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Prof. Dr. Anne Seidlitz

Arbeitsgruppe Seidlitz Pharmazeutische Technologie seit Oktober 2024 an der FU Berlin

Prof Seidlitz

Institut für Pharmazie

Pharmazeutische Technologie

AK Prof. Seidlitz



Pharmazeutische Technologie
3. Stock Neubau
Kelchstr. 31
Room 323/324
12169 Berlin

Anne Seidlitz studierte Pharmazie in Greifswald und wurde im Jahr 2003 als Apothekerin approbiert. Von 2003 bis 2005 war sie als Wissenschaftlerin und später Gruppenleiterin in der Galenischen Entwicklung der Arzneimittel Werke Altona AG in Hamburg tätig. Im Anschluss an diese Tätigkeit kehrte an die Universität Greifswald zurück und wurde im Jahr 2009 in Pharmazeutischer Technologie promoviert und habilitierte sich im Jahr 2015. Darüber hinaus war sie als Qualified Person nach AMG in der Krankenhausapotheke der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald tätig. Nach Vertretungsprofessuren an der Universität Hamburg und der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena wurde sie 2021 als Professorin für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie an die Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf berufen. Anne Seidlitz hat zum 01.10.2024 den Ruf der Freien Universität Berlin auf die Professur für Pharmazeutische Technologie angenommen. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind im Bereich der Formulierungsentwicklung mit Fokus auf feste Arzneiformen und der biorelevanten Untersuchung der Wirkstofffreisetzung. Anne Seidlitz ist Fachapothekerin für Pharmazeutische Analytik und Technologie und in der Weiterbildung als Ermächtige Apothekerin tätig. Sie engagiert sich in verschiedenen Fachorganisationen, wie z. B. der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik (APV), dem EUFEPS Network On Bioavailability And Biopharmaceutics und dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Bundesapothekerkammer.


Anne Seidlitz studied pharmacy in Greifswald and obtained her license as a pharmacist in 2003. From 2003 to 2005 she worked as a team member and later on team leader in the galenics department of the Arzneimittel Werke Altona AG in Hamburg. Afterwards she returned to Greifswald University in and received a Doctor of Natural Sciences in Pharmaceutical Technology in 2009. In 2015 she was granted the degree of a habilitated Doctor in the Natural Sciences. Furthermore she was the qualified person according to the German Medicinal Products Act at the hospital pharmacy of the University Medicine Greifswald. After positions as substitute professor at the University of Hamburg and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena she was appointed full professor of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in 2021. Anne Seidlitz has accepted the appointment by the Free University Berlin for the full professorship in pharmaceutical technology starting at October 2024. Her main research areas are dosage form development with a focus on solid dosage forms and biorelevant dissolution testing of parenteral non-oral dosage forms. She is active participatn in different pharmaceutical organisations such as the International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik, APV), the EUFEPS Network On Bioavailability And Biopharmaceutics and the scientific council of the German Federal Chamber of Pharmacists (Bundesapothekerkammer).


Aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte des Arbeitskreises Seidlitz

  • Biorelevante Freisetzungsuntersuchungen
    • Unter Verwendung Gewebe-simulierender Hydrogelkompartimente
    • Unter Berücksichtigung physiologischer Fluß- und / oder Bewegungsbedingungen
    • Unter Einsatz von 3D-Drucktechnologien zur Entwicklung neuer / angepasster Apparaturen
    • Aktuell am Beispiel von Implantaten und Injektionszubereitungen, z.B. intravitreale Zubereitungen, i.m. und s.c. applizierter Zubereitungen, etc.
    • Entwicklung von Darreichungsformen mittels Extrusion und 3D-Druck
      • Herstellung von Wirkstoff-haltigen Filamenten für den FDM-Druck
      • Druck von Implantaten und peroralen Darreichungsformen mittels FDM und SSE
      • Charakterisierung der Druckkörper
      • Individualisierung
      • Beeinflussung des Wirkstofffreisetzungsverhaltens

Current research areas of the Seidlitz group

  • Biorelevant release testing
    • Using tissue simulating hydrogel compartments
    • Simulating physiological flow and / or movement
    • Using 3D-printing technologies to develop new / adapted apparatuses
    • Currently for implants and injections such as intravitreal dosage forms, dosage forms for intramuscular and subcutaneous delivery, etc.
    • Development of dosage forms using extrusion and 3D-printing
      • Production of drug-containing filaments for fdm-based printing
      • Printing of implants and oral dosage forms via fdm and sse
      • Characterization of the printed dosage forms
      • Individualization
      • Influencing drug release



V. Domsta, T. Boralewski, M. Ulbricht, P. Schick, J. Krause, A. Seidlitz

Stability of Dexamethasone during Hot-Melt Extrusion of Filaments based on Eudragit® RS, Ethyl Cellulose and Polyethylene Oxide.

Int J Pharm: X 2024, 8:100263.


H. Blume, S. Wedemeyer, A. Seidlitz, G. Beuerle, S. Klein, E. Bilensoy

Open Forum Conference on the ICH M13A Bioequivalence Guideline.

