacy at University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany. She will have her doctoral thesis project in the area of pharmacometrics of anticancer drugs. A warm WELCOME!

Report on successful joint IPSF & PharMetrX Clinical Skills Event

An article about the Clinical Skills Event (CSE) in November 2021 in collaboration with the International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF) is now available in the latest issue of the “Grüne Hand Brief” published by the Federal Association of Pharmacy Students in Germany (BPhD e. V.).The CSE aimed to raise awareness of the importance of the pharmacist's role in clinical patient care. Different teams competed in a friendly environment by demonstrating their skills in clinical pharmacy related project tasks to work out dosing regimens in antibiotic therapy and present their recommendation to the ‘Antibiotic Stewardship team’. Follow-up events are already planned!


New article on meropenem pharmacokinetics in obese and nonobese patiens

The research article “Comparative Plasma and Interstitial Tissue Fluid Pharmacokinetics of Meropenem Demonstrate the Need for Increasing Dose and Infusion Duration in Obese and Non-obese Patients “ by Busse et al. has been accepted in Clinical Pharmacokinetics, and is now available online.


February 2022

Ethics committee approval for collaboration project

The proposal to the ethics committee for the evaluation of the interprofessional teaching project in collaboration with Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin has been accepted.

New article on a model informed dosing tool in antibiotic therapy

The research article “Development of a Model-Informed Dosing Tool to Optimise Initial Antibiotic Dosing—A Translational Example for Intensive Care Units“ by Weinelt et al. has been accepted in Pharmaceutics, and is now available online.


Successful defense of two master theses

Malin Andersson and Ella Widigson successfully defended their master theses, supervised by Prof. Kloft and members of our working group, at University of Gothenburg. Congratulations!

Two abstracts accepted for poster presentation at ECCMID conference

The research abstracts of Nicole Zimmermann and Malin Andersson have been accepted for poster presentation at ECCMID conference in Lisbon and online, 23 – 26 April 2022. Malin Andersson won a travel grant for her excellent abstract. Congratulations!

New article on the optimisation of meropenem therapy in critically ill

The research article “Combination of pharmacokinetic and pathogen susceptibility information to optimize meropenem treatment of gram-negative infections in critically ill patients“ by Liebchen et al. has been accepted in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, and is now available online.


New article on review of cost-effectiveness of oral anticancer drugs

The research article “Cost-effectiveness of oral anti-cancer drugs and associated individualised dosing approaches in cancer patients: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis“ by van Dyk et al. has been accepted in the British Medical Journal and is now available online.


January 2022

New article on evaluating prediction methods for glomerular filtration

Our manuscript “Evaluating prediction methods for glomerular filtration to optimise drug doses in obese and nonobese patients” by Busse et al. has been accepted in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and is now available online.


New article on a LC-MS/MS assay for voriconazole and its N-oxide metabolite

Our manuscript “A versatile high-performance LC-MS/MS assay for the quantification of voriconazole and its N-oxide metabolite in small sample volumes of multiple human matrices for biomedical applications” by Schulz et al. has been accepted in the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis and is now available online.


New article on the ON-TARGET study protocol

The manuscript “Developing a nationwide infrastructure for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of targeted oral anticancer drugs: The ON-TARGET study protocol“ by Mc Laughlin et al. has been accepted in the journal Cancers and is now available online.


PharMetrX at virtual ALARM job fair in Göteborg

PharMetrX at the ALARM job fair 2022 of the University of Gothenburg (GU): We are excited to talk to Pharmacy students of all semesters about our research projects and encourage applying to our do a PhD thesis with us within the Research, Training and Network Graduate Programme! The AK Kloft, represented by Davide Bindellini and Johanna Melin, a current and a former PharMetrX Research+ PhD student, is looking forward to getting in touch with the GU students on the 18 January 2022!


New Berlin University Alliance project proposal approved

AK Kloft is proud to announce that the project proposal entitled “GlobalResist – Forecasting antibiotic resistance evolution – a new approach to address a major issue in global health” has been approved for funding as part of the Grand Challenge Initiative on Global Health of the Berlin University Alliance. For this project, the AK Kloft partners with colleagues from FU, Charité and Technische Universität Berlin to develop a wide-ranging approach to predicting antibiotic resistance, intricately linking different disciplines.


David Busse has been awarded the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2022 Early Career Researcher Prize for his work “Evaluating prediction methods for glomerular filtration to optimise drug doses in obese and nonobese patients”. The ceremony took place at the BJP and BJCP annual Editor´s dinner in Liverpool, UK

December 2021


Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year

In warm appreciation for all support and trust throughout this extraordinary year and in remembrance of the remarkable progress, exciting events and wonderful experiences at our Department in 2021, we are extending our very best wishes for a joyous end-of-the-year season and a New Year filled with health, peace and happiness to everyone.

Presentation at ASCPT Webinar

A member of our working group, Anna Mc Laughlin, will be a speaker at the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT) Webinar “Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology Approaches Towards Understanding Exposure and Response of CAR-T Cell Therapies”, which will take place on 15 December 2021.



The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In December 2021, a new postdoctoral research fellow Linda Aulin, joined our Department. Linda studied pharmacy at Uppsala University and did her PhD studies at Leiden University in the field of quantitative pharmacology of antibiotics. Her research work within the AK will focus on the FAIR project. Furthermore, she will support the in vitro and in silico projects of the AK. A warm welcome!



Annual Christmas party postponed

According to our long-standing tradition, our Department will have its famous annual Christmas party on 01 December 2021. We are very happy to gather again onsite, to look back at a wonderful and successful year and to enjoy a Christmas dinner and mulled wine together.



November 2021


Successful defence of doctoral thesis by Anna Mc Laughlin

Anna Mc Laughlin successfully defended her doctoral thesis “Towards model-informed precision dosing for targeted anticancer drugs” on Monday, 29 November 2021. Congratulations!

Young Researcher Day (Microdialysis Symposium)

To honour Prof. Hartmut Derendorf´s outstanding contributions to microdialysis-related research and to foster the career of young people, a “Student and Young Researcher Day (Microdialysis Symposium)” with their talks will take place virtually on 23 November 2021. Further information will soon follow under the link below.


PharMetrX doctoral program: Personal interviews

On the 22 and 24 November 2021 the personal interviews with the selected candidates to enter as doctoral students the PharMetrX Research+ doctoral program will take place: Day 1 (22 Nov.) and Day 2 (24 Nov.) online via WebEx. The start of the PharMetrX module curriculum and PharMetrX doctoral student network will be in March 2022.

We are looking forward to welcoming and getting to know this year’s candidates!


IPSF Clinical Skills Event meets PharMetrX

From 13 - 14 November 2021, the Clinical Skills Event (CSE) of the International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF) provides educational opportunities for IPSF members. The CSE aims to raise awareness of the importance of the pharmacist's role in direct patient care. Different teams will compete in a friendly environment by demonstrating their skills in clinical pharmacy related project tasks. This year's event will take place at the FU Berlin in close collaboration with the PharMetrX graduate research training program and will be supervised by Prof. Charlotte Kloft and three PharMetrX Research+ PhD students from the AK Kloft.

We are looking forward to this exciting collaboration!


PharMetrX Industry 1 module

From 08 – 12 Nov 2021, the PharMetrX Industry 1 module (“I1 module”) entitled “Drug discovery & development – Walking along the value chain” for the PharMetrX PhD Student Years 2020 and 2021 will kindly be hosted by the PharMetrX Industry partner AstraZeneca and will take place online. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.

October 2021


Research exchange day with Prof. Dr. S. Wicha

On 22 October 2021, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Wicha from the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Hamburg, will visit the AK Kloft. In two presentations, he will give insights in in vitro infection models to develop anti-infective dosing regimens and in challenges for implementing model-informed precision dosing. During smaller group project meetings, the AK Kloft will foster the close collaboration with Prof. Dr. Wicha’s research.


Visit by collaboration partners from University of Sheffield/Diurnal (UK)

On 11 October Prof. Richard Ross and Prof. Martin Whitaker from University of Sheffield/Diurnal (Cardiff, UK) will visit our Department. During their visit, they will give insights about new developments of hydrocortisone replacement therapy projectsand members of our working group will present their research.

New insights into piperacillin target-site penetration in obese patients

Our manuscript “Similar piperacillin/tazobactam target attainment in obese versus nonobese patients despite differences in interstitial tissue fluid pharmacokinetics” by Busse, Simon, Petroff, Dorn, Schmitt, Bindellini, Kratzer, Dietrich, Zeitlinger, Huisinga Michelet, Wrigge and Kloft has been accepted in the journal Pharmaceutics and is now available online.


New insights into meropenem adsorption by the cytokine adsorber CytoSorb®

Our research letter “No clinically relevant removal of meropenem by cytokine adsorber CytoSorb® in critically ill patients with sepsis or septic shock” by Liebchen, Scharf, Zoller, Weinelt, Kloft and the CytoMero collaboration team has been accepted in the journal Intensive Care Medicine and is now available online.


Contributions to annual DGHO meeting

On 01 – 04 October 2021, the Annual Meeting of the German, Austrian, and Swiss societies for haematology and medical oncology (DGHO) takes place as a hybrid meeting in Berlin and online. During this meeting, the AK Kloft will be represented by two members: On Friday, 01 October, the head of our Department, Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft,will give a talk on “Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Oncology –Status Quo” and on Saturday, 02 October, Anna Mc Laughlin will give a talk on “Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for oral anticancer drugs in clinical routine: the ON-TARGET study”.


New protocol for a review on the cost-effectiveness of anticancer drugs

The manuscript “Cost-effectiveness of oral anticancer drugs and associated individualised dosing approaches in patients with cancer: protocol for a systematic review” by van Dyk, Bulamu, Boylan, Mc Laughlin, Kichenadasse, May, Michelet, Kloft, and Kaambwa has been accepted in the journal BMJ Open and is now available online.



Contributions to the annual DPhG meeting

From 29 September to 01 October 2021, the annual meeting of the Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG) will take place online. Our Department will be represented by Josefine Schulz, Nicole Zimmermann and Maike Petersen who will present their research work through poster presentations.




September 2021


PharMetrX modules 2021

From 20 – 24 Sep 2021, the PharMetrX A4 module “Introduction to Systems Biology” will take place at the University of Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.


Contribution to ESMO Congress 2021

From 16 to 21 September 2021, the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress takes place online. One member of our Department, Yomna M Nassar, will represent our group through an e-Poster presentation.



Off-site meeting of our Department

From 9 to 10 September 2021, our Department will retreat to the green areas north of Berlin to reconnect after last and this year’s pandemic and discuss the future directions of our Dept. Reflection on the past years and on our group will be alternated with team-building and social activities. We hope to return to the Institute as a freshly energised team full of new ideas.

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In Sept 2021, a new doctoral student Amrei Konrad, joined our Department. Amrei studied pharmacy at FU Berlin. She will have her PhD project in the experimental part and will investigate the metabolism and tissue distribution of antifungal drugs. A warm welcome!


Contributions to annual PAGE 2021 meeting

On 02 – 03 and 06 – 07 September 2021, the 29th Population Approach Group Europe (PAGE) meeting takes place online. Two members of our Department, Anna Mc Laughlin and David Busse, will represent our group through oral presentations, and four members of our Department, Alix Démaris, Ayatallah Saleh, Robin Michelet and Yomna Nassar, through poster presentations.




August 2021


AK Kloft supports FUB’s vaccination service

Since 08 June 2021, all employees of Freie Universität Berlin are eligible for a vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 through the university’s Occupational Health Service. The AK Kloft is very proud to substantially support this service in the setting-up period of only 2.5 weeks as well as now by preparing the vaccine doses on-site with pharmaceutical expertise, together with other research groups from the Institute of Pharmacy. So, book your appointment; your vaccine dose is ready!



PharMetrX modules 2021

From 16 – 20 Aug 2021, the PharMetrX A3 module “Introduction to Population Analysis” will take place at the FU Berlin. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In Aug 2021, a new M.Sc. thesis student Malin Andersson joined our Department. Malin is a guest researcher from the Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. She will have her M.Sc. thesis project in the area of anti-infectives with a crosslink of both in vitro and in silico investigations: A warm welcome!


Successful defence of doctoral thesis: Congratulations, Johanna!

Johanna Seeger successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Mechanistic and quantitative understanding of antibiotic resistance and adaptation of Escherichia coli under levofloxacin exposure” on 03 August 2021. Congratulations!


New article online on PK modeling of dexamethasone in prenatal CAH patients

Our manuscript “Rationale of a lower dexamethasone dose in prenatal congenital adrenal hyperplasia therapy based on pharmacokinetic modelling” by Stachanow et al. has been accepted in the journal European journal of Endocrinology and is now available online.



The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In Aug 2021, a new M.Sc. thesis student Ella Widigson Winterkvist joined our Department. Ella is a guest researcher from the Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy at University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. She will have her M.Sc. thesis project in the area of pharmacometrics of anti-infectives and obese patients: A warm welcome!

July 2021

Successful defence of doctoral thesis: Congratulations, Sebastian!

Sebastian Franck successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Boosting the innate immune response to enhance antibiotic efficacy: Mechanistic and quantitative insights by amalgamating in vitro, in vivo and in silico” on 08 July 2021. Congratulations!

Contributions to ECCMID 2021

From 9 – 12 July 2021, the 31st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) takes place online. Three members of our Department, Dr. Robin Michelet, Josefine Schulz and David Busse will represent our group through oral presentations.


