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Dr. Almudena Hurtado Picó



Post Doc

Protein Biochemistry

Thielallee 63
Room 022
14195 Berlin
+49 30 - 838 462077
ahurtadopico (at) zedat.fu-berlin.de

Almudena Hurtado Picó studied Biochemistry at the Universidad de Valencia in Spain. During a "Leonardo da Vinci" internship at the "Leibniz Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)", she gained extensive expertise in the fields of molecular biology and protein biochemistry. For her PhD thesis in the group of Dr. Henry Fechner at Charité - Berlin, she investigated regulatable adenoviruses for tumor therapy.

Almudena joined the AG Freund in September 2013, initially researching the CD2BP2 protein using mouse models. She is currently working on zDHHC PATs as part of the SFB TRR186. Additionally, she is responsible for laboratory organization, managing orders, and ensuring compliance with safety standards S1 and S2.