Eur J Pharm Sci 2024, 196: 106741


J. Krause, V. Domsta, M. Ulbricht, P. Schick, A. Seidlitz

A case study to investigate the influence of extrusion temperature, 3D printing parameters and the use of antioxidants on the degradation of dexamethasone.

J Drug Deliv Sci Technol 2024, 92:105394


T. Auel, J. Schubert, D. Kobiakova, A. Seidlitz

Combining 3D printing, dialysis adapters, and agarose hydrogels for dissolution testing of suspensions.

Trans AMMM 5 (2023) 797


V. Domsta, C. Hänsch, S. Lenz, Z. Gao, F. Matin-Mann, V. Scheper, T. Lenarz, A. Seidlitz

The Influence of Shape Parameters on Unidirectional Drug Release from 3D Printed Implants and Prediction of Release from Implants with Individualized Shapes.

Pharmaceutics 15 (2023) 1276


T. Auel, L. P. Scherke, S. Hadlich, S. Mouchantat, M. Grimm, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Ex Vivo Visualisation of Distribution of Intravitreal Injections in the Porcine Vitreous and Hydrogels Simulating the Vitreous.

Pharmaceutics 15 (2023) 786


F. Matin-Mann, Z. Gao, J. Schwieger, M. Ulbricht, V. Domsta, S. Senekowitsch, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz, K. Doll, M. Stiesch, T. Lenarz, V. Scheper

Individualized, Additively Manufactured Drug-Releasing External Ear Canal Implant for Prevention of Postoperative Restenosis: Development, In Vitro Testing, and Proof of Concept in an Individual Curative Trial.

Pharmaceutics 14 (2022) 1242


V. Domsta, J. Krause, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

3D Printing of Paracetamol Suppositories: An Automated Manufacturing Technique for Individualized Therapy.

Pharmaceutics 2022, 14: 2676


Mau R, Schick P, Matin-Mann F, Gao Z, Alcacer Labrador D, John S, Repp F, Lenarz T, Weitschies W, Scheper V, Seidlitz A, Seitz H.

Digital light processing and drug stability of Dexamethasone-loaded implant prototypes for medical treatment of the inner ear.

Trans AMMM 2022, 4: 666


T. Auel, L. Großmann, L. Schulig, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

The EyeFlowCell: Development of a 3D-Printed Dissolution Test Setup for Intravitreal Dosage Forms. 

Pharmaceutics 13 (2021) 1394


H.H. Blume, M. Mehta, G. Beuerle, A. Dorantes, G. Hempel, W. Jiang, A. Kovar, J. Lee, H. Potthast, B. Schug, A. Seidlitz, N Tampal, Y.-C. Tsang, J. Walstab, J. Welink

The Global Bioequivalence Harmonisation Initiative (GBHI): Report of EUFEPS/AAPS fourth conference.

Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 167 (2021) 105987


V. Domsta, A. Seidlitz

3D-Printing of Drug-Eluting Implants: An Overview of the Current Developments Described in the Literature. 

Molecules 26 (2021) 4066


J. Krause, L. Müller, D. Sarwinska, A. Seidlitz, M. Sznitowska, W. Weitschies

3D Printing of Mini Tablets for Pediatric Use. 

Pharmaceuticals 14 (2021) 143


A. Hermans, P. Dorozynski, F.J. Muzzio, H. Li, S. Nielsen, S. Chen, C. Reppas, S. Klein, S. Patel, M. Wacker, K. Thakker, K. Pruessmann, A. Seidlitz, T.K. Ghosh, Y. Yang, D. Willett, G. Hochhaus, J. Tay, C.V. Liew, P.W.S Heng, C.C. Sun, J. Kraemer, M.R.C Marques

Workshop Report: USP Workshop on Advancements in In Vitro Performance Testing of Drug Products. 

Diss. Technol. 27 (2020) 52-70


M. Wentzlaff, V. Senz V, A. Seidlitz

Evaluation of the suitability of a fluidized bed process for the coating of drug-eluting stents. 

Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 139 (2019) 85-92


K. Pruessmann, M. Wentzlaff, R. Schilling, A. Seidlitz

Influence of dissolution vessel geometry and dissolution medium on in vitro dissolution behaviour of triamterene-coated model stents in different test setups. 

AAPS PharmSciTech 20 (2019) 27


S. Stein, S. Hadlich, S. Langner, A. Biesenack, N. Zehm, S. Kruschke, M. Oelze, M. Grimm, S. Mahnhardt, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

7.1 T MRI and T2 mapping of the human and porcine vitreous body post mortem. 

Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 131(2018) 82-91


W. Kempin, V. Domsta, I. Brecht, B. Semmling, S. Tillmann, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Development of a dual extrusion printing technique for an acid- and thermo-labile drug. 

Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 123 (2018) 191-198


E. Wirthgen, W. Otten, M. Tuchscherer, A. Tuchscherer, G. Domanska, J. Brenmoehl, J. Günther, D. Ohde, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz, E. Scheuch, E. Kanitz

Effects of 1-Methyltryptophan on Immune Responses and the Kynurenine Pathway after Lipopolysaccharide Challenge in Pigs.

