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DRS Open Door Talk | Material crisis and loss of motivation during the doctorate?

02.07.2024 | 17:00 - 18:30

Doctoral studies come with a number of challenges. Perhaps these common challenges sound familiar to you? The material crisis, where either too little or too much data is available, is a fairly common problem. In addition, many doctoral candidates suffer a crisis of meaning and doubt the relevance of their own research. And, of course, low motivation can also occur.

In such situations, it can help to actively (re)shape your own doctoral project! In this Open Door Talk, opportunities will be presented to use the funding provided by the Una Europa University Alliance for you and your doctoral project.

More information and registration here.

Zeit & Ort

02.07.2024 | 17:00 - 18:30

Dahlem Research School
Hittorfstraße 16
Room 004