June 2021

New short communication on the role of CYP2D6 in reported yohimbine concentrations

The short communication “CYP2D6 phenotype explains reported yohimbine concentrations in four severe acute intoxications” by Mueller-Schoell, Michelet, Weinelt, Kloft and Mikus has been accepted in the journal Archives of Toxicology.


New article online on a QSP model for CD19-specific CAR-T cell immunotherapy

The manuscript “Early survival prediction framework in CD19-specific CAR-T cell immunotherapy using a quantitative systems pharmacology model” by Mueller-Schoell et al. has been accepted in the journal Cancers as part of the Special Issue Mathematical Models of Cellular Immunotherapies in Cancer and is now available online.


New article online on the quantification of E. coli persister formation

The manuscript “Quantification of persister formation of Escherichia coli leveraging electronic cell counting and semi-mechanistic pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling” by Seeger, Michelet and Kloft has been accepted in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (JAC)and is now available online.


Presentation at ESDPPP Annual Meeting 2021

The work of a member of our working group, Dr. Robin Michelet, will be presented at the 18th meeting of the European Society for Developmental, Perinatal and Pediatric Pharmacology (ESDPPP), which will be held online, organised by the University of Liverpool.



4th PharMetrX PhD student Network Meeting

On 11-12 June 2021, the 4th PharMetrX PhD student Network Meeting will take place, where more than 80 former & present PhD students of the PharMetrX Graduate Research Training program will meet virtually to discuss ‘hot topics’ in Pharmacometrics and maintain the connections and interactions developed in the PharMetrX program and expand these across various PhD student years. The network meeting will start with a social event on Friday evening, 11 June, and having scientific and networking contents on Saturday, 12 June.


New article online on novel PK/PD parameters evaluating antibiotic therapy

The manuscript “Novel pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic parameters quantify the exposure–effect relationship of levofloxacin against fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli” by Seeger et al. has been accepted in the journal Antibiotics as part of the Special Issue Optimizing Antibiotic Treatment: Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Trials and is now available online.


PhD student awarded Best Presentation Award at EORTC-PAMM Spring meeting

Anna Mueller-Schoell, doctoral student of our Department, was awarded the Best Presentation Award for her presentation “A quantitative systems pharmacology model of four CAR-T cell phenotypes and CD19-positive metabolic tumour volume elucidates sources of the large pharmacokinetic variability” at the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer – Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms (EORTC-PAMM) Spring Meeting 2021


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In May 2021, a new doctoral student Davide Bindellini joined our Department, also being enrolled in our PharMetrX program. Davide studied Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (B.Sc.) at Università degli studi di Milano, Italy, and Biomedical Sciences (M.Sc.) at Leiden University, the Netherlands. He will have his doctoral thesis project in the area of pharmacometrics: A warm welcome!

May 2021

Research Exchange Day with FUSA

On 17 May 2021, a research Exchange Day will be organised together with Flinders University of South Australia. From our group, PhD students Alix Démaris, Anna Müller-Schöll and Franz Weber will present their research. We are looking forward to fruitful discussion and exchange!


Presentation at CIMT Meeting 2021

Anna Mueller-Schoell, doctoral student of our working group, will present her work entitled “Early survival prediction framework in CD19-specific CAR-T cell immunotherapy using a quantitative systems pharmacology” at the 18th Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT) Annual Meeting 2021.


New article online on the evaluation of our MeroRisk Calculator

The manuscript “Evaluation of the MeroRisk Calculator, a user-friendly tool to predict the risk of meropenem target non-attainment in critically ill patients” by Liebchen et al. has been accepted in the journal Antibiotics as part of the Special Issue TDM, Individual Dosing and Application of Antibiotics/Antiinfectives in Critically Ill Patients and is now available online.



The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In May 2021, a new doctoral student Felix Müller joined our Department. Felix studied Pharmacy at Universitaet Greifswald. He will have his doctoral thesis project in the area of microdialysis and in vitro systems/cell culture: A warm welcome!


Article online on the use of pharmacometrics in immunomodulatory drug R&D

The manuscript “The use of translational modelling and Simulation to develop immunomodulatory therapy as an adjunct to antibiotic treatment in the context of pneumonia” by Michelet et al. has been accepted in the journal Pharmaceutics as part of a Special Issue The Role of Pharmacometrics in Drug Discovery and Development Process and is available online now.



First-patient-in for our ON-TARGET study (TDM in clinical practice)

The first patient has been included in the ON-TARGET study, a non-interventional study on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in patients with renal cell carcinoma and on the feasibility of using Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling (VAMS) for sample collection. The ON-TARGET study is the joint project of a network of clinical and academic experts in oral tumour therapy, pharmacometric data analysis, bioanalysis, and clinical studies within the framework of the Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research (CESAR).


Scientific workshop with Prof. Meibohm, UTHSC

On 04 May 2021, Prof. Dr. Bernd Meibohm from the College of Pharmacy, University of Tenessee Health Science Center, College of Pharmacy, Memphis (USA), will join us for an online scientific workshop (part 2). He will give insights about new aspects of PK/PD of therapeutic proteins. In addition, a working group member, Dr. Robin Michelet will present his research.


April 2021

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In April 2021, a new doctoral student Franz Weber will join our Department, also being enrolled in our PharMetrX program. Franz studied Pharmacy at the Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg. He will have his doctoral thesis project in the area of pharmacometrics for optimisation of antibiotic therapy in critically ill patients: A warm welcome!


Article online on a PK/PD analysis of novel anti-infective combination therapy

The manuscript “A Model-Based Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Analysis of the Combination of Amoxicillin and Monophosphoryl Lipid A Against S. pneumoniae in Mice” by Franck, Michelet et al. has been accepted in the journal Pharmaceutics as part of a Special Issue The Role of Pharmacometrics in Drug Discovery and Development Process and is available online now.



Defence of doctoral thesis of Ana-Marija Grišić

The defence of the doctoral thesis by Ana-Marija Grišić entitled “Pharmacometric analysis of monoclonal antibodies to support clinical decision-making” will take place online, on Friday, 23 April 2021, at 16:00. We are very much looking forward to the event!


Presentation at EORTC-PAMM Spring Meeting 2021

Anna Mueller-Schoell, doctoral student of our working group, will present her work entitled “A quantitative systems pharmacology model of four CAR-T cell phenotypes and CD19-positive metabolic tumour volume elucidates sources of the large pharmacokinetic variability” at the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer – Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms (EORTC-PAMM) Spring Meeting 2021.

March 2021

Scientific workshop with Prof. Meibohm, UTHSC

On 29 March 2021, Prof. Dr. Bernd Meibohm from the College of Pharmacy, University of Tenessee Health Science Center, College of Pharmacy, Memphis (USA), will join us for an online scientific workshop. He will give insights about new aspects of PK/PD of therapeutic proteins and Model-Informed Precision Dosing. In addition, two of our working group members, Dr. Robin Michelet and Alix Démaris will present their research.



PharMetrX Module Curriculum continues

From 22-26 March 2021, the PharMetrX A2 module “Introduction to physiologically based pharmacokinetics” will take place online. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de



Curious of what we are doing in research?

We will be offering an online introduction and informal dialogue for students on the 19 March 2021: All undergraduate pharmacy students or recent graduates who are interested in getting insight in our research projects, the methodology platform we are using and our working group are welcome to join. Please contact Josefine Schulz (josefine.schulz@fu-berlin.de) for further details.


Article on the impact of non-adherence in model-informed precision dosing

The manuscript “Simulation-Based Assessment of the Impact of Non-Adherence on Endoxifen Target Attainment in Different Tamoxifen Dosing Strategies” by Mueller-Schoell et al. has been accepted in the journal Pharmaceuticals and is available online now.



Article online on erlotinib resistance in an EGFR activating mutated lung cancer

The manuscript “Constitutive Cell Proliferation Regulating Inhibitor of Protein Phosphatase 2A (CIP2A) Mediates Drug Resistance to Erlotinib in an EGFR Activating Mutated NSCLC Cell Line” by Saafan, Alahdab, Michelet et al. has been accepted in the journal Cells and is available online now.


PharMetrX Module Curriculum: Kick-off

On 01 March 2021, the PharMetrX Module Curriculum for the new doctoral student year of our PhD program will kick off with the A1 module “Introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” taking place online from 01 – 05 and 12 March 2021. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de

January 2021

PharMetrX at virtual ALARM job fair in Göteborg

PharMetrX at the (virtual) ALARM job fair 2021 of the University of Gothenburg (GU): We are excited to talk to Pharmacy students of all semesters about opportunities to conduct a M.Sc. project or internship with us. We will also encourage applying to our Research, Training and Network Graduate Programme! Dr. Johanna Melin and David Busse, former and present PhD students of the program, are looking forward to getting in touch with the GU students on the 21st of January!


Review article on Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of 71 oral anticancer drugs

The manuscript “Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of oral targeted antineoplastic drugs” by Mueller-Schoell et al. has been accepted in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and is available online now.


December 2020


Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year

In warm appreciation for all support and trust throughout this extraordinary year and in remembrance of the remarkable progress and wonderful experiences facing all the new challenges at our Department in 2020, we are extending our very best wishes for a joyous end-of-the-year season and a New Year filled with health, peace and happiness to everyone.

Annual Christmas party of our Department

According to our long-standing tradition, our Department will have our famous annual Christmas party on 2 December 2020 to look back at a wonderful and successful year. Just as the year 2020 has been somewhat unusual, this Christmas party will be slightly different from the previous years and will take place online!

New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript “Semimechanistic clearance models of oncology biotherapeutics and impact of study design: cetuximab as a case study” by Grisic et al. has been accepted in the journal Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics: Pharmacometris & Systems Pharmacology and is now available online.



New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript “Infliximab clearance decreases in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy in inflammatory bowel disease” by Grisic et al. has been accepted in the United European Gastroenterology Journal and is now available online.



New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript “Role of TDM-based dose adjustments for taxane anticancer drugs” by Muth, Ojara et al. has been accepted in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and is now available online.




November 2020


PhD thesis prize awarded to AK Kloft alumni

The doctoral thesis entitled “Pharmacometrics-based evaluation of antibiotic target-site exposure to improve dosing regimens in special populations” by Dr. Iris Minichmayr was awarded the PhD thesis prize by the Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie e.V. The Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft promotes research and teaching in the field of antimicrobial therapy and awards outstanding scientific work with its PhD thesis prize every other year.


New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript “Quantitative relationship between infliximab exposure and inhibition of C‐reactive protein synthesis to support inflammatory bowel diseases management” by Grisic et al. has been accepted in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and is now available online.


New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript “Quantification of microdialysis related variability in humans: Clinical trial design recommendations” by Busse, Simon, Michelet et al. has been accepted in the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and is now available online.


Humboldt Research Fellowship awarded to Stephan Schmidt, PhD

Stephan Schmidt, Associate Professor & Director at the University of Florida, successfully applied for a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers in 2021. He plans to visit our Department next year. Dr. Schmidt’s research focuses on the development and application of disease-drug-trial models in the area of chronic progressive diseases, special patient populations, and drug-drug interactions.


PharMetrX doctoral program: Personal interviews

From 24 – 25 November 2020 the personal interviews with the selected candidates to enter as doctoral students the PharMetrX Research+ doctoral program (www.PharMetrX.de) will take place via WebEx. The start of the PharMetrX module curriculum and PharMetrX doctoral student network will be in March 2021.

We are looking forward to welcoming and getting to know this year’s candidates!



October 2020


Looking for a postdoctoral research fellow position

We are inviting highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to apply for our offered position as “Postdoctoral research fellow” in the field of optimising drug therapy and drug development by applying therapeutic response and disease modelling and simulation.
For further details, please see: Postdoc_FAIR

Applications in English should include a letter of motivation incl. a description of research interests and relevant qualifications for the position. In addition, a curriculum vitae including a list of publications and names/email addresses of 2-3 referees should be provided.

Please submit your application to: charlotte.kloft@fu-berlin.de

New scientific publication of Department

The invited manuscript “Perspectives on Model-Informed Precision Dosing in the Digital Health Era: Challenges, Opportunities, and Recommendations” by Kluwe, Michelet, Mueller-Schoell et al. has been accepted in the journal Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics and is now available online.


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

We are happy to announce that Nicole Zimmerman joined our Department as a doctoral student: A warm welcome! Her research will be in the field of optimisation of anti-infective therapy: A warm welcome!


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

We are happy to announce that Prof. Dr. Gerd Mikus joined our Department as senior scientist: A warm welcome!


September 2020


PharMetrX A4 Module

From 28 September – 02 October 2020, the PharMetrX A4 Module “Introduction to Systems Biology” will take place online. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de 


PharMetrX A5 Module

From 31 August – 04 September 2020, the PharMetrX A5 Module “Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis” will take place online. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.  


ISAP Annual Meeting 2020

On 18 September 2020, the ISAP Annual Meeting will take place as an online meeting. Two PhD students from our Department, Josefine Schulz and Luis Ilia, will present their work at the Young Investigator Session. 



August 2020


New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript “Paediatric population pharmacokinetic modelling to assess hydrocortisone replacement dosing regimens in young children” by Michelet, Melin et al. has been accepted in the European Journal of Endocrinology and is now available online.