Int. J. Mol. Sci.  19 (2018) 3009


W. Kempin, V. Domsta, G. Grathoff, I. Brecht, B. Semmling, S. Tillmann, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Immediate Release 3D-Printed Tablets Produced Via Fused Deposition Modeling of a Thermo-Sensitive Drug. 

Pharm. Res. 35 (2018) 124


S. Stein, T. Auel, W. Kempin, M. Bogdahn, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Influence of the test method on in vitro drug release from intravitreal model implants containing dexamethasone or fluorescein sodium in poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) or polycaprolactone.

Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 127 (2018) 270-278


M. Probst, M. Schmidt, K. Tietz, S. Klein, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz.

In vitro dissolution testing of parenteral aqueous solutions and oily suspensions of paracetamol and prednisolone.

Int. J. Pharm. 532 (2017) 519-527


W. Kempin, A. Baden, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Glycerol gelatin for 3D-printing of implants using a paste extrusion technique. 

Curr. Dir. Biomed. Engin. 3 (2017) 389-392


S. Stein, M. Bogdahn, C. Rosenbaum, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Distribution of fluorescein sodium and triamcinolone acetonide in the simulated liquefied and vitrectomized Vitreous Model with simulated eye movements. 

Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 109 (2017) 233-243


W. Kempin, C. Franz, L.C. Koster, F. Schneider, M. Bogdahn, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Assessment of different polymers and drug loads for fused deposition modeling of drug loaded implants. 

Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 115 (2017) 84-93


M. Probst, J.P. Kühn, C. Modeß, E. Scheuch, A. Seidlitz, N. Hosten, W. Siegmund, W. Weitschies

Muscle injury after intramuscular administration of diclofenac: A case report supported by magnetic resonance imaging. 

Drug Saf. - Case Rep.  4(2017) 7


M. Probst, J.P. Kühn, E. Scheuch, A. Seidlitz, S. Hadlich, K. Evert, S. Oswald, W. Siegmund, W.  Weitschies

Simultaneous magnetic resonance imaging and pharmacokinetic analysis of  intramuscular depots. 

J. Control. Release 227 (2016) 1-12


S. Stein, M. Bogdahn, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Influence of Siluron(R) insertion on model drug distribution in the simulated vitreous body. 

Curr. Dir. Biomed. Engin. 2 (2016) 665-668 


M. Probst, M. Schmidt, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

In vitro simulation of distribution processes following intramuscular injection.

Curr. Dir. Biomed. Engin. 2 (2016) 383-386


E. Wirthgen, E. Kanitz, M. Tuchscherer, A. Tuchscherer, G. Domanska, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz, E. Scheuch, W. Otten

Pharmacokinetics of 1-methyl-L-tryptophan after single and  repeated subcutaneous application in a porcine model.

Exp. Anim. 65 (2016) 147-155


W. Kempin, S. Kaule, T. Reske, N. Grabow, S. Petersen, S. Nagel, K.P. Schmitz, W. Weitschies,  A. Seidlitz

In vitro evaluation of paclitaxel coatings for delivery via drug-coated balloons. 

Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 96 (2015) 322-328


S. Stein, C. Simroth-Loch, S. Langner, S. Hadlich, O. Stachs, N. Grabow, R. Guthoff, W.Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

MR imaging of model drug distribution in simulated vitreous.

Curr. Dir. Biomed. Engin. 1 (2015) 236-239.


A. Seidlitz, W. Schick, T. Reske, V. Senz, N. Grabow, S. Petersen, S. Nagel, W. Weitschies

In vitro study of sirolimus release from a drug-eluting stent: Comparison of the release profiles obtained using different test setups.

Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 93 (2015) 328-338


A. Seidlitz, M. Wentzlaff, W. Weitschies

Controlling drug delivery from coronary stents - are we aiming for the right targets?

Ther. Deliv. 6 (2015) 705-720


B. Semmling, S. Nagel, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Impact of different tissue-simulating hydrogel compartments on in vitro release and distribution from drug-eluting stents.

Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 87 (2014) 570-578


A. Seidlitz

Dissolution testing of cardiologic drug-eluting medical devices.

Pharm. Ind. 76 (2014) 1794-1800

M. Wentzlaff, A. Seidlitz, C. Harder, N. Grabow, W. Weitschies

Coating of stents with poly-L-lactide via fluidized-bed process.

Biomed. Tech. 59 (2014) 841-844


A. Seidlitz, W. Kempin, T. Reske, S. Kaule, N. Grabow, S. Petersen, C. Harder, S. Nagel,. W. Weitschies

Evaluation of the influence of contact time and inflation pressure on drug transfer from drug-coated balloons.

Biomed. Tech. 59 (2014) 375-378


C. Loch, M. Bogdahn, S. Stein, S. Nagel, R. Guthoff, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Simulation of Drug Distribution in the Vitreous Body After Local Drug Application into Intact Vitreous Body and in Progress of Posterior Vitreous Detachment.

