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Career Week for International Junior Researchers” - a cooperation project by the Alumni Program and the Center for Junior Scholars

10.03.2025 - 14.03.2025

Technische Universität Berlin's “Career Week for International Junior Researchers” - a cooperation project by the Alumni Program and the Center for Junior Scholars - aims at giving international PhD students and postdocs insights into the diversity of academic and non-academic career prospects on the German job market as well as information about requirements for non-EU nationals to work in Germany.

Program 2025

Monday, 10 March: Career Perspectives & Learning from Peers

Tuesday, 11 March: Academia, Industry & German Labor Law

Wednesday, 12 March: Discovering your Competencies & Starting your own Business

Thursday, 13 March: Salary Negotiations & Networking

Friday, 14 March: Career Coaching & Work and Residence Permits

Further information: https://www.tu.berlin/en/go200551/

Registration: https://events.tu-berlin.de/de/events/01946a97-1b53-7ecd-8f1a-bfcba85a6e86/apply