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The new building for research on Supramolecular Functional Architectures at Biointerfaces opened in 2022. It brings together biologists, chemists, biochemists and physicist and provides state-of-the-art appliances for specific research in the properties and functional mechanisms of supramolecular structures at biological interfaces.
Arnimallee 22 lecture halls and rooms for seminars and laboratory courses equipped with modern teaching technology. The building also houses a big friendly foyer that is created as meeting and learning space for students.
The libraries at Freie Universität have long opening hours. A total of over 3,600 workstations are available to users at 15 locations. The modern Campus Library hosts all literature on natural sciences.
SupraFAB Research Building
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher
Lecture Hall at Arnimallee 22
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher
Campus Library
Image Credit: Stefan Müller-Naumann
The campus in Berlin-Dahlem is located close to the lush Botanical Garden Berlin. You can enjoy the large outside area on sunny days and escape into the tropical green houses in colder days. But there is also plenty of greenery, trees and parks throughout the campus. Initiatives such as the Blooming Campus manage large green spaces in such a way that a wide variety of plants and animals can settle there.
While one third of the organic chemistry building is still in use, two thirds are being completely renovated and modernized. Takustraße 3 houses seminar rooms, a lecture hall, research facilities, laboratories and offices. The latest technology and user-friendly elements will create another modern research and teaching building.
The FUBIC (short for Business and Innovation Center next to Freie Universität Berlin Campus) is currently being developed on a premises in the direct vicinity to Freie Universität Berlin. The soon-to-be innovation campus will be home to technology-focused start-ups and young companies in the fields of life sciences, health, and computer science.
Rebecca Rongstock heads the "Blooming Campus" initiative
Image Credit: Marion Kuka
Sanierung des Gebäudes für Organische Chemie
Image Credit: Marion Kuka
FUBIC Perspektive Entwurf
Image Credit: Heinle, Wischer, Partner
The Jelbi point is a new connection point where E-Scooters, bikes and scooters can be picked up and parked. This allows quick and easy travels to and from university to nearby stations and other destinations.
2023-09-23_0545_Jelbi_FU-Dahlem_Elke Stamm_HR
Image Credit: Elke Stamm