J. Pharm. Sci. 103 (2014) 517-526


A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, B. Semmling, K. Sternberg, H. K. Kroemer, W. Weitschies

In Vitro Dissolution Testing of Drug-Eluting Stents.

Curr. Pharm. Biotech. 14 (2013) 67-75


B. Semmling, S. Nagel, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Development of Hydrophobized Alginate Hydrogels for the Vessel-Simulating Flow-Through Cell and Their Usage for Biorelevant Drug-Eluting Stent Testing.

AAPS PharmSciTech. 14 (2013) 1209-1218


A. Seidlitz, N. Kotzan, S. Nagel, T. Reske, N. Grabow, C. Harder, S. Petersen, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies

In vitro determination of drug transfer from drug-coated balloons.

PLoS ONE 8 (2013) e83992


B. Semmling, S. Nagel, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Long-term stable hydrogels for biorelevant dissolution testing of drug-eluting stents.

J. Pharm. Technol. Drug Res. 2 (2013) 19


A. Seidlitz, W. Weitschies

In-vitro dissolution methods for controlled release parenterals and their applicability to drug-eluting stent testing.

J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 64 (2012) 969-985


K. Sternberg, M. Gratz, K. Koeck, J. Mostertz, R. Begunk, M. Loebler, B. Semmling, A. Seidlitz, P. Hildebrandt, G. Homuth, N. Grabow, C. Tuemmler, W. Weitschies, K. Schmitz, H. K. Kroemer

Magnesium used in bioabsorbable stents controls smooth muscle cell proliferation and stimulates endothelial cells in vitro.

J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B 100 (2012) 41-50


C. Loch, S. Zakelj, A. Kristl, S. Nagel, R. Guthoff, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz

Determination of permeability coefficients of ophthalmic drugs through different layers of porcine, rabbit and bovine eyes.

Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 47 (2012) 131-138


C. Loch, S. Nagel, R. Guthoff, A. Seidlitz A, W. Weitschies

The Vitreous Model – a new in vitro test method simulating the vitreous body.

Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 281-284


B. Semmling, A. Seidlitz, E. Trip, C. Schnittker, T. Reske, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies

Examination of steroid release from screw-in pacing leads.

Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 273-276


K. Sternberg, S. Petersen, N. Grabow, F. Luderer, A. Bohl, T. Reske, S. Siewert, I. Minrath, A. Seidlitz, W. Weitschies, H. Meyer zu Schwabedissen, H. K. Kroemer, K. P. Schmitz

Implant-associated local drug delivery systems for different medical applications

Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 393-396


M. Wentzlaff, A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, C. Harder, C. Schnittker, E. Trip, T. Reske, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies

Coating of collars via fluidised-bed process.

Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 18-21


A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, B. Semmling, S. Petersen, T. Reske, W. Schmidt, N. Grabow, K. Sternberg K, W. Weitschies

In vitro estimation of drug loss during the implantation procedure of drug-eluting stents.

Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 403-406


A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, B. Semmling, N. Grabow, H. Martin, V. Senz, C. Harder, K. Sternberg, K. Schmitz, H. K. Kroemer, W. Weitschies

Examination of drug release and distribution from drug-eluting stents with a vessel-simulating flow-through cell.

Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 78 (2011) 36-48


A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, B. Semmling, N. Grabow, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies

Biorelevant dissolution testing of drug-eluting stents: experiences with a modified flow-through cell setup.

Diss. Technol. 18 (2011) 26-34


A. Neubert (Seidlitz), K. Sternberg, S. Nagel, C. Harder, K. P. Schmitz, H. K. Kroemer, W. Weitschies

Development of a vessel-simulating flow-through cell method for the in vitro evaluation of release and distribution from drug-eluting stents.

J. Control. Release 130 (2008) 2-8


Betreute Dissertationen / PhD thesis supervised

Martin Ulbricht (Greifswald, 2024)

Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von 3D-gedruckten Rundfensternischen-Modellimplantaten


Tobias Auel (Greifswald, 2022)

Die EyeFlowCell: Entwicklung eines 3D-gedruckten In vitro-Freisetzungsmodells für intravitreale Darreichungsformen auf Basis einer Durchflusszelle


Katharina Prüßmann (Greifswald, 2021)

Entwicklung von Gewebemodellen für biorelevante In vitro-Freisetzungsuntersuchungen von Drug-eluting Stents


Sandra Stein (Greifwald, 2019)

Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung des Glaskörpers und zur In vitro-Freisetzung aus intravitrealen Darreichungsformen


Wiebke Kempin (Greifswald, 2018)

Entwicklung und Charakterisierung 3D-gedruckter, wirkstoffhaltiger Darreichungsformen am Beispiel von Tabletten und Implantaten


Betreute Diplomarbeiten / diploma thesis supervised

Julia Schubert (Greifswald in Kooperation mit Düsseldorf, 2023)

Vergleich verschiedener In Vitro-Freisetzungstestmethoden zur Charakterisierung der Wirkstofffreisetzung intramuskulär applizierbarer Suspensionen


Harsamen Singh Chauhan (Greifswald, 2022)