Interprofessional education” project awarded

Our innovative “interprofessional education” project idea was awarded the “GMA-Preis für Innovative Lehrprojektideen 2020” by the Society for Medical Education (Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung). To meet the requirements of individual patients in an increasingly complex healthcare system, students of different disciplines need to understand each other´s strenghts and competences as a basis for successful interprofessional collaboration. In our project, we collaborate with the Dieter Scheffner Fachzentrum at Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, to implement joint teaching seminars for medical and pharmacy students


Apply now! –  Application period for doctoral studies in PharMetrX now open

Are you about to finish or have you just finished your studies in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, mathematics, bioinformatics, or some related field? The PharMetrX program (www.PharMetrX.de)calls for applications for the:

PharMetrX Research+ Program: You are looking for a PhD +++ in a fascinating and prosperous research area +++ within two truly trans-disciplinary research groups +++ supervised by leading experts in their fields +++ with an industry mentor +++ in the vibrant Berlin/Potsdam area +++ supported by a specifically tailored training program of academic and industrial modules +++ embedded into a network of peers +++ supported by a 3.5 year competitive fellowship?


PharMetrX Training+ Program:  You have already started your PhD in the field of pharmacometrics (or will do so soon) and are looking +++ for a specifically tailored training program of compact academic and industrial modules conveying the foundations in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, systems biology, statistics, methodological approaches of modelling & simulation, etc. +++ and a network of peers to exchange with?

The application period is open from 15 July – 15 September 2020.


New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript “Desmopressin oral lyophilisate in young children: new insights in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” by Dossche, Michelet, De Bruyne et al. has been accepted in the British Medical Journal and is now available online.



PharMetrX A3 Module

From 10 – 14 August 2020, the PharMetrX A3 Module “Introduction to population analysis” will take place at our Institute. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.


New scientific publication of Department

The original article “Obesity alters endoxifen plasma levels in young breast cancer patients: A pharmacometric simulation approach“ by Mueller-Schoell, Klopp-Schulze et al. has been accepted in the journal Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, and is available online now.



New scientific publication of Department

The original article “Risk of target non-attainment in obese compared to non-obese patients in calculated linezolid therapy“ by Ehmann, Simon, Busse et al. has been accepted in the Clinical Microbiology and Infection, and is now available online.




June 2020


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

We are happy to announce that Gabriela Karsubke, joined our Department as secretary´s office: A warm welcome!


New scientific publication of Department

The original article “Linezolid concentrations in plasma and subcutaneous tissue are reduced in obese patients, resulting in a higher risk of underdosing in critically ill patients: A controlled clinical pharmacokinetic study“ by Simon, Busse et al. has been accepted in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, and is now available online.


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In June 2020, a new diploma student, Banafshe Pourshacheraghi, will join our Department. She will focus in her 6-month diploma thesis project on the emergence of bacterial resistance under antibiotic exposure.



May 2020


AK Kloft during the COVID19 pandemic

With respect to the ongoing COIVD19 pandemic, we continue our research and teaching/training activities on a remote basis. We wish everyone a healthy and smooth transition throughout this crisis, and extend our condolences to all who have lost someone to this new virus.


24th PK/PD Expert Meeting in Saarbrücken

The 24th PK/PD Expert Meeting has been postponed to 2021 due to the COVID19 pandemic. We are looking forward to stimulating scientific interactions as part of this event next year. For more information: see link below.


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In May 2020, a new diploma student, Antonia Thomas, will join our Department. Her 6-month diploma thesis project will focus on in vitro metabolism investigations.



April 2020


Cancelled due to COVID-19: Contribution at ECCMID and ISAP annual meeting 2020

From 17 – 21 April 2020, the ISAP annual meeting and the 30th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) would have taken in Paris, France. Six members of our department, Johanna Seeger, Josefine Schulz, Luis Ilia, Dr. Robin Michelet, Ferdinand Weinelt and David Busse contributed their work during ECCMID as paper posters or ePoster talks. However, due to COVID19 the meeting was cancelled.


New scientific publication of Department

The paper “Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic evaluation of hydrocortisone therapy in pediatric patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. “ by Melin et al. has been accepted in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, and is now available online.


Offer of internship (‘Schnupperpraktikum’) for students

Curious of what we are doing in research?
We will be offering a two-day internship for students (“Schnupperpraktikum”) in the upcoming semester break. All undergraduate pharmacy students or recent graduates who are interested in getting insight in our research projects, the methodology platform we are using and our working group are welcome to apply. Please contact Josefine Schulz (Josefine.schulz[at]fu-berlin.de) for further information and application until the 31 July 2020.


Scientific symposium on anti-infective PK/PD

Although several important conferences planned for spring 2020 were cancelled or postponed due to the COVID19 pandemic, exchanging ideas and current research results in the field of anti-infectives is still of high importance. Therefore, an online symposium will take place on 27 April, which was jointly organised together with our collaboration partners Prof. Sebastian Wicha (University of Hamburg) and Prof. Markus Zeitlinger (Medical University of Vienna). From our working group, Josefine Schulz and Luis Ilia will present their latest research results.


New scientific publication of Department

The paper “Integrated data analysis points toward model-informed precision dosing of tamoxifen“ by Klopp-Schulze, Mueller-Schoell, Neven, Koolen, Mathijssen, Joerger and Kloft has been accepted in Frontiers in Pharmacology, and is now available online.



The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In April 2020, Corinna Schmidt joined our Department as technical assistant. Her scientific-supporting and administrative work will focus on our experimental research pillar.



March 2020


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new guest researcher

Starting from March 2020, Dr. Uwe Liebchen, medical doctor at the Department of Anaesthesiology at University Hospital Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität), will join our Department as a guest researcher. As part of the Munich clinician scientist program (MCSP), he will support our research in the field of antibiotics in various projects.


The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In March 2020, a new doctoral student, Ayatallah Saleh, has joined our Department. Her doctoral project will focus on pharmacometric modelling approaches of anti-infectives.


PharMetrX Module Curriculum: Kick-off

From 09 – 13 March 2020, the PharMetrX Module Curriculum for the new PhD student year of our PhD program will start with the A1 module “Introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” taking place at our Institute. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de



February 2020


Presentation at ECCO 2020

Alix Démaris, doctoral student of our working group, will present her work “Evaluation of dosing strategies of anti-TNFα monoclonal antibodies using pharmacokinetic modelling and simulation” at the 15th congress of European Crohn’s and colitis organisation (ECCO), 12-15 February 2020, in Vienna, Austria. The theme of this year’s programme is “Inflammatory Bowel Diseases beyond 2020”, including debates about the future of TNF treatment and novel tools to monitor disease activity.


Visit at the Netherlands Cancer Institute

On 18-19 February 2020, Anna Mueller-Schoell, doctoral student of our Department will visit the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) on the topic of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for oral anticancer drugs. The NKI, associated with the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, is a national and international centre of scientific and clinical expertise and a pioneer in the field of personalised anticancer drug therapy.


New scientific publication of Department

The article “Bayesian data assimilation to support informed decision-making in individualized chemotherapy“ by Maier, Hartung, de Wiljes, Kloft and Huisinga has been accepted in CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology, and is now available online.




January 2020


Kick-off for new EU research project FAIR

On 13-14 January 2020, the kick-off meeting for the ‘Flagellin Aerosol Therapy As An Immunomodulatory Adjunct To The Antibiotic Treatment Of Drug-Resistant Bacterial Pneumonia’ (FAIR) will take place in Paris. FAIR is a joint collaboration of 11 partners – from France, Switzerland, Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom, The Netherlands – for the next 5 years under the Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Commission.


Workshop with Prof. Bernd Meibohm, USA

On 21 January 2020, Prof. Dr. Bernd Meibohm from the College of Pharmacy, University of Tenessee Health Science Center, College of Pharmacy, Memphis (USA), will visit our Department. During the workshop, he will give insights about new aspects of PK/PD of therapeutic proteins and four of our working group members, Dr. Robin Michelet, Dr. Niklas Hartung, David Busse and Alix Démaris will present their research.


Visit of Prof. Holdenrieder’s group, TU Munich

On 27January 2020, a team led by Prof. Stefan Holdenrieder from the Institute of Laboratory Medicine, German Heart Centre, Technical University of Munich will visit our working group. The purpose is to provide insights into our group’s research activities especially the in silico modelling and simulation platform used to describe disease process and treatment-response relationships. Prof. Charlotte Kloft and three doctoral students of our group Francis Williams Ojara, Yomna N Nassar and Anna Müller-Schöll will join discussions with the visiting team on ongoing research collaborations between the two working groups.


New European project proposal (within ‘Horizon 2020’) approved

AK Kloft is proud to announce that our project proposal within the Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Commission entitled ‘Flagellin Aerosol Therapy As An Immunomodulatory Adjunct To The Antibiotic Treatment Of Drug-Resistant Bacterial Pneumonia’ (FAIR) is approved for funding.
As leaders of the Work Package “Development of a translational modelling and simulation platform for flagellin PK/PD” we will quantitatively support the translation of our investigated compound towards humans. We are very much looking forward to collaborate with our 11 partners – from France, Switzerland, Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom, The Netherlands – for the next 5 years, starting in January 2020!


December 2019

Annual Christmas party of our working group

According to our long-standing tradition, our Department will have our famous annual Christmas party on 12 December 2019 to look back at a wonderful and successful year and to enjoy a Christmas dinner and mulled wine together.

Annual “Glühwein” evening at Kelchstr.

On 18 December 2019 all working groups located at Kelchstraße 31 of our Institute of Pharmacy will have a joined mulled wine evening.

PharMetrX PhD program: Personal interviews

On 18 December 2019, personal interviews for candidates to be enrolled as PhD students in the PharMetrX Research+ PhD program (www.PharMetrX.de) will take place at Freie Universität Berlin. The start of the next PhD student year with the PharMetrX module curriculum and PharMetrX network will be in March 2020.

We are looking forward to welcoming and getting to know the candidates!

Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year

In warm appreciation for all support throughout the year and in remembrance of all the exciting events and wonderful experiences at our Department in 2019, we are extending our very best wishes for a joyous end-of-the-year season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness to everyone.

November 2019

PharMetrX Industry 1 module in November

From 04 – 08 November 2019, the PharMetrX Industry Module 1 (the “I1 module”) entitled “Drug discovery & development – Walking along the value chain” will take place for the PharMetrX PhD Student Years 2018 and 2019 and will kindly be hosted by the PharMetrX Industry partners Boehringer Ingelheim (Biberach an der Riss) and AbbVie (Ludwigshafen). For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de

Presentations at the MEDICA LABMED FORUM 2019

Two PhD students of our working group, Francis Williams Ojara and Anna Mueller-Schoell will present their PhD work at the MEDICA LABMED FORUM 2019 in Dusseldorf, Germany. The presentations, under the topic “Young Scientists meet innovative industry”,will highlight the role of pharmacometric modelling and simulation in improving the understanding and treatment of cancer patients. MEDICA is an annual international forum for medical technology, electromedicine, laboratory technology, diagnostics, physiotherapy, orthopedic technology and consumer goods and consumables, and will run from 18-21 Nov 2019.

PharMetrX PhD program: Personal interviews

From 19 – 20 November 2019 the personal interviews with the selected candidates to be enrolled as PhD students in the PharMetrX Research+ PhD program (www.PharMetrX.de) will take place at the Freie Universität Berlin. The start of the next PhD student year with the PharMetrX module curriculum and PharMetrX network will be in March 2020.

We are looking forward to welcoming and getting to know this year’s candidates!

Attendance at Protein Therapeutics course

Our PhD student Alix Démaris will attend the 4thEuropean course on “Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Protein Therapeutics”, taking place in Lyon/France, from 20 – 22 November 2019. This 3-day course will introduce participants to basic principles in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of novel therapeutic proteins and provide opportunities for basic hands-on exercises in the PK/PD evaluation of these compounds. Topics include target-mediated drug disposition, tissue and tumour penetration, first-in-human dose selection, immunogenicity, clinical pharmacology challenges, biosimilars, and drug-drug interactions.

Defence of doctoral thesis of Lisa Ehmann

The defence of the doctoral thesis by Lisa Ehmann entitled “Pharmacometric approaches to assess antibiotic dosing in special patient populations: Towards therapeutic decision support” will take place in the Lecture Hall 406A, Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstr. 31, 12169 Berlin, on Tuesday, 26 November 2019, at 16:45. Guests are welcome!

Successful defence of doctoral thesis by Lisa Ehmann

Lisa Ehmann successfully defended her doctoral thesis “Pharmacometric approaches to assess antibiotic dosing in special patient populations: Towards therapeutic decision support” on Tuesday, 26 November 2019. Congratulations Lisa and all the best!

October 2019

Looking for a postdoctoral research fellow position?

We are inviting highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to apply for our offered positions as “Postdoctoral research fellow” in the field of optimising drug therapy and drug development by applying therapeutic response and disease modelling and simulation.

Applications in English should include a letter of motivation incl. a description of research interests and relevant qualifications for the position. In addition, a curriculum vitae including a list of publications and names/email addresses of 2-3 referees should be provided.

Please submit your application to: charlotte.kloft[at]fu-berlin.de

Guest visit of Dr. Joachim Grevel, UK

On the 29 October 2019, Dr. Joachim Grevel, an expert in pharmacometric modelling and simulation, from BAST Inc. (Loughborough, UK) will visit our group. During his visit, he will give a presentation entitled “Treatment effectiveness, the patient’s perspective”, providing insights into modelling approaches to objectively evaluate the benefit of treatment regimens with consideration of multiple treatment end points e.g. toxicity or efficacy. We will further discuss the possibility of integrating these approaches into some of our ongoing projects.

Presentations at Iberoamerican Pharmacometrics Network Congress 2019

A member of our working group, Dr. Robin Michelet, will present his work at the annual meeting of Iberoamerican Pharmacometrics Network (RedIF) in Havanna, Cuba. The main topic of the meeting, which takes place from 27-30 October this year is “Pharmacometrics in the Developing World: Translational M&S and Virtual Bioequivalence”.

