M.Sc. Leon Obendorf
Leon joined the Knaus Group during his bachelor's thesis and returned after performing his master thesis in the molecular design group of Prof. Gerhard Wolber. He received a scholarship from the International Max-Planck Research School for Biology and Computation (IMPRS-BAC)and started his PhD in the Knaus group in summer 2023. Currently he is working on computational structural biology of receptor complexes & signal transduction using RosettaCommons, AlphaFold multimer, OpenMM (molecular dynamics simulations) mainly in the context of the rare genetic disease Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. In September 2023 Leon won a German-wide science slam competition from the GdCH.
Biochemisches Blockpraktikum- Lipide und Membranen
Methods of Science communication (VV 216709)