Bestimmung des Permeabilitätskoeffizienten von Dexamethason durch synthetische Membranen unter Verwendung des Ussing-Kammer-Systems


Tessa Boralewski (Greifswald, 2022)

Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf die Stabilität von Dexamethason während der Schmelzextrusion mit Ethylcellulose und Ammoniummethacrylat-Copolymer


Judith Klemm (Greifswald, 2022)

Entwicklung einer Freisetzungstestapparatur zur Untersuchung 3D-gedruckter Rundfensternischenimplantate


Maximilian Neuschild (Greifswald, 2021)

Untersuchung des Einflusses der 3D-Druckparameter auf die Maßhaltigkeit von Rundfensternischenimplantaten


Jennifer Seidel (Greifswald, 2021)

Entwicklung einer Methode zur Untersuchung des Einflusses der Temperatur auf das Freisetzungsverhalten von Modellimplantaten in der EyeFlowCell


Christin Hänsch (Greifswald, 2021)

Untersuchung des Einflusses von Formparametern auf das Freisetzungsverhalten von 3D-gedruckten Sinus-Modellimplantaten


Lara Paula Scherke (Greifswald, 2021)

Charakterisierung von Gelen als Glaskörpersubstitute zur Untersuchung der Wirkstoffverteilung mittels EyeFlowCell


Lisa Grimmer (Greifswald, 2021)

Untersuchung verschiedener Tablettierparameter unter Nutzung des Kompaktierungssimulators Kilian Styl’One mit Einfach-, Zweifach-, Dreifach- und Mehrfachwerkzeug am Beispiel Crospovidon


Stine Lenz (Greifswald, 2021)

Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines schnellfreisetzenden 3D gedruckten Modell-Sinus-Implantates für den Einsatz zur Entwicklung von Freisetzungsmodellen


Sven Spangenberg (Greifswald, 2020)

Untersuchungen zum Einfluss der Rohstoffqualität des Schmiermittels Magnesiumstearat auf die Verpressbareit von Tablettiermischungen mittels eines Kompationssimulators


Linus Großmann (Greifswald, 2020)

Entwicklung eines In vitro-Versuchsaufbaus zur Simulation der Wirkstoffverteilung im und Clearance aus dem Glaskörper


Lee Roy Oldfield (Greifswald, 2020) „Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung von wirkstoffhaltigen Filamenten zum 3D-Druck von flexiblen Implantaten


Friederike Naumann (Greifswald, 2019)

Entwicklung einer In vitro-Freisetzungstestmethode zur Charakterisierung von Zubereitungen zur Applikation im subtenonschen Bereich


Jule Niegisch (Greifswald, 2019)

Entwicklung eines In vitro-Testsystems zur Untersuchung der Wirkstofffreisetzung von Chochleaimplantaten


Carolin Reschke (Greifswald, 2018)

Entwicklung von Gelen für die In vitro-Testung der antimikrobiellen Aktivität von endolysinbeschichteten Implantaten mit Knochemarkkontakt


Christoph Rosenbaum (Greifswald, 2018)

Entwicklung von Wafern für die Applikation mittels Koronarstents


Vanessa Domsta (Greifswald, 2017)

Entwicklung von Pantoprazol-haltigen Polymerfilamenten für den 3D-Druck von Tabletten


Anna Baden (Greifswald, 2017)

Entwicklung eines Spritzenextrusionsverfahrens zur Herstellung 3D-gedruckter Implantate


Dana Moritz (Greifswald, 2017)

Etablierung von Methoden zur Untersuchung des Wirkstoff-freisetzungsverhaltens aus Goserelin- und leuprorelinhaltigen Depotarzneiformen


Tobias Auel (Greifswald, 2017)

Untersuchung zum Einfluss der Testmethode auf das In Vitro-Freisetzungsverhalten von intravitrealen Implantaten


Betreute Masterarbeiten / master thesis supervised

Daria Kobiakova (Düsseldorf, 2023)

Comparison of different dissolution test methods for drug suspensions using 3d printed equipment Comparison of different dissolution test methods for drug suspensions using 3d printed equipment

Anne Seidlitz studied pharmacy in Greifswald and obtained her license as a pharmacist in 2003. From 2003 to 2005 she worked as a team member and later on team leader in the galenics department of the Arzneimittel Werke Altona AG in Hamburg. Afterwards she returned to Greifswald University in and received a Doctor of Natural Sciences in Pharmaceutical Technology in 2009. In 2015 she was granted the degree of a habilitated Doctor in the Natural Sciences. Furthermore she was the qualified person according to the German Medicinal Products Act at the hospital pharmacy of the University Medicine Greifswald. After positions as substitute professor at the University of Hamburg and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena she was appointed full professor of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in 2021. Anne Seidlitz has accepted the appointment by the Free University Berlin for the full professorship in pharmaceutical technology starting at October 2024. Her main research areas are dosage form development with a focus on solid dosage forms and biorelevant dissolution testing of parenteral non-oral dosage forms. She is active participatn in different pharmaceutical organisations such as the International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik, APV), the EUFEPS Network On Bioavailability And Biopharmaceutics and the scientific council of the German Federal Chamber of Pharmacists (Bundesapothekerkammer).