Presentations at ACoP10

Franziska Kluwe, doctoral student of our working group, and Lena Klopp-Schulze, former doctoral student of our working group, will present their work at the 10th  American Conference on Pharmacometrics (ACoP10), 20-23 October 2019, at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel in Orlando, FL. ACoP is the annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP). The theme of ACoP10 is “Modeling without Borders”. This theme was chosen to highlight ISoP’s 2019 objectives of “globalization and collaboration” of pharmacometrics groups, methods, tools and its impact on Global Health. Franziska’s poster was selected to be presented during the newly established poster walk session, 20 October 2019 8.00 PM, to highlight and recognize significant and thought-provoking accomplishments in pharmacometrics.


Defence of Master thesis

The defence of the Master thesis by Claas Hedtfeld on “Investigation of growth and kill behaviour of Escherichia coli under levofloxacin exposure in the static in vitro infection model” will take place in room 404A in the Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstr. 31, 12169 Berlin, on Tuesday, 15 Oct 2019, at 14:30. Guests are welcome!

BCP Graduate Center officially opened!

On 10 October, the Department of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy celebrated the opening ceremony of its new graduate center. Among other alumni, a former PhD student of our group, Dr. Eva Göbgen, gave insights in her work in a presentation, followed by a plenary discussion.

September 2019

New scientific publication of Department

The review article “Novel insights into the complex pharmacokinetics of voriconazole: a review of its metabolism“ by Schulz, Kluwe, Mikus, Michelet and Kloft has been accepted in Drug Metabolism Reviews, and is now available online.


Presentation at ESMO 2019

Anna Mueller-Schoell, doctoral student of our Department, will present her joint work with Dr. Lena Klopp Schulze (former doctoral student of the working group) on “Patient-tailored tamoxifen dosing based on an increased quantitative understanding of its complex pharmacokinetics: A novel integrative modelling approach “ at the ESMO Annual Meeting, 27 September-01 October 2019, in Barcelona, Spain. The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) is the leading European professional organisation for medical oncology. The theme of this year’s annual meeting is “Translating science into better patient care”.


PharMetrX A4 module

From 16–20 September 2019, the PharMetrX A4 module “Introduction to Systems Biology” will take place at the University of Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.

Presentations at CESAR Annual Meeting 2019

Three PhD students of our working group, Francis Williams Ojara, Anna Mueller-Schoell and Yomna M Nassar, and Prof. Charlotte Kloft will attend this year’s annual meeting of the Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research (CESAR) in Oldenburg. The students will present their PhD work at the meeting. The main topic of the meeting this year is “From bench to real world data”. Together with Prof. Jaehde, Prof. Kloftwill host a session on “Model-informed Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: benefit for the patient – The CESAR consortium” on Friday, 13 September 2019.

Presentations at DPhG Annual Meeting 2019

Five PhD students of our working group, David Busse, Luis Ilia, Anna Mueller-Schoell, Josefine Schulz and Johanna Seeger will present their work at the Annual meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) in Heidelberg. The main topic of the meeting this year is “Pharmaceutical Research: From basic research to medical applications”. Charlotte Kloft will host a session together with Thorsten Lehr(Saarland University) on “Challenges and opportunities in model based dose adaptation” on Wednesday, 4 September.

Apply now! Application period for doctoral studies in PharMetrX now open

Are you about to finish or have you just finished your studies in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, mathematics, bioinformatics, or some related field? The PharMetrX program (www.PharMetrX.de) calls for applications for the:

PharMetrX Research+ Program: You are looking for a PhD +++ in a fascinating and prosperous research area +++ within two truly trans-disciplinary research groups +++ supervised by leading experts in their fields +++ with an industry mentor +++ in the vibrant Berlin/Potsdam area +++ supported by a specifically tailored training program of academic and industrial modules +++ embedded into a network of peers +++ supported a 3.5 year competitive fellowship?


PharMetrX Training+ Program: You have already started your PhD in the field of pharmacometrics (or will do so soon) and are looking +++ for a specifically tailored training program of compact modules that convey the foundations in pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics, systems biology, statistics etc. +++ and a network of peers to exchange with?

The application period is open from 15 July – 15 September 2019.

PhD student awarded “Best Abstract award” at CESAR Annual Meeting

Anna Mueller-Schoell, doctoral student at our Department, was awarded the “Best abstract award for young scientists” for her work on “Assessing the impact of non-adherence on endoxifen target attainment in tamoxifen breast cancer therapy using a modelling & simulation framework” at the Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research (CESAR) Annual Meeting 2019.


August 2019

PharMetrX A3 module

From 19–23 August 2019, the PharMetrX A3 module “Introduction to population analysis” will take place at our Institute. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.

PharMetrX “Schnuppertag”

Are you interested in learning more about the fascinating field of “pharmacometrics” and the Graduate Research Training Program “PharMetrX”? On 12 August 2019 from 13:00 to 17:00, members of our working group will give an introduction into pharmacometrics and provide an exciting overview about the PharMetrX program. Students from all semesters, other subjects or universities are welcome. Prior registration is required, please contact josefine.schulz[at]fu-berlin.de.

Link: www.pharmetrx.de

Attendance at Uppsala PMX Summer School

Viktoria Stachanow, PhD student at our working group, will attend the 9th annual Uppsala Pharmacometrics Summer School (UPSS) taking place from 12 – 23 August 2019 at the Uppsala University, Sweden. Beside lectures, hands-on sessions and group works, Viktoria will present parts of her current research work.

Off-site meeting of our Department

From 8-10 August 2019, our working group will retreat to the green areas north of Berlin to discuss the future directions of our Dept. Strategic discussions, critical reflection on the past years and brainstorming for the coming years will be alternated with team-building and social activities. We hope to return to the institute as a freshly energised team full of new ideas.

New scientific publication of Department

The original research article “Development of a dosing algorithm for meropenem in critically ill patients based on a population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis “ by Ehmann, Zoller, Minichmayr, Scharf, Huisinga, Zander and Kloft has been accepted in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, and is now available online.

PhD student of Dept. received the “CIMT poster award”

Anna Mueller-Schoell, PhD student of our department, was awarded the “CIMT poster award” in the category cellular therapy for her work on “CAR-T cell therapy: Investigating clinical challenges using a modelling & simulation framework” at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT) 2019 in Mainz, Germany. Click below to see a short video of her describing her work.


July 2019

Visit to Prof. Holdenrieder’s group, TU Munich

On 26 July 2019, two doctoral students of our group Francis Williams Ojara and Anna Müller-Schöll will visit Prof. Stefan Holdenrieder’s working group at the Institute of Laboratory Medicine, German Heart Centre, Technical University of Munich. The students will get introduced to different laboratory methods for analysing clinical samples to e.g. quantify biomarkers which are subsequently used in modelling and simulation projects to better describe disease processes and treatment-response relationships. Discussion on ongoing collaborations between the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin, and the Institute of Laboratory Medicine, German Heart Centre, Technical University of Munich will also be undertaken.

Visit to Grünenthal in Aachen

On 19 July 2019, Ferdinand Weinelt, doctoral student of our Dept. and enrolled in the Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, will visit his industry mentor Dr. Jan Freijer and the Grünenthal pharmacometrics team in Aachen. Besides individual meetings with team members, Ferdinand will present parts of his research.

Scientific meeting with Pharm. Technology Dept.

On 4 July at 18:00, our working group and the working groups of Professor Bodmeier and Professor Müller from the pharmaceutical technology department will look behind the scenes of the other working groups in order to foster our scientific exchange. Afterwards, we will have a joint “Kelchstraße barbeque”.

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In July 2019, a new doctoral student Yomna M. Nassar will join our Department. Her doctoral thesis project will be in the area of pharmacometrics of anticancer drugs.

June 2019

Participation of the Department at the “Long Night of Science” (LNdW)

During the “Long Night of Science” (Lange Nacht  der Wissenschaften, LNdW) Johanna Seeger, Ferdinand Weinelt and multiple undergraduate Pharmacy students presented different aspects of our research to interested visitors at the Institute of Pharmacy. Our group further contributed to a successful night with two interactive presentations, one by Johanna Seeger concerning “Facts & Myths in antibiotic drug therapy” and one by Prof. Kloft with the tile “From mouse to man – how to to translate and scale results from animal trials?”

Visit of Prof. Mikus, Univ. Hospital Heidelberg

On 19 June 2019, Prof. Gerd Mikus from the University Hospital Heidelberg will visit our Department to discuss ongoing collaborations and projects between the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin, and the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology, University Hospital Heidelberg, as well as insights into the research and teaching concept at our Department.

Inaugural lecture of Hon. Prof. Martin Schulz

On 19 June at 17:00, our newly appointed honorary professor, Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, will give his inaugural lecture on “Non-adherence in cardiovascular medicine – so what?” in the Big Lecture Hall of the Botanical Museum in Berlin. We are looking forward to new insights in this highly relevant topic and many future lectures and collaboration. An interesting article can be found here.

May 2019

Contribution at ESDPPP 2019

From 28 – 30 May 2019, the 17th Congress of the European Society For Developmental Perinatal And Paediatric Pharmacology (ESDPPP) congress takes place in Basel, Switzerland. Viktoria Stachanow will give a poster presentation on her work on optimisation of hydrocortisone replacement therapy. Young physicians, pharmacists, pharmacometricians and many other scientists will join the ESDPPP congress in order to present and discuss their latest research results.

Presentation at CIMT Annual Meeting 2019

Anna Müller-Schöll
will present her scientific work on CAR-T cells at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy in Mainz, Germany. The three-day conference is the largest meeting in Europe focussing on cancer immunotherapy research and development.

Link: www.meeting.cimt.eu

23rd PK/PD Expert Meeting in Friedrichroda

From 09-11 May 2019, the 23rd PK/PD Expert Meeting will take placeunder the auspices of AGAH in Friedrichroda. Presentations and associated discussions will focus on the topics “Insight in chronobiology and its impact on PK/PD and drug development”, “Make man transparent: application of imaging techniques in biodistribution and pharmacodynamics” and “Oncolytic virus therapy - fighting cancer with good bugs”. From our Department, Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft, Dr. Robin Michlet and the PhD students Ana-Marija Grišić, Franziska Kluwe, Francis Williams Ojara, Viktoria Stachanow, Anna Müller-Schöll and David Busse will attend the meeting. For more information: see www.pkpd-expertentreffen.de

8th PharMetrX Symposium at SocraTec

On 09 May 2019, the 8th PharMetrx-Symposium 2019 will take place at SocraTec R&D GmbH, Clinical Pharmacology Unit. Three PharMetrX Research+ doctoral students, Franziska Kluwe, Francis Ojara and Sabine Stübler, will present their scientific work. For more detailed information on the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.

Visit of Prof. Derendorf, Dr. Mayer and Dr. Sturm

On 08 May 2019, Prof. Hartmut Derendorf from the University of Florida and Dr. Sonja Mayer and Dr. Christoph Sturm from the Bavarian Pharmacy Chamber (Bayrische Landesapothekerkammer) will visit our Department to discuss the evolvement and current developments in the field of Clinical Pharmacy research and teaching.

April 2019

Inaugural lecture Hon. Prof. Martin Schulz

In April 2019, Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of the Drug Commission of German Pharmacists (Arzneimittelkommission der Deutschen Apotheker, AMK), and outstanding expert in medication adherence, medication safety and pharmacoepidemiology, was appointed Honorary Professor by the Freie Universität Berlin. On 19 June 2019, Prof. Dr. Schulz gave his inaugural lecture with the title "Non-adherence to cardiovascular drugs - so what?"in the Big Lecture Hall of the Botanical Museum in Berlin. Despite the hot temperatures on this summer day, the lecture was highly frequented and well perceived.

PhD student of Dept. received the “Alan Forrest Young Investigator Award”

Sebastian Franck, PhD student of our Department, was awarded the “Alan Forrest Young Investigator Award” for an excellent presentation entitled “Boosting the immune system to enhance amoxicillin activity: Insights provided by semi-mechanistic PK/PD modelling” at the Young Investigator Session of the International Society of Anti-infective Pharmacology (ISAP) annual meeting 2019 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Our former PhD student awarded the “Hanse-Doctoral prize”

Dr. rer. nat. Iris Minichmayr, a former PhD student of our Department who defended her thesis in 2018 at Freie Universitaet Berlin, was awarded the “Hanse-Doctoral prize for Clinical Research in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2019” by theScientific Association for the Promotion of Clinically Applied Research in Intensive Care Medicine for her outstanding her doctoral thesis “Pharmacometrics-based evaluation of antibiotic target site exposure to improve dosing regimens in special populations” accomplished at our Department.

Contribution at ECCMID and ISAP annual meeting 2019

From 12 – 16 April 2019, the ISAP annual meeting and the 29th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) takes place in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, Netherlands. Five members of our department, Johanna Seeger, Sebastian Franck, Luis Ilia, Dr. Robin Michelet and Ferdinand Weinelt will present their work during ECCMID as paper posters or ePoster talks. The world’s leading experts will join the most important congress in infectious diseases, infection control and clinical microbiology to present and discuss the latest results.

Link: www.eccmid.org

Honorary professorship awarded to Prof. Martin Schulz

We are happy to announce that on 10 April 2019, a honorary professorship was conferred to Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of the Drug Commission of German Pharmacists (Arzneimittelkommission der Deutschen Apotheker, AMK), and outstanding expert in medication adherence, medication safety and pharmacoepidemiology. We are looking forward to strengthen the fruitful collaborations in research and teaching between Prof Schulz, our Dept, Institute and University.

