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Research group - Professor Kloft

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Our Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry at the Institute of Pharmacy at Freie Universität Berlin is an international, >20 member team in Germany as one of the leading groups in this field.
In Research, we focus on the optimisation of drug therapy for patient populations with high unmet medical and societal need, qualifying young talents.
In Teaching&Training, we develop new concepts („Medication-Management-Center“ (MMC), interprofessional teaching) and offer dedicated classes to undergraduate and graduate students.
Lastly, we strive to promote Clinical Pharmacy in Germany and beyond.


Postal and visitor address (map view; pdf)

Freie Universität Berlin
Institute of Pharmacy
Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry
Kelchstr. 31 12169 Berlin/Germany
Phone: +49-30 838 50656; Fax: +49-30 838 450656