Current research areas of the Seidlitz group

•    Biorelevant release testing
o    Using tissue simulating hydrogel compartments
o    Simulating physiological flow and / or movement
o    Using 3D-printing technologies to develop new / adapted apparatuses
o    Currently for implants and injections such as intravitreal dosage forms, dosage forms for intramuscular and subcutaneous delivery, etc.

•    Development of dosage forms using extrusion and 3D-printing
o    Production of drug-containing filaments for fdm-based printing
o    Printing of implants and oral dosage forms via fdm and sse
o    Characterization of the printed dosage forms
o    Individualization
o    Influencing drug release

V. Domsta, T. Boralewski, M. Ulbricht, P. Schick, J. Krause, A. Seidlitz
Stability of Dexamethasone during Hot-Melt Extrusion of Filaments based on Eudragit® RS, Ethyl Cellulose and Polyethylene Oxide.
Int J Pharm: X 2024, 8:100263.

H. Blume, S. Wedemeyer, A. Seidlitz, G. Beuerle, S. Klein, E. Bilensoy
Open Forum Conference on the ICH M13A Bioequivalence Guideline.
Eur J Pharm Sci 2024, 196: 106741

J. Krause, V. Domsta, M. Ulbricht, P. Schick, A. Seidlitz
A case study to investigate the influence of extrusion temperature, 3D printing parameters and the use of antioxidants on the degradation of dexamethasone.
J Drug Deliv Sci Technol 2024, 92:105394

T. Auel, J.  Schubert, D. Kobiakova, A. Seidlitz
Combining 3D printing, dialysis adapters, and agarose hydrogels for dissolution testing of suspensions.
Trans AMMM 5 (2023) 797

V. Domsta, C. Hänsch, S. Lenz, Z. Gao, F.  Matin-Mann, V. Scheper, T. Lenarz, A. Seidlitz
The Influence of Shape Parameters on Unidirectional Drug Release from 3D Printed Implants and Prediction of Release from Implants with Individualized Shapes.
Pharmaceutics 15 (2023) 1276

T. Auel, L. P. Scherke, S. Hadlich, S. Mouchantat, M. Grimm, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Ex Vivo Visualisation of Distribution of Intravitreal Injections in the Porcine Vitreous and Hydrogels Simulating the Vitreous.
Pharmaceutics 15 (2023) 786

F. Matin-Mann, Z. Gao, J. Schwieger, M. Ulbricht, V. Domsta, S. Senekowitsch, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz, K. Doll, M. Stiesch, T. Lenarz, V. Scheper
Individualized, Additively Manufactured Drug-Releasing External Ear Canal Implant for Prevention of Postoperative Restenosis: Development, In Vitro Testing, and Proof of Concept in an Individual Curative Trial.
Pharmaceutics 14 (2022) 1242

V. Domsta,  J. Krause, W.  Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
3D Printing of Paracetamol Suppositories: An Automated Manufacturing Technique for Individualized Therapy.
Pharmaceutics 2022, 14: 2676

Mau R, Schick P, Matin-Mann F, Gao Z, Alcacer Labrador D, John S, Repp F, Lenarz T, Weitschies W, Scheper V, Seidlitz A, Seitz H.
Digital light processing and drug stability of Dexamethasone-loaded implant prototypes for medical treatment of the inner ear.
Trans AMMM 2022, 4: 666

T. Auel, L. Großmann, L. Schulig, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
The EyeFlowCell: Development of a 3D-Printed Dissolution Test Setup for Intravitreal Dosage Forms.
Pharmaceutics 13 (2021) 1394

H.H. Blume, M. Mehta, G. Beuerle, A. Dorantes, G. Hempel, W. Jiang, A. Kovar, J. Lee, H. Potthast, B. Schug, A. Seidlitz, N Tampal, Y.-C. Tsang, J. Walstab, J. Welink
The Global Bioequivalence Harmonisation Initiative (GBHI): Report of EUFEPS/AAPS fourth conference.
Eur. J.  Pharm. Sci. 167 (2021) 105987

V. Domsta, A. Seidlitz
3D-Printing of Drug-Eluting Implants: An Overview of the Current Developments Described in the Literature.
Molecules 26 (2021) 4066

J. Krause, L. Müller, D. Sarwinska, A. Seidlitz, M. Sznitowska, W. Weitschies
3D Printing of Mini Tablets for Pediatric Use.
Pharmaceuticals 14 (2021) 143

A. Hermans, P. Dorozynski, F.J. Muzzio, H. Li, S. Nielsen, S. Chen, C. Reppas, S. Klein, S. Patel, M. Wacker, K. Thakker, K. Pruessmann, A. Seidlitz, T.K. Ghosh, Y. Yang, D. Willett, G. Hochhaus, J. Tay, C.V. Liew, P.W.S Heng, C.C. Sun, J. Kraemer, M.R.C Marques
Workshop Report: USP Workshop on Advancements in In Vitro Performance Testing of Drug Products.
Diss. Technol. 27 (2020) 52-70