PharMetrX I2 module (“Industry internship”) at Boehringer Ingelheim

As part of the structured PhD program PharMetrX, Franziska Kluwe, doctoral student in the area of pharmacometrics, will join the pharmacometrics team at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Biberach an der Riß/Germany, as an intern from February to April 2019.

For more information about PharMetrX and the I2 module, please visit: https://www.pharmetrx.de/training/curriculum/intership-industry-partners.html.

March 2019

PharMetrX Module Curriculum: A2 module

From 25-29 March 2019, the PharMetrX A2 module “Introduction to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics” will take place at the Universitaet Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.

Oral presentation at Digestive Disease Week 2019

Our work entitled “Infliximab clearance is decreased during 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy in inflammatory bowel disease” performed in collaboration with Herlev Hospital (Denmark) and Sheba Medical Centre (Israel) has been selected for oral presentation at the Digestive Disease Week in San Diego, CA, USA. The presentation will take place on 18 May 2019 as part of the session “The Pregnant Patient: Therapy and Diagnostics”.

Link: https://ddw.org/home

PharMetrX Module Curriculum: Kick-off

From 11 – 15 March 2019, the PharMetrX Module Curriculum for the new PhD student year of our program will start with the A1 module “Introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” taking place at our Institute. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de

Presentations at AMR Conference 2019, Berlin

The Senior Scientist of our working group, Dr. Robin Michelet, will present the results of the joint “COMBINATORIALS” research consortium project at the 12th Conference on Life Sciences on Novel Antimicrobials & AMR Diagnostics in Berlin. The topic of his oral presentation is “Applying the general pharmacodynamic interaction model on high-throughput combinatorial data in order to identify drug combinations that can overcome multi-drug-resistance”.

New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript, “High voriconazole target-site exposure after approved sequence dosing due to nonlinear pharmacokinetics assessed by long-term microdialysis” by Kirbs et al. has been published in the Eur. J. Pharm. Sci  (doi: 10.1016/j.ejps.2019.02.001). A key component of the analysis was the evaluation of the relationship between CYP2C19 genotype-predicted phenotype and voriconazole clearance.

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In March 2019, a new doctoral student Alix Demaris will join our Department. Her doctoral thesis project will be in the area of pharmacometrics of monoclonal antibodies.

February 2019

PBPK workshop using PK-Sim and MoBi

Jointly with SGS Exprimo our Department will organise a 2-day workshop on the use of the open source software PK-Sim and MoBi. The event will take place in the Institute of Pharmacy from 21–22 February 2019. A combination of lectures, demos and hands-on sessions will be used as teaching methods during the workshop featuring examples including predictions of human dose and drug-drug interactions (DDI).

January 2019

Scientific workshop with Prof. Meibohm, UTHSC

On 22 January 2019, Prof. Bernd Meibohm from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA, will visit our Department again for a scientific workshop. The workshop will comprise of lectures given by Prof. Meibohm and presentations of PhD students. Prof. Meibohm’s research is focused on the investigation of the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of drugs with special emphasis on PK/PD relations of macromolecular drugs.

December 2018

Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year

In warm appreciation for all support, encouragement and interactions with our local, national and international partnersthroughout the year and in remembrance of all the exciting events and wonderful experiences at our Department in 2018, we are extending our very best wishes for a joyous end-of-the-year season and a New Year 2019 filled with peace and happiness to everyone!

Successful defence of doctoral thesis

Lena Klopp-Schulze successfully defended her thesisentitled ”Towards the individualisation of tamoxifen breast cancer treatment: Leveraging pharmacometric approaches “ on Monday, 10 December 2018. We congratulate her on her excellent work and wish her all the best for the future! 

Defence of doctoral thesis (Lena Klopp-Schulze)

The defence of the doctoral thesis by Lena Klopp-Schulze entitled “Towards the individualisation of tamoxifen breast cancer treatment: leveraging pharmacometrics approaches” will take place in the Lecture Hall 406A, Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstr. 31, 12169 Berlin, on Monday, 10 December 2018, at 15:00. Guests are welcome!

Annual Christmas party of our working group

According to our long-standing tradition, our working group will have our annual Christmas party on 13 December to look back at a wonderful and exciting year and to enjoy a Christmas dinner and mulled wine together.

November 2018

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In November 2018, a new Master student Claas Hedtfeld (Master program “Pharmaceutical Reseach”) will join our Department. His 6-month Master thesis project will be in the area of in vitro systems/cell culture.

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome Stefanie Hennig, PhD (Humboldt Research Fellow)

In November 2018, Stefanie Hennig, lecturer at the School of Pharmacy, University of Queensland/Australia, will join our research group for a 3-month research stay as a Humboldt Research Fellow. Her research focuses on the application of pharmacometric methods, i.e. using mathematical models in combination with pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and optimal design of experimental and clinical studies to quantitatively describe the behaviour of drugs in the body and their effect size. PKPD models developed in her group are now utilised in model-based therapeutic drug monitoring software for personalised dosing of drugs, such as the open-source online software (TDMx).

Joint mulled wine evening at Kelchstraße

On 30 November 2018, the three working groups located at Kelchstraße will continue the tradition of joint events to strengthen the social connections between the groups and enjoy a mulled wine evening together.

PharMetrX PhD program: Personal interviews

Personal interviews with selected candidates with a broad range of different research backgrounds to enter the PharMetrX PhD program (www.PharMetrX.de) as PhD students will take place from 20-21 November 2018 at Freie Universität Berlin. The start of the PharMetrX module curriculum and PharMetrX network will be March 2019.

We are looking forward to welcoming and getting to know this year’s candidates!

OSCE workshop at our Department

A workshop on Objective Structured Clinical Examination(OSCE) will be carried out by the DPhG (German Pharmaceutical Society, Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft) specialist group “Clinical Pharmacy” at our Department on 16 November 2018. This modern training and evaluation method enables students to extend their competence accessing patient case based questions and provides advanced and objective validation formats. Among other experts, Dr. Karen Luetsch from Queensland, Australia, and colleagues from other Institutes of Pharmacy across Germany will share their knowledge and experience. Registration at:  www.dphg.clinicalpharmacy.me

Defence of doctoral thesis by Christine Weiser

The defence of the doctoral thesis by Christine Weiser entitled “Principle in vitro microdialysis investigation to characterise the feasibility for antifungals” will take place in the Lecture Hall 406A, Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstr. 31, 12169 Berlin, on Thursday, 15 November 2018, at 16:45. Guests are welcome!

Presentation at ICPAD Workshop 2018

Our PhD student Francis Williams Ojara will attend the 3rd International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Anticancer Drugs (ICPAD) taking place in Amsterdam/NL from 08–09 November 2018. During the workshop Francis Williams Ojara will present parts of his current research work on optimising paclitaxel treatment in non-small cell lung cancer patients from a quantitative perspective.

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In November 2018, a new Master student Claas Hedtfeld (Master program “Pharmaceutical Reseach”) will join our Department. His 6-month Master thesis project will be in the area of in vitro systems/cell culture.

October 2018

Presentations at DPhG Annual Meeting 2018

Nine PhD students of our working group, David Busse, Sebastian Franck, Ana-Marija Grišić, Luis Ilia, Franziska Kluwe, Josefine Schulz, Johanna Seeger, Viktoria Stachanow and Ferdinand Weinelt will present their work at the annual meeting of the Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG) in Hamburg, from 02–05 October 2018. The focus of this year’s meeting is "Pharmaceutical Science: Structure, Function and Application”.

Article on the 10-year Anniversary of PharMetrX now online

The article “Zehn Jahre PharMetrX” on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of our Structured Graduate Training Program for doctoral students – covering the three components Research ž Training ž Network, as well as the Celebration Symposium – has been published in the Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 158: 1954-1955 (2018) and is now available [PDF].  No reprint, publication in the internet or an Intranet without the publisher's consent.

New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript “Development of a dosing nomogram for continuous infusion meropenem in critically ill patients based on a validated population pharmacokinetic model“ by Minichmayr et al. has been accepted in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, and is now available online: https://academic.oup.com/jac/article/73/5/1330/4841774 .

September 2018

PharMetrX I2 module (“Industry internship”)

As part of the PharMetrX program, our PhD student from Ana-Marija Grišić will join the pharmacometrics group at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt/Germany, as an intern this summer.

PharMetrX A5 module

From 03–07 September 2018, the PharMetrX A5 module “Introduction to statistics and data analysis” will take place at the Universität Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de

PharMetrX A4 module

From 24–28 September 2018, the PharMetrX A4 module “Introduction to systems biology” will take place at the Universität Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de

Apply now! – Application period for doctoral studies in PharMetrX now open

Are you about to finish or have you just finished your studies in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, mathematics, bioinformatics, or some related field? The PharMetrX program (www.PharMetrX.de) calls for applications for the:

PharMetrX Research+ Program: You are looking for a PhD +++ in a fascinating and prosperous research area +++ within two truly trans-disciplinary research groups +++ supervised by leading experts in their fields +++ with an industry mentor +++ in the vibrant Berlin/Potsdam area +++ supported by a specifically tailored training program of academic and industrial modules +++ embedded into a network of peers +++ supported a 3.5 year competitive fellowship?


PharMetrX Training+ Program:  You have already started your PhD in the field of pharmacometrics (or will do so soon) and are looking +++ for a specifically tailored training program of compact modules that convey the foundations in pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics, systems biology, statistics etc. +++ and a network of peers to exchange with?

The application period is open from 15 July – 15 September 2018.

Get in touch with clinical pharmacy: “Schnupperpraktikum” at our Department

Two 6th semester students, Sandra Zeidler and Michael Lewash, will join our Department for a three-day internship from 18–20 September to gain a deeper insight in our research projects and to broaden their knowledge beyond the pharmacy studies curriculum.

August 2018

Attendance at Uppsala PMX Summer School

Franziska Kluwe, PhD student of our working group, will attend the 8th annual Uppsala Pharmacometrics Summer School (UPSS) taking place from 13–24 August 2018 at the Uppsala University, Sweden. Beside lectures, hands-on sessions and group works, Franziska Kluwe will present parts of her current research work.

PharMetrX A3 module

From 20–24 August 2018, the PharMetrX A3 module “Introduction to population analysis” will take place at our Institute. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de

Defense of doctoral thesis of Robin Michelet

The defense of the doctoral thesis of ir. Robin Michelet entitled “Prediction of pediatric pharmacokinetics to optimize dose regimens using bottom-up, top-down and middle-out approaches” will take place at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ghent University, Ottergemsesteenweg 460, Ghent, Belgium, on Wednesday, 29 August 2018, at 17:00. Guests are welcome!

Presentation at symposium “Use of M&S tools in pediatric drug research”

Professor Charlotte Kloft, will give a presentation at the symposium “The use of modeling and simulation tools in pediatric drug research” in Ghent, Belgium. The title of her presentation will be “No medicine for the youngest - how pharmacometrics can contribute to better therapies in congenital adrenal hyperplasia.”. The program of the symposium can be found here.

July 2018

New design of PharMetrX website launched

We are proud to announce the launch of the new design of our website for the structured Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX (www.pharmetrx.de). Please visit and enjoy the completely redesigned and informative online presence, including comprehensive information about the program (aims, offers etc.), enrolled doctoral students and their research and network, the training curriculum (series of academic and industry modules), the network, faculty members, collaborations partners, news and events.

Day of Pharmacy

Together with the DPhG (German Pharmaceutical Society, Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg), the Institute cordially invites you to our biyearly event „ Der Wissenschaftliche Nachwuchs stellt sich vor - Shaping future pharmaceutical research: Junior scientists present” on 06 July 2018. In the morning, young scientists of our and the other research groups of the Institute of Pharmacy will present their research in talks and on posters at the Institute of Pharmacy, Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4. In the afternoon the Graduation Celebrations and the traditional garden party will take place at the Botanisches Museum (Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8). We are looking forward to an exciting event and to seeing as many of you there!

Defense of doctoral thesis of Jeannine Fleth-James

The defense of the doctoral thesis of Jeannine Fleth-James entitled Suitability of in vitro, in silico and in vivo methodes to predict intestinal absorption in drug development” will take place in the Lecture Hall 406A, Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstr. 31, 12169 Berlin, on Wednesday, 04 July 2018, at 15:00. Guests are welcome!

Defense of diploma thesis of René Marrek

The defense of the diploma thesis of René Marrek entitled “Charakterisierung der Pharmakokinetik von Piperacillin in Intensivpatienten will take place in the seminar room 130, Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstr. 31, 12169 Berlin, on Tuesday, 03 July 2018, at 09:00. Guests are welcome!

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome two new members

In July 2018, two new PhD students, Anna Müller-Schöll and David Busse, will join our Department. They will have their PhD projects in the area of pharmacometric data analysis.

Successful defense of doctoral thesis

Jeannine Fleth-James successfully defended her doctoral thesis on “Suitability of in vitro, in silico and in vivo methodes to predict intestinal absorption in drug development.”

Successful defense of diploma thesis

René Marrek successfully defended his diploma thesis on “Charakterisierung der Pharmakokinetik von Piperacillin in Intensivpatienten”.

June 2018

The “Best Abstract Award” won by our PhD student published by CESAR

Details of the Best abstract award” at the Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research (CESAR) 2018 in which Francis Williams Ojara, a PhD student of our Department, came first are now available online on the CESAR website. The abstract, “Time-to-event analysis reveals a 50% reduction in incidence of peripheral neuropathy with PK/PD-guided dosing of paclitaxel in non-small cell lung cancer patients” was presented on 17 March 2018 in Berlin, Germany. For a summary of the presented work and details of the other winners, please visit


Joint BBQ party of 3 working groups at Kelchstr

On 14 June 2018, the three research working groups at the Institute of Pharmacy located at Kelchstr. 31, headed by Prof. Kloft, Prof. Bodmeier and Prof. Müller, will have a joint BBQ party and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of our Institute´s garden as well as the opening game of the soccer world championship.

