Contents of the Master’s Degree Programs
The two degree programs MSc Biology and MSc Biodiversity, Evolution, and Ecology have the same structure: A total of 120 credit points must be earned. The majority of these credit points can be obtained through a wide variety of courses in the supplementary area.
Towards the end of the studies, there needs to be a second mandatory module completed called the “Research Project” (15 credit points). It can be carried out in any of the research groups at the institute or in various external research facilities. This module can be undertaken in the same group or laboratory where the Master’s thesis will be conducted, but it can also be separate from the thesis.
The current module descriptions will be published soon. However, the modules of the previous study examination regulations can give you a first overview:
>> Modules of the Master’s Program Biology (in German)
>> Modules of the Master’s Programm Biodiversity, Evolution, Ecology (in German)