M. Wentzlaff, V. Senz V, A. Seidlitz
Evaluation of the suitability of a fluidized bed process for the coating of drug-eluting stents.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 139 (2019) 85-92

K. Pruessmann, M. Wentzlaff, R. Schilling, A. Seidlitz
Influence of dissolution vessel geometry and dissolution medium on in vitro dissolution behaviour of triamterene-coated model stents in different test setups.
AAPS PharmSciTech 20 (2019) 27

S. Stein, S. Hadlich, S. Langner, A. Biesenack, N. Zehm, S. Kruschke, M. Oelze, M. Grimm, S. Mahnhardt, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
7.1 T MRI and T2 mapping of the human and porcine vitreous body post mortem.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 131(2018) 82-91

W. Kempin, V. Domsta, I. Brecht, B. Semmling, S. Tillmann, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Development of a dual extrusion printing technique for an acid- and thermo-labile drug.
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 123 (2018) 191-198

E. Wirthgen, W. Otten, M. Tuchscherer, A. Tuchscherer, G. Domanska, J. Brenmoehl, J. Günther, D. Ohde, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz, E. Scheuch, E. Kanitz
Effects of 1-Methyltryptophan on Immune Responses and the Kynurenine Pathway after Lipopolysaccharide Challenge in Pigs.
Int. J. Mol. Sci.  19 (2018) 3009

W. Kempin, V. Domsta, G. Grathoff, I. Brecht, B. Semmling, S. Tillmann, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Immediate Release 3D-Printed Tablets Produced Via Fused Deposition Modeling of a Thermo-Sensitive Drug.
Pharm. Res. 35 (2018) 124

S. Stein, T. Auel, W. Kempin, M. Bogdahn, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Influence of the test method on in vitro drug release from intravitreal model implants containing dexamethasone or fluorescein sodium in poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) or polycaprolactone.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 127 (2018) 270-278

M. Probst, M. Schmidt, K. Tietz, S. Klein, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz.
In vitro dissolution testing of parenteral aqueous solutions and oily suspensions of paracetamol and prednisolone.
Int. J. Pharm. 532 (2017) 519-527

W. Kempin, A. Baden, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Glycerol gelatin for 3D-printing of implants using a paste extrusion technique.
Curr. Dir. Biomed. Engin. 3 (2017) 389-392

S. Stein, M. Bogdahn, C. Rosenbaum, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Distribution of fluorescein sodium and triamcinolone acetonide in the simulated liquefied and vitrectomized Vitreous Model with simulated eye movements.
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 109 (2017) 233-243

W. Kempin, C. Franz, L.C. Koster, F. Schneider, M. Bogdahn, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Assessment of different polymers and drug loads for fused deposition modeling of drug loaded implants.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 115 (2017) 84-93

M. Probst, J.P. Kühn, C. Modeß, E. Scheuch, A. Seidlitz, N. Hosten, W. Siegmund, W. Weitschies
Muscle injury after intramuscular administration of diclofenac: A case report supported by magnetic resonance imaging.
Drug Saf. - Case Rep.  4(2017) 7

M. Probst, J.P. Kühn, E. Scheuch, A. Seidlitz, S. Hadlich, K. Evert, S. Oswald, W. Siegmund, W.  Weitschies
Simultaneous magnetic resonance imaging and pharmacokinetic analysis of  intramuscular depots.
J. Control. Release 227 (2016) 1-12

S. Stein, M. Bogdahn, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Influence of Siluron(R) insertion on model drug distribution in the simulated vitreous body.
Curr. Dir. Biomed. Engin. 2 (2016) 665-668

M. Probst, M. Schmidt, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
In vitro simulation of distribution processes following intramuscular injection.
Curr. Dir. Biomed. Engin. 2 (2016) 383-386

E. Wirthgen, E. Kanitz, M. Tuchscherer, A. Tuchscherer, G. Domanska, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz, E. Scheuch, W. Otten
Pharmacokinetics of 1-methyl-L-tryptophan after single and  repeated subcutaneous application in a porcine model.
Exp. Anim. 65 (2016) 147-155

W. Kempin, S. Kaule, T. Reske, N. Grabow, S. Petersen, S. Nagel, K.P. Schmitz, W. Weitschies,  A. Seidlitz
In vitro evaluation of paclitaxel coatings for delivery via drug-coated balloons.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 96 (2015) 322-328

S. Stein, C. Simroth-Loch, S. Langner, S. Hadlich, O. Stachs, N. Grabow, R. Guthoff, W.Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
MR imaging of model drug distribution in simulated vitreous.
Curr. Dir. Biomed. Engin. 1 (2015) 236-239.