May 2018

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In May 2018, Robin Michelet will join our Department as a postdoctoral research fellow. He will work in the field of optimising drug therapy and drug development by applying therapeutic response and disease modelling and simulation as well as modern bioanalytical approaches. His research will be embedded in the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR).

22nd PK/PD Expert Meeting in Lenzkirch-Saig

From 03 – 05 May 2018, the 22nd Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics Expert Meeting is taking place in Lenzkirch-Saig. Presentations and associated discussions will focus on the topics “Advancement of PK and PKPD aspects of biologics”, "Kidney reloaded” and “Status Update and Challenges of Cancer Immunotherapy”. From our department, Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft and thePhD students Lisa Ehmann, Ana-Marija Grišić, Lena Klopp-Schulze, Franziska Kluwe, Francis Williams Ojara and Viktoria Stachanow will attend the meeting.

Link: http://pkpd-expertentreffen.de/

Attendance at PAGE meeting 2018 in Montreux/CH

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft and the PhD students Ana-Marija Grišić, Francis Williams Ojara, Franziska Kluwe and Viktoria Stachanow will attend the 27th Population Approach Group in Europe Meeting from 29 May – 01 June 2018 in Montreux, Switzerland.Ana-Marija Grišić, Francis Williams Ojara and Franziska Kluwe will present their research topics in the areas of nonlinear mixed-effects modelling in immunology, oncology and infectious diseases, respectively.

Link: https://www.page-meeting.org/

April 2018

10-Years of PharMetrX, our structured Graduate Research Training Program

On the occasion of the 10-year anniversary of our structured Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX – Pharmacometrics and Computational Disease Modelling, we will organise the PharMetrX 10-Years Celebration Symposium with the overarching theme “On the path from big data to precision medicine” at the Harnack-Haus/Berlin (www.harnackhaus-berlin.mpg.de) from 19–21 April 2018. For further details, please visit www.pharmetrx.de/index.php/id-10y-pharmetrx.html.

Article on the 10-year Anniversary of PharMetrX now online

The article “Zehn Jahre PharMetrX” on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of our Structured Graduate Training Program for doctoral students – covering the three components Research ž Training ž Network, as well as the Celebration Symposium – has been published in the Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, 158: 1954-1955 (2018) and is now available [PDF].  No reprint, publication in the internet or an Intranet without the publisher's consent.

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In April 2018, Josefine Schulz will join our Department as a new PhD student. She will have her PhD project in the area of bioanalysis, microdialysis and cell culture.

PharMetrX 10-Years Celebration Symposium

The structured Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX – Pharmacometrics and Computational Disease Modelling was launched in 2008 (www.PharMetrX.de). Over the past 10 years, PharMetrX has developed into a successful and internationally renowned PhD program at the Freie Universität Berlin and Universität Potsdam.

We cordially invite you to the PharMetrX 10-Years Celebration Symposium in Berlin from 19 – 21 April 2018!

The PharMetrX Symposium will take place at the Harnack-Haus, Berlin, and the overarching theme of the Celebration Symposium is

 “On the path from big data to precision medicine”.

We are looking forward to a fascinating and stimulating PharMetrX 10-Years Celebration Symposium!

Link: www.pharmetrx.de/index.php/id-10y-pharmetrx.html

Contribution at ECCMID 2018

From 21 – 24 April 2018, the 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) takes place in Madrid, Spain. Two PhD students of our department, Sebastian Franck and Johanna Seeger, as well as our collaboration partner at the Institut Pasteur de Lille/France will present their work during this congress. The world’s leading experts will join the most important congress in infectious diseases, infection control and clinical microbiology to present and discuss the latest results.

Link: www.eccmid.org

March 2018

PharMetrX A2 Module
From 12–16 March 2018, the PharMetrX A2 module “Introduction to physiologically-based pharmacokinetics” will take place at the Universitaet Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.

Link: www.PharMetrx.de

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In March 2018, Ferdinand Weinelt will join our Department as a new PhD student. He will have his PhD project in the area of pharmacometrics and is enrolled as PhD student in the Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX –Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling.

PhD student of Dept. wins “Best abstract award” at the CESAR meeting

Francis Williams Ojara, a PhD student of our Department won the “Best abstract award” at the Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research (CESAR) 2018 meeting in Berlin. The award for the abstract “Time-to-event analysis reveals a 50% reduction in incidence of peripheral neuropathy with PK/PD-guided dosing of paclitaxel in non-small cell lung cancer patients” took place on 17 March 2018 in Berlin, Germany.

CESAR Annual Meeting 2018 in Berlin

From 15 – 17 March 2018, together with the Charité Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCCC) we will be hosting the annual meeting of the Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research (CESAR) in Berlin. Several PhD students of our Department will present their research work during the conference. The main topic of this year’s meeting is “Drug Development and therapeutic challenges in multimodal treatments”. Registration is open

Link: https://www.cesar.or.at/main.asp?VID=1&lng=2&kat1=97&kat2=642&kat3=575&DDate=08102016&NID=3684

February 2018

PharMetrX Module Curriculum 2018 starts soon

From 26 February – 02 March 2018, the PharMetrX Module Curriculum for the new PhD student year 2018 of our PhD program will start with the A1 module “Introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” taking place at our Institute. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage (link below).

Link: www.PharMetrx.de

January 2018

Scientific workshop with Prof. Meibohm, UTHSC

On 29 January 2018, Prof. Bernd Meibohm from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA, will visit our Department again for a scientific workshop. The workshop will comprise of lectures given by Prof. Meibohm and presentations of PhD students. Prof. Meibohm’s research is focused on the investigation of the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of drugs with special emphasis on PK/PD relations of macromolecular drugs.

Link: https://academic.uthsc.edu/faculty/bmeibohm.html

December 2017

Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year

In warm appreciation for all support throughout the year and in remembrance of all the exciting events and wonderful experiences at our Department in 2017, we are extending our very best wishes for a joyous end-of-the-year season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness to everyone.

PhD defense of Andrea Henrich

The PhD defense of Andrea Henrich entitled “Pharmacometric modelling and simulation to optimise paclitaxel combination therapy based on pharmacokinetics, cumulative neutropenia and efficacy“ will take place at our Institute on Monday, 04 December 2017, at 15 ct. Guests are welcome!

PhD defense of Johanna Melin

The PhD defense of Johanna Melin entitled Pharmacometric approaches to assess hydrocortisone therapy in paediatric patients with adrenal insufficiency will take place at our Institute on Friday, 01 December 2017, at 13:00. Guests are welcome!

First off-site meeting of our Department

With the friendly support of the Niklas Werner Memorial Foundation we are happy to announce our first off-site event. In period 27-28 November 2017 the whole Department will relocate its working place to the inspiring countryside at Hirschluch (near Storkow) to discuss the current status and future perspectives of the Department.

New edition of the German textbook “Klinische Pharmazie” released

We are very happy to announce the release of the the 4th edition of the Clinical Pharmacy textbook“Klinische Pharmazie – Grundlagen und Anwendungen” by Ulrich Jaehde, Roland Radziwill, Charlotte Kloft (editors). The new and thoroughly revised edition covers all basic topics in Clinical Pharmacy, completed by chapters on assessment of drug therapies, individualisation concepts and medication management, incorporating the latest research and knowledge from a broad field of different topics in the discipline. Thus, this textbook is relevant for both, teaching and practice, including comprehensive examples, as well as illustrative figures and tables. For more information and subscription prices, please visit:


PhD defense of Helena Edlund

The PhD defense of Helena Edlund entitled “Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic-guided optimisation of mAb therapy in special populations“ will take place at our Institute on Wednesday, 20 December 2017, at 10 ct. Guests are welcome!

November 2017

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome two new members

In October 2017, Hacer Bayram, joined our Department as our new secretary. We wish her a pleasant start and time at our Department! 

In October 2017, a new PhD student, Luis Ilia, will join our Dept. He will work in the experimental group of our Department and his research will focus on microdialysis/bioanalysis.

Public Clinical Trial Simulation Course

From 02 – 03 November 2017, a public “Clinical Trial Simulations Course” organised in collaboration by our Department and SGS Exprimowill take place at our Institute, Freie Universitaet Berlin. The course will introduce attendees to the theoretical concepts and the software Simulo, a platform for PK/PD/Disease model-based simulations.

PharMetrX PhD program: Personal interviews

From 22 – 23 November 2017 the personal interviews with the selected candidates to enter as PhD students the PharMetrX PhD program (www.pharmetrx.de) will take place at the Freie Universität Berlin. The start of the PharMetrX module curriculum and PharMetrX network is in March 2018.

We are looking forward to welcoming and getting to know this year’s candidates!

Public Clinical Trial Simulation Course  

From 02 – 03 November 2017, a public “Clinical Trial Simulations Course” organised in collaboration by our Department and SGS Exprimowill take place at our Institute, Freie Universitaet Berlin. The course will introduce attendees to the theoretical concepts and the software Simulo, a platform for PK/PD/Disease model-based simulations.

PharMetrX I1 module

From 06 – 10 November 2017, the PharMetrX I1 module “Drug discovery and development – Walking along the value chain” will take place. The hosts of this year’s module are Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH (Frankfurt/Main) and Merck KGaA (Darmstadt). For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.

Link: www.PharMetrx.de

New scientific publication of Department

The manuscript “Role of renal function in risk assessment of target non-attainment after standard dosing of meropenem in critically ill patients: a prospective observational study “ by Ehmann et al. has been accepted in Critical Care, and is now available online (http://rdcu.be/xyr6). Please pay particular attention to our newly developed risk assessment tool “MeroRisk Calculator” which is available in the supplementary material.

Apply now! Postdoctoral research fellow (f/m) position openings

We are inviting highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to apply for our offered positions as “Postdoctoral research fellows” in the field of optimizing drug therapy and drug development by applying therapeutic response and disease modelling and simulation.
For further details, please see: http://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/pharmazie/klinische_pharmazie/arbeitsgruppe_kloft/offene_stellen/index.html

October 2017

Apply now! Application period for a PhD in the area of Pharmacometrics open

The Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling is a novel joint initiative in Germany between the Freie Universität Berlin and the Universität Potsdam, supported by several research-driven pharmaceutical companies. It offers its graduate students a unique opportunity to experience research in the area of drug development and optimising drug therapy jointly within academia and industry.

For internal PharMetrX PhD students, the interdisciplinary PhD program is designed as a 3.5-year research program including a structured research training curriculum of advanced academic & industrial modules and a competitive research fellowship. As an external PhD Student, you will participate in the module curriculum, while you already have a supervisor and funding and have not yet completed the first year of your PhD studies when entering the PharMetrX program.

1-year anniversary of Medication Management Center

One year ago, on 20 October 2016, the first Medication Management Center (MMC) in Germany was opened at our Department. We happily look back on one year full of new and inspiring experiences in seminars and practical courses, offering students the opportunity to gain expertise in evidence-based medication analysis, medication management and to extend communication skills using the MMC as a new teaching concept. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to establishing this unique facility and please feel invited to visit the MMC and use its opportunities for your individual qualification.

September 2017

Attendance at DPhG meeting in Saarbrücken

Our PhD students Franziska Kluwe, Ana-Marija Grišić and Sebastian Franck as well as Dr. Stefanie Hennig, guest researcher at our Dept., and Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft will attend the Annual Meeting of Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG) taking place in Saarbrücken from 26 – 29 September. This year's meeting will focus on ‘Novel therapies for future challenges’ with different sessions and lectures about current topics in pharmaceutical and interdisciplinary research. The PhD student and our guest researcher will present their research projects in an oral or poster presentation.

NWMF PhD Symposium 2017

The Niklas Werner Memorial Foundation (NWMF) PhD Symposium 2017 will take place on Friday, 22 September 2017, at our Institute. At our first NWMF Symposium, we will welcome the Treasurer of the Foundation, Mikael Werner, and as guest speaker Dr. Gabriele Schwarz, who will give a talk on “Good clinical practice”.

Link: For further information on the NWMF see: http://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/pharmazie/klinische_pharmazie/arbeitsgruppe_kloft/NW-Memorial-Foundation/index.html

PharMetrX A4 Module

From 11  – 15  September 2017, the PharMetrXA4module “Introduction to systems biology” will take place at Universitaet Potsdam. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage: www.PharMetrX.de.

Presentations at ICPAD Workshop 2017 in Madrid

Our PhD student Lena Klopp-Schulze will attend the 2nd International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Anticancer Drugs (ICPAD) taking place in Madrid/Spain from 13 – 14 September 2017. During the workshop Lena Klopp-Schulze will present parts of her current research work on optimising tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer patients from a quantitative perspective.

New publication of Department

The publication by Weiser et al.“Das leistet die Klinische Pharmazie” (Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung, DAZ), and “Wie viel Forschung leistet die Klinische Pharmazie“ (Pharmazeutische Zeitung) has been published. A survey was conducted in collaboration with the “Fachgruppe Klinische Pharmazie” (Dt. Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, DPhG) revealing for the first time the development and current state of research activities and output in the discipline Clinical Pharmacy at Pharmaceutical Institutes in Germany. The publication is online:

August 2017

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome a new member

In August, 2017, the master student Malin Ansin enrolled in the Pharmacy Programme at the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Section of Pharmacology, joined our Department. Her 4-month master thesis project will focus on nonlinear mixed-effects modelling of antiinfective drugs.

