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Advanced Physical and Computational Techniques to Investigate Protein Dynamics



25 Apr - 28 Apr 2021

News from May 25, 2020

723. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

Advanced Physical and Computational Techniques to Investigate Protein Dynamics

Where: Harnack Haus Berlin

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Christian Freund, Prof. Dr. Frank Noé, Dr. Esam Abualrous, FU Berlin

The remarkable advances in physical and computational techniques over the past decade have revolutionized our understanding of the conformational dynamics of macromolecules. As such, our focus is to tightly integrate the various theoretical and experimental approaches currently employed in the field, combining their inherent capabilities and overcoming their specific limitations in order to arrive at a more unified concept of protein dynamics and function.

With this seminar we aim at providing a platform for scientists from diverse experimental and theoretical fields to discuss the most recent scientific discoveries and novel technologies under development, as well as the most outstanding challenges in the field. The seminar will include more than twenty invited speakers covering the following areas:

  • X-ray crystallography and free-electron laser for probing dynamics
  • Magnetic resonance techniques
  • Fluorescence and electron microscopy      
  • Free energy landscapes and protein dynamics
  • Multi-scale dynamics and Markov models
  • Combined interdisciplinary approaches to overcome the spatiotemporal gap in protein dynamics.

The seminar will be organized in a workshop-like fashion, generous time provided for networking. The main goals are to improve interaction and mutual understanding between the different areas of computational simulations and experimentation and to provide an inspiring environment for sparking innovation and establishing new collaborations.

Participants are invited to present their current research in two poster sessions. The best two posters will be awarded prizes and will be selected for an oral presentation.

The conference language will be English. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation bears the cost of full-board accommodation for all participants.

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