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Info Event | Doctoral Studies and the Standard Time to Completion

28.02.2025 | 11:00 - 12:00
Info Event Graduate Center BCP

Info Event Graduate Center BCP
Bildquelle: Alexas_Fotos auf Pixabay

The Graduate Center at the BCP department is organizing a new information series for doctoral candidates at the department. Once a month, the focus will be on a specific topic related to doctoral studies at the department, with a short input and the opportunity to ask questions.


The first info event deals with the topic of standard time to completion in general:

What is the standard time to completion? How long does it last? How can it be extended? Which requirements (e.g. course on good scientific practice) do I have to fulfill during the doctoral studies? What do I have to do if I want to change universities?

Join the online meeting, gather some information and ask your questions!

Webex link:

Meeting-Kennnummer (Zugriffscode): 2795 463 0752

Meeting Passwort: 7MaPbJJu95w (76272558 beim Einwählen von einem Telefon oder Videosystem)

Über den Meeting-Link beitreten

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+49-619-6781-9736,,27954630752#76272558# Germany Toll
+49-89-95467578,,27954630752#76272558# Germany Toll 2
Auf manchen Mobilgeräten müssen die Teilnehmer ein numerisches Passwort eingeben.

Über Telefon beitreten
+49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll
+49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2
Globale Einwahlnummern

Über Videogerät oder -anwendung beitreten
Wählen Sie 27954630752@fu-berlin.webex.com

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