PharMetrX modules

From 21 - 25 August 2017, the PharMetrXA3module “Introduction to population analysis” will take place at the Insitute of Pharmacy, Freie Universitaet Berlin. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage: www.PharMetrX.de.

Attendance at Uppsala Summer School 

A PhD student of our working group Ana-Marija Grišić will attend the 7th annual Uppsala Pharmacometrics Summer School (UPSS) taking place in the period of 07 – 18 August 2017 at the Uppsala University, Sweden.

July 2017

PhD student of Dept. awarded “Best PhD thesis award 2016/2017” at Institute

Jens Borghardt, a past PhD student of our Department, was awarded the “Best PhD thesis award 2016/2017” at the Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin, by the DPhG Landesgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg to honour his outstanding research as young scientists in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. The awarding of his thesis “Improving the understanding of the mechanisms determining the pulmonary and systemic pharmacokinetics of orally inhaled drugs: A pharmacometric analysis” will take place at the Absolventenfeier/Tag der Pharmazie of the Institute on 7 July 2017.


Elective student of Dept. awarded a travel grant for annual ESCP conference

Madlene Schulz, our elective student last semester, was awarded a travel grant from the Förderinitiative Pharmazeutische Betreuung e.V. to present her work “Adherence to tamoxifen in breast cancer patients – Which role does the pharmacist play?” during the Annual Congress of the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP) in October 2017 in Heidelberg, Germany.

2-day visit: Dr. Schmidt, University of Florida

We are happy to welcome Dr. Stephan Schmidt (Associate Professor & Associate Director) at the Center for Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology, University of Florida, Orlando, USA at our Institute for a two-day visit. Besides scientific discussions about ongoing and joint research projects between our groups Dr. Schmidt will give two talks:
“Applied pharmacometrics: what’s in it for me?” on 5 July 2017 at 5 pm during the Pharmazeutisches Forschungskolloquium
(Lecture hall of Botanical Museum, Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8);
“Challenges and opportunities for drug-disease models for post-menopausal osteoporosis” on 6 July 2017 at 9 am at our Institute (Kelchstr.)

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome two new members

In July 2017, two new members joined our department: Viktoria Stachanow will have her research project in the area of pharmacometrics and Johanna Seeger will do her research in the field of in vitro infection models.

June 2017

Attendance at 1st year meeting of ABIMMUNE

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft and PhD student Sebastian Franck will attend the first year JPIAMR meeting of ABIMMUNE taking place on 07 June 2017 in Paris, France. They will present the results of our first year’s activities and will together with all scientists discuss the future project plans in the ABIMMUNE project (European collaboration project funded by BMBF).


Attendance at PAGE meeting 2017

The PhD students Lisa Ehmann, Ana-Marija Grišić, Francis Williams Ojara, Lena Klopp-Schulze and Franziska Kluwe will attend and present their research projects at the twenty-sixth PAGE meeting taking place on 06 - 09 June 2017 in Budapest, Hungary.

New scientific publication of Department

The paper “Semi-mechanistic bone marrow exhaustion pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model for chemotherapy-induced cumulative neutropenia” by Henrich et al. has been accepted in the Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, and is now available online (http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/early/2017/06/09/jpet.117.240309)

May 2017

The AK Kloft is glad to welcome guest researcher Dr. Stefanie Hennig

From June 2017 to January 2018, Dr. Stefanie Hennig will join our Department as guest researcher. Dr. Hennig is from the School of Pharmacy of the University of Queensland/Australia and has developed > 20 pharmacokinetic models for several drugs to optimise therapy. Several of these models are currently being used in hospitals in Australia to improve dosage individualisation. During her research stay she will expand working on improving personalised dosing of antibiotics in children in a joint research project.

Attendance at the FIP-PSWC 2017

Three PhD students of our working group, Eva Göbgen, Francis Williams Ojara and Johanna Melin, and Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft will attend the 6th International Pharmaceutical Federation-Pharmaceutical Sciences World Congress (FIP-PSWC) 2017 taking place from 21 - 24 May 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden. The students will attend a pre-congress Young Scientists Satellite Conference (YSC) from 19 – 21 May 2017 in Uppsala. The congress is themed “Systems approaches to drug discovery, development and clinical usage”. The PhD students will/have been selected to present their work as oral presentations at the YSC and as posters at the FIP-PSWC.


Attendance at the 6th PharMetrX Symposium

The 6th PharMetrX Symposium will take place on 04 May 2017 in Frankfurt/Main. For more detailed information on the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage www.PharMetrx.de.


April 2017

Scientific contributions at ECCMID and ISAP-EPASG conference 2017, Vienna

From our working group Lisa Ehmann, Sebastian Franck, Eva Göbgen, Franziska Kluwe, Iris Minichmayr, Dr. Sebastian Wicha, Prof. Charlotte Kloft will attend the 27th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Vienna. In addition, they will attend the pre-satellite ISAP-EPASG conference with the topic "Anti-Infective PK/PD - Integrating Knowledge and Innovating Therapies“. The PhD students will present their work either as oral presentation, ePoster talk or paper poster at both scientific meetings.

March 2017

PharMetrX A2 module “Introd. to PBPK modelling”

On 31 March and from 01– 07 April 2017, the PharMetrX A2 module “Introduction to physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modelling will take place at the Universitaet Potsdam, Science Park Golm. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage


Diploma defense of Johanna Seeger

The diploma defense of Johanna Seeger entitled “Vergleich des pharmakodynamischen Effekts von Levofloxacin 750 mg qd und 500 mg bid auf resistente Escherichia coli im dynamischen In-vitro-Infektionsmodell“ will take place in the ‘Medication Management Center’ (room 408A), Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstr. 31, 12169 Berlin, on Wednesday, 29 March 2017, at 13:00. Guests are welcome!

New edition of the German textbook “Klinische Pharmazie” released

We are very happy to announce the release of the the 4th edition of the Clinical Pharmacy textbook“Klinische Pharmazie – Grundlagen und Anwendungen” by Ulrich Jaehde, Roland Radziwill, Charlotte Kloft (editors). The new and thoroughly revised edition covers all basic topics in Clinical Pharmacy, completed by chapters on assessment of drug therapies, individualisation concepts and medication management, incorporating the latest research and knowledge from a broad field of different topics in the discipline. Thus, this textbook is relevant for both, teaching and practice, including comprehensive examples, as well as illustrative figures and tables. For more information and subscription prices, please visit:


Scientific contributions at ECCMID and ISAP-EPASG conference 2017, Vienna

From our working group Lisa Ehmann, Sebastian Franck, Eva Göbgen, Franziska Kluwe, Iris Minichmayr, Dr. Sebastian Wicha, Prof. Charlotte Kloft will attend the 27th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Vienna. In addition, they will attend the pre-satellite ISAP-EPASG conference with the topic "Anti-Infective PK/PD - Integrating Knowledge and Innovating Therapies“. The PhD students will present their work either as oral presentation, ePoster talk or paper poster at both scientific meetings.

Research stay at UF - Center for Pharmacometrics&Systems Pharmacology

From 04 March – 05 June 2017, our PhD student Lena Klopp-Schulze is doing an internship at the Center for Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, University of Florida, Orlando, USA. During her research stay she will work together with experts in the field on the integration of pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenetics and drug-drug interactions of tamoxifen and metabolites using a systems pharmacology approach. The research stay abroad is kindly supported by a grant of the Center for International Cooperation (CIC) at the Freie Universität Berlin.

PharMetrX A1 module "Introduction to pharamcokinetics and pharmcodynamics"

From 06 – 10 March 2017, the PharMetrX Module Curriculum for the new PhD student year of our program will start with the A1 module “Introduction to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics” taking place at our Institute. For more detailed information on the module and the structured Graduate Research Training program PharMetrX, please visit our homepage  www.PharMetrX.de


February 2017

Presentations at 12th Congress of ECCO

One PhD student of our working group, Ana-Marija Grišić, will present her work at the 12th Congress of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO) in Barcelona, mid of February 2017.


January 2017

Medication Management Center in End-of-Year Review of Freie Universität Berlin

We are proud to inform that our Medication Management Center, MMC, is one of the selected highlights of the year 2016 by the Freie Universitaet Berlin, being mentioned in the End-of-Year Review ‘Das war 2016’: “Dreimal täglich vor den Mahlzeiten: Studierende des Instituts für Pharmazie der Freien Universität erhalten im bundesweit ersten Medikations-Management-Center das nötige Rüstzeug, um Patienten in der Apotheke besser beraten zu können.”


Scientific workshop with Professor Meibohm, University of Tennessee

On 23 January 2017, Prof. Bernd Meibohm from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, USA, will visit us for the workshop 'Hot topics in pharmacometrics'.

From June 2017 to January 2018, Dr. Stefanie Hennig will join our Department as guest researcher. Dr. Hennig is from the School of Pharmacy of the University of Queensland/Australia and has developed > 20 pharmacokinetic models for several drugs to optimise therapy. Several of these models are currently being used in hospitals in Australia to improve dosage individualisation. During her research stay she will expand working on improving personalised dosing of antibiotics in children in a joint research project.

December 2016


PhD defense of Jens Borghardt

The PhD defense of Jens Borghardt entitled “Improving the understanding of the mechanisms determining the pulmonary and systemic pharmacokinetics of orally inhaled drugs: a pharmacometric analysis“ will take place in the Lecture Hall 406A, Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstraße 31, 12169 Berlin, on Thursday, 15 December 2016, at 14:00. Guests are welcome!


PhD defense of Lea Botermann

The PhD defense of Lea Botermann with the title “Der Medikationsplan zur Verbesserung der Arzneimitteltherapie-sicherheit in Deutschland: Analyse des Status quo und Evaluation der Verständlichkeit bei Patienten mit Polymedikation“ will take place Lecture Hall 406A, Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstraße 31, 12169 Berlin, on Tuesday, 13 December 2016, at 5 p.m.


New scientific publication of Department

The paper “Clinical Determinants of Target Non-Attainment of Linezolid in Plasma and Interstitial Space Fluid: A Pooled Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis with Focus on Critically Ill Patients“ has been accepted in Clinical Pharmacokinetics, and is now available online (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40262-016-0463-7).


New scientific publication of Department

The paper “Magnitude of Increased Infliximab Clearance Imposed by Anti-infliximab Antibodies in Crohn’s Disease Is Determined by Their Concentration“ has been accepted in the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Journal (AAPS J), and is now available online (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1208%2Fs12248-016-9989-8).


November 2016

Presentation of Prof. Ross T. Tsuyuki - Alberta University

On 02 November 2016, Prof. Ross T. Tsuyuki from Alberta University, Canada, will visit us: He will give a presentation entitled “Evidence-based cardiovascular risk reduction by pharmacists - benefits of an advanced scope of practice” within the “Pharmazeutisches Forschungskolloquium” in the lecture hall of the Botanical Museum, at 18:00 (s.t.). On 03 November 2016, we continue with presentations and discussions of research and teaching projects by our Dept. including the newly established Medication Management Centre (MMC) at the Institute. 


October 2016

"Medikations-Management-Center" officially opened

On 20 October 2016, the ceremonial opening of the “Medikations-Management-Center” (Medication Management Center, MMC) took place at the Institute of Pharmacy, Kelchstr. 31. Prof. Charlotte Kloft and two former undergraduate pharmacy students (Josefine Schulz and Steffen Loke) welcomed ~70 guests from University’s Executive Board, the Dean, Administrative Director, colleagues and members of the Faculty and Institute, colleagues from the Charité, presidents and chairs of various pharmacist/pharmacy associations, pharmacy colleagues and students and presented the innovative teaching concept followed by a reception and the opportunity to join some hands-on activites provided in the MMC. The MMC will be incorporated in the curriculum of the pharmacy undergraduate students from the first tot the last year.

Eva Göbgen received the Lesmüller poster price at the DPhG Meeting

We congratulate our PhD student Eva Göbgen, who received the Lesmüller poster price at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG) in Munich for the poster contribution “Treatment of catheterised ICU patients with levofloxacin – How in silico models help to streamline in vitro investigations of treatment efficacy at the target site”. 

Annual meeting of the DPhG in Munich

From 05 - 07 October 2016, the annual meeting of the “Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft” will take place in Munich. Eva Göbgen, Tamara Richter, Johanna Seeger and Christine Weiser will present their work in the field of clinical pharmacy.


September 2016

CESAR Annual Meeting 08 - 10 September 2016

Two PhD students of our working group, Lena Klopp-Schulze and Andrea Henrich, will present their work at the annual meeting of the Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research (CESAR) in Munich. The main topic of the meeting this year is “Early Drug Development and Biomarkers”.


August 2016

Summer School Uppsala 08 - 19 August 2016

Two PhD students of our working group, Lisa Ehmann and Lena Klopp-Schulze, will attend the 6th annual Uppsala Pharmacometric Summer School (UPSS) taking place from 08. – 19.08.2016 at the Uppsala University, Sweden. Beside lectures, hands-on sessions and group works the students will present parts of their current research work.


July 2016

Day of Pharmacy

Together with the DPhG (German Pharmaceutical Society), we cordially invite you to our biyearly event „Day of Pharmacy - Shaping future pharmaceutical research: Junior scientists present”. Young investigators of our and the other Research groups of the Institute of Pharmacy will present their research in talks and on posters, followed by the Graduation Celebration and the traditional garden party organised by this year’s pharmacy graduates. We are looking forward to an exciting event and to seeing as many of you there!

