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Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wolber

Prof. Gerhard Wolber

Institut für Pharmazie


Head of the molecular drug design group (Pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry)

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Pharmazie
Königin-Luise-Str. 2+4
Room 275 Vorderhaus
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838 452686


  • Instrumental Analytics (Practical course and lecture of 3. semester)
  • Lecture series pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry
  • Computer-aided drug design (8. semester)
  • Elective subject
  • Lecture "Current topics in pharmaceutical research"
  • Pharmaceutical research project

[Wordle, created from all publicated abstracts until 2014

Research Focus:

    • Molecular Modeling & Cheminformatic

    • Structure- and Ligand-based Drug Design

    • 3D Pharmacophores

    • Molecular Dynamics Simulations

    • Method Development for Implementation and Improvement of Virtual Screening

The three-dimensional interaction predicitions of organic compounds with biological macromolecules facilitate a targeted development of drug candidates. This ensures a praxis and industry relevant research.

If a PhD position is of interest (requirements are affinities to computer-based work and medicinal/pharmaceutical chemistry) or a project as part of the pratical year please adress oneself per email to gerhard.wolber@fu-berlin.de

>> List of all publications

Current cooperation projects:


Development of novel arginase l inhibitors for the recovery of anti-carcinogenic immune responses