A. Seidlitz, W. Schick, T. Reske, V. Senz, N. Grabow, S. Petersen, S. Nagel, W. Weitschies
In vitro study of sirolimus release from a drug-eluting stent: Comparison of the release profiles obtained using different test setups.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 93 (2015) 328-338

A. Seidlitz, M. Wentzlaff, W. Weitschies
Controlling drug delivery from coronary stents - are we aiming for the right targets?
Ther. Deliv. 6 (2015) 705-720

B. Semmling, S. Nagel, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Impact of different tissue-simulating hydrogel compartments on in vitro release and distribution from drug-eluting stents.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 87 (2014) 570-578

A. Seidlitz
Dissolution testing of cardiologic drug-eluting medical devices.
Pharm. Ind. 76 (2014) 1794-1800
M. Wentzlaff, A. Seidlitz, C. Harder, N. Grabow, W. Weitschies
Coating of stents with poly-L-lactide via fluidized-bed process.
Biomed. Tech. 59 (2014) 841-844

A. Seidlitz, W. Kempin, T. Reske, S. Kaule, N. Grabow, S. Petersen, C. Harder, S. Nagel,. W. Weitschies
Evaluation of the influence of contact time and inflation pressure on drug transfer from drug-coated balloons.
Biomed. Tech. 59 (2014) 375-378

C. Loch, M. Bogdahn, S. Stein, S. Nagel, R. Guthoff, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Simulation of Drug Distribution in the Vitreous Body After Local Drug Application into Intact Vitreous Body and in Progress of Posterior Vitreous Detachment.
J. Pharm. Sci. 103 (2014) 517-526

A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, B. Semmling, K. Sternberg, H. K. Kroemer, W. Weitschies
In Vitro Dissolution Testing of Drug-Eluting Stents.
Curr. Pharm. Biotech. 14 (2013) 67-75

B. Semmling, S. Nagel, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Development of Hydrophobized Alginate Hydrogels for the Vessel-Simulating Flow-Through Cell and Their Usage for Biorelevant Drug-Eluting Stent Testing.
AAPS PharmSciTech. 14 (2013) 1209-1218

A. Seidlitz, N. Kotzan, S. Nagel, T. Reske, N. Grabow, C. Harder, S. Petersen, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies
In vitro determination of drug transfer from drug-coated balloons.
PLoS ONE 8 (2013) e83992

B. Semmling, S. Nagel, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Long-term stable hydrogels for biorelevant dissolution testing of drug-eluting stents.
J. Pharm. Technol. Drug Res. 2 (2013) 19

A. Seidlitz, W. Weitschies
In-vitro dissolution methods for controlled release parenterals and their applicability to drug-eluting stent testing.
J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 64 (2012) 969-985

K. Sternberg, M. Gratz, K. Koeck, J. Mostertz, R. Begunk, M. Loebler, B. Semmling, A. Seidlitz, P. Hildebrandt, G. Homuth, N. Grabow, C. Tuemmler, W. Weitschies, K. Schmitz, H. K. Kroemer
Magnesium used in bioabsorbable stents controls smooth muscle cell proliferation and stimulates endothelial cells in vitro.
 J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B 100 (2012) 41-50

C. Loch, S. Zakelj, A. Kristl, S. Nagel, R. Guthoff, W. Weitschies, A. Seidlitz
Determination of permeability coefficients of ophthalmic drugs through different layers of porcine, rabbit and bovine eyes.
Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 47 (2012) 131-138

C. Loch, S. Nagel, R. Guthoff, A. Seidlitz A, W. Weitschies
The Vitreous Model – a new in vitro test method simulating the vitreous body.
Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 281-284

B. Semmling, A. Seidlitz, E. Trip, C. Schnittker, T. Reske, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies
Examination of steroid release from screw-in pacing leads.
Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 273-276

K. Sternberg, S. Petersen, N. Grabow, F. Luderer, A. Bohl, T. Reske, S. Siewert, I. Minrath, A. Seidlitz, W. Weitschies, H. Meyer zu Schwabedissen, H. K. Kroemer, K. P. Schmitz
Implant-associated local drug delivery systems for different medical applications
Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 393-396

M. Wentzlaff, A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, C. Harder, C. Schnittker, E. Trip, T. Reske, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies
Coating of collars via fluidised-bed process.
Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 18-21

A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, B. Semmling, S. Petersen, T. Reske, W. Schmidt, N. Grabow, K. Sternberg K, W. Weitschies
In vitro estimation of drug loss during the implantation procedure of drug-eluting stents.
Biomed. Tech. 57 (2012) 403-406

A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, B. Semmling, N. Grabow, H. Martin, V. Senz, C. Harder, K. Sternberg, K. Schmitz, H. K. Kroemer, W. Weitschies
Examination of drug release and distribution from drug-eluting stents with a vessel-simulating flow-through cell.
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 78 (2011) 36-48

A. Seidlitz, S. Nagel, B. Semmling, N. Grabow, K. Sternberg, W. Weitschies
Biorelevant dissolution testing of drug-eluting stents: experiences with a modified flow-through cell setup.
Diss. Technol. 18 (2011) 26-34

A. Neubert (Seidlitz), K. Sternberg, S. Nagel, C. Harder, K. P. Schmitz, H. K. Kroemer, W. Weitschies
Development of a vessel-simulating flow-through cell method for the in vitro evaluation of release and distribution from drug-eluting stents.
J. Control. Release 130 (2008) 2-8