June 2016

PAGE meeting in Lisbon

The 25th Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe will take place in Lisbon, Portugal: 7-10 June 2016. Seven working group members will join and present their scientific research in six posters in total.

1st June 2016

In June 2016, a new PhD student, Franziska Kluwe, will join the AK Kloft. She will be part of the PharMetrX program, her research project will focus on the pharmacometric modelling of infectious diseases and their therapy.

May 2016

25 - 27 May 2016

The 8th International Symposium on Microdialysis will take place in Uppsala, Sweden: 25 - 27 May 2016. Results of our research projects will be presented as three posters and one joined oral presentation.


17 May 2016

Invited presentation by Dr. Sebastian Wicha

We are happy to announce a talk of our former PhD student Dr. Sebastian Wicha on “Innovative Strategies for Optimisation of Anti-Infective Therapy” within the series of the “Pharmazeutisches Forschungskolloquium” of the Institute of Pharmacy. We are looking forward to an interesting event and lively participation!

Jens Borghardt was awarded the Hans Günter Schäfer Award at the 20th Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics Expert Meeting in Berlin on 15 April 2016 for his PhD research work on “Investigating pulmonary and systemic pharmacokinetics of inhaled olodaterol in healthy volunteers using a population pharmacokinetic approach”, published in J.M. Borghardt, B. Weber, A. Staab, et al. Investigating pulmonary and systemic pharmacokinetics of inhaled olodaterol in healthy volunteers using a population pharmacokinetic approach. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 81.: 538–52 (2016).


April 2016

14 - 16 April 2016

Several members of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry attend the 20th Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics Expert Meeting in Berlin, which is hosted by the Association for Applied Human Pharmacology (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Angewandte Humanpharmakologie e.V.)

14 April 2016 -PharMetrX Symposium

The annual PharMetrX Symposium will take place at the Harnack-Haus, meeting centre of the Max-Planck-Society in Berlin. Three PharMetrX students will present their work in the morning:

  • Johanna Melin: “Semi‐mechanistic modelling of the nonlinear hydrocortisone pharmacokinetics to enable extrapolation to paediatric patients”.
  • Andrea Henrich: “PK/PD model extension to characterise bone marrow exhaustion in cancer patient making use of a prior paclitaxel PK model”.
  • Christoph Hethey: “Impact of the intracellular ribosomal concentration on in vitro bacterial growth kinetics and the antibacterial effect of linezolid on S. aureus


26th ECCMID - Amsterdam

From 9 - 12 April 2016 Daniela Burau, Lisa Ehmann, Eva Göbgen, Iris Minichmayr and Christine Weiser will attend the 26th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, (ECCMID) in Amsterdam. As contribution to the conference, parts of their research topics will be presented as posters during one of the poster sessions.


March 2016

In March 2016, two new PhD students Ana-Marija Grišić and Francis Ojara Williams will join the AK Kloft. Both will have their research project within the area of pharmacometrics and will be enrolled in the PharMetrX program.

February 2016

24 - 27 February 2016

The 32. Deutscher Krebskongress 2016 (German Cancer Congress) will be hosted by the Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft (German Cancer Society) and the Deutsche Krebshilfe (German Cancer Aid) in Berlin. Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft will join the conference and give a talk about “Modelling of resistance phenotypes” in the category “Translational Oncology” on Thursday morning.

8 - 12 February 2016

The Pharmacometric Research Group, Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences at Uppsala University, Sweden, together with the Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, are happy to invite you to the following face-to-face course: Model-Informed Drug Development in Infectious Diseases.

January 2016

Thi Trong successfully defended her master thesis at the University of Gothenburg in January. The title of her thesis is: “Population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics analysis of hydrocortisone in paediatric patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia”.

The Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biochemistry wishes Thi all the best for the future!


18 - 22 January 2016

DDMoRe Cardiac Safety course

The Department of Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology, AstraZeneca R&D Gothenburg, Sweden together with the Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany invites for the public Pharma lead DDMoRe course “Model-informed Drug Development in Cardiac Safety” that will take place from 18 - 22 January 2016 in Mölndal, Sweden.


November 2015

9 November 2015

Claudia Kirbs defends her PhD thesis entitled 'Development and application of in vitro and in vivo microdialysis methods contributing to biomarker profiling and characterisation of drug distribution processes'.


12 November 2015

Sebastian Wicha defends his PhD thesis entitled 'Integrated in vitro and in silico studies for optimisation of broad-spectrum antibiotic combination therapy'.

Oktober 2015

4 - 7 October 2015

DDMoRe at ACoP6

The DDMoRe Consortium will hold a stand at ACoP6 (6th American Conference on Pharmacometrics) organised at Crystal City. Dr. Zinnia Parra-Guillen will be part of the DDMoRe stand.

September 2015

17 - 21 September 2015

Annual CESAR-Meeting 2015 in Innsbruck  

The CESAR (Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research) meeting 2015 with focus on "Challenge for Drug Development in Precision Oncology" will be held in Innsbruck this year. Andrea Henrich andLena Klopp-Schulze are invited to present their research work in a poster and an oral presentation.


23 - 25 September 2015

Annual DPhG-Meeting 2015 in Düsseldorf

In September Kristin Bartels, Lisa Ehmann, Marc-Alexander Fürtig, Eva Göbgen and Christine Weiser will attend the 13th annual meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) in Düsseldorf. The focus of this year’s meeting will be: “Interactions, Integrations and Innovations”. As contribution to the conference, parts of their research topics will be presented as poster during one of the poster sessions.


August 2015

15 July 2015 - 3 August 2015

Model-informed Drug Development in Oncology (advanced) in Pavia, Italy

The DDMoRe consortium continues its series of comprehensive face-to-face courses introducing the principles of model-informed drug development, covering a range of therapeutic areas, via the newly-developed DDMoRe interoperability framework platform.

The Bioinformatics, Mathematical Modeling and Synthetic Biology (BMS) lab at Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy and the Dept. Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry at the Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany are happy to invite you to the following face-to-face from 7 to 11 September 2015


July 2015

27 - 31 July 2015

2nd public DDMoRe course: MIDD in CNS diseases

On behalf of the Consortium “DDMoRe”, the Departments of Pharmacology of the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) at University of Leiden, Leiden (The Netherlands) and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmacy, University of Navarra (UNAV), Pamplona (Spain) are happy to host the 2nd public face-to-face course: “Model-informed Drug Development in Central Nervous System Diseases”.

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Kloft and Dr. Zinnia Parra (both Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany) will contribute to the course as lecturers.

This course continuous the series of comprehensive face-to-face courses introducing the principles of model-informed drug development, covering a range of therapeutic areas, via the newly-developed DDMoRe interoperability framework platform.

On 13 July 2015, a new master student joined the AK Kloft. Thi Truong will work on characterising the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of hydrocortisone in paediatric patients with adrenal insufficiency.


June 2015

02 - 05 June 2015

24th PAGE meeting in Crete

The 24th PAGE (Population Approach Group Europe) meeting is an annual modelling and simulation conference and will this year be held in Hersonissos, Crete, Greece. Andrea Henrich, Helena Edlund, Iris Minichmayr, Jens Borghardt, Johanna Melin, Lena Klopp-Schulze and Sebastian Wicha will present parts of their research projects as posters. Additionally, Sebastian Wicha will present TDMs as software demonstration.

Link: http://www.page-meeting.org/

May 2015

28 - 30 May 2015

ADKA Congress

The 40th scientific congress of the ADKA (‘Bundesverband Deutscher Krankenhausapotheker’) will be held in Mannheim, Germany this year. Sebastian Wicha will present TDMx, the dosing support software from the AK Kloft in an oral and poster presentation.

Link: http://www.adka.de


On 23 May 2015, a new post-doc member joined the AK Kloft. Niclas Hartung will support our EU-Project DDMoRe.


April 2015

The 25th ECCMID (European Congress on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases) is an annually conference organised by the ESCMID (European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases) and will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark this year. Eva Göbgen, Iris Minichmayr, Christine Weiser and Sebastian Wicha will present parts of their research projects, either as electronic or printed poster, there.

Link: http://www.eccmid.org/


March 2015

09 - 13 March 2015

PharMetrX A1 module: Introduction to PK and PD

The A1 module introduces the basic concepts in pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD). To meet this objective, PhD students will acquire knowledge, skills and critical evaluation competencies in the understanding of (non)clinical PK concepts, (non)clinical PD concepts: Different methodological approaches of data analysis will be discussed including model diagnostics. A major focus is laid on the interpretation and assessment of clinical impact of PK, PD parameter values as well as the strength of simulation-based analysis – both for decision-making in development or therapeutic use of medicines. Finally, an introduction to the theoretical background of applied mathematics will round up the course.

The module will be complemented by multiple hands-on sessions with the software packages Phoenix/WinNonlin™, Berkeley Madonna™ and be based on case studies.


16 - 20 March 2015

First public DDMoRe course: MIDD in Oncology

On behalf of the European Consortium “DDMoRe”, the Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry of the Institute of Pharmacy at the Freie Universitaet Berlin is happy to host the first public DDMoRe course “Model-informed Drug Development in Oncology (Beginners)”.

This course launches a series of comprehensive face-to-face courses introducing the principles of model-informed drug development, covering a range of therapeutic areas, via the newly-developed DDMoRe interoperability framework platform.

February 2015

26 Februar 2015

PharMetrX & Working group meeting

January 2015

7 January 2015 - 28 February 2015

TDMx (speak 'TDMetrics') is a research project to develop, maintain and advance a versatile web application to foster model-supported Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM).

TDMx brings state-of-the-art pharmacometrics to Therapeutic Drug Monitoring thereby being very user-friendly. No technical pharmacometrics or modeling skills are required to use TDMx. We have developed TDMx as support tool with potential application in (i) clinical practice as well as (ii) clinical research. Further, TDMx is suitable for (iii) teaching TDM in undergraduate studies. Try TDMx under www.tdmx.eu!


7 - 30 January 2015

DDMoRe presents: Model-informed Drug Development in Oncology (Beginners)

December 2014

11 - 12 December 2014

At the Clinical Microdialysis Symposium in Berlin-Buch from 11 to 12 December 2014, our PhD students Iris Minichmayr and Christine Weiser will give an oral presentation about our experimental and pharmacometric research work in the microdialysis field entitled: “In vitro and in silico approaches to improve clinical drug monitoring and drug development”.


November 2014

07 - 08 November 2014

 1st PharMetrX Network Meeting

Since the launch of the Structured Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX in 2008, the group of PharMetrX PhD students is continuously growing; the past PhD students now live spread out over Germany and beyond. To maintain the connections and interactions developed in the PharMetrX program and expand these across the various PhD student years to a next level, the “PharMetrX Network” will be launched this year: On November 07-08 2014, more than 20 past and present PhD students of the PharMetrX program will meet in Berlin to share and discuss ‘hot topics’ in the world of Pharmacometrics complemented by a Keynote Lecture given by PD Dr med. Alexander Nast, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Head of Division of Evidence based Medicine (dEBM), Member of the AWMF (Association of the Scientific Medical Societies) Permanent Commission "Guidelines", Head of Guidelines Commission of the European Dermatology Forum).

 October 2014
12 - 15 October 2014

At the 5th American Conference of Pharmacometrics in Las Vegas, US, our PhD student of the PharMetrX program Helena Andersson will present the results of one of her projects: “Recommendations for Dose Adjustments of Infliximab in Crohn's Disease Patients with Higher Clearance”

September 2014
29 September 2014

Eva Göbgen - Diploma thesis defence:
'Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines elektronischen Bakterienzählverfahrens und Untersuchungen unter Linezolidexposition'


23 - 26 September 2014

Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft, DPhG) Frankfurt/Main
1 Plenary Lecture and 5 poster contributions will be presented by our working group.


 August 2014

29 August 2014

Robert J. Bauer, Ph.D., Vice President, ICON Development Solutions, Hanover, USA – Presentation: Estimation algorithms


25 - 29 August 2014

PharMetrX: A3: Population Analysis – FU Berlin
The module aims at introducing the current PhD student year to the concepts of population analysis incl. hands-on.

For further information, please see https://www.pharmetrx.de/index.php/a3-pop-ana.html


18 - 22 August 2014

DDMoRe F2F course, Uppsala

 July 2014

14 - 16 July 2014

1st DDMoRe F2F course - Leiden University, NL

The Education and Training DDMoRe work package (WP9) will run the pilot face-to-face course to evaluate the recently developed interoperability framework within the context of model-based drug development. The course will be hosted by Prof. Liesbeth de Lange at Leiden University.


4 July 2014 - 9:30 a.m.

Tag der Pharmazie - Institute of Pharmacy, FU

Several contributions (oral presentations, posters) will be presented by our working group.


 June 2014

27 June 2014

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Derendorf, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA: presentation

What? Presentation “Clinical Pharmacy Program For International Pharmacists”

When?  1 - 3 pm

Where?  Lecture hall 1, Institute of Pharmacy, Koenigin-Luise-Str. 2, 14195 Berlin

10 - 13 June 2014

23rd PAGE meeting, Alicante/Spain

Annual meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe (PAGE). www.page-meeting.org

The annual population approach group in Europe (PAGE) is taking place in Alicante (Spain). This meeting gathers one of the largest communities focus on pharmacokinetic/pharmaco- dynamic modelling. Several contributions will be presented by our working group.

May 2014

10 - 13 May 2014

ECCMID Congress Attendance

Iris Minichmayr, Daniela Kauzor, Eva Göbgen and Sebastian Wicha are presenting their research at the 24th European Congress on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), held in Barcelona.