Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Charlotte Kloft

Head of Department Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry
Institute of Pharmacy
Freie Universität Berlin
Head of Department Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry and Managing Director of the Institute Vice Dean of Research at BCP Faculty
Institute of Pharmacy
Kelchstr. 31
Room 225
12169 Berlin
Office hours
for student consultation
Fri 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (by appointment)
Curriculum Vitae
Present and previous positions
Since 2011 | ‘Universitaetsprofessorin’ (Full Professor) and Head of Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry at the Freie Universität Berlin |
2005-2011 | ‘Universitaetsprofessorin’ (Full Professor) and Head of Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg |
1999-2005 | ‘Oberassistentin’ (Associate Professor)/’Wissenschaftliche Assistentin’ (Assistant Professor) at the Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin |
1997-1999 | Study manager, Dept. of Drug Metabolism/Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Hoechst Marion Roussel (today: Sanofi), Frankfurt/Main |
1993-1997 | ’Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin’ (Graduate student) at the Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin |
Academic education; academic and professional degrees/qualifications
Since 2012 | Permission for working with pathogenic microorganisms in accordance with § 44 ff IfSG (German Protection against Infection Act; “Infektionsschutzgesetz”) Certified laboratories: Biosafety level 2, defined in EU directive (Council Directive 90/679/EEC, 26 November 1990) |
2003 | Habilitation and venia legendi in Clinical Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin Title: Rationale dosing strategies based on pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models in the treatment of cancer |
1997 | ’Dr. rer. nat. (summa cum laude)’ (PhD with highest honours) at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. U. Jaehde, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Schunack) Title: Clinical pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic investigations for dose optimisation of platinum complexes |
1992 | Registered Pharmacist |
1991-1992 | Internship at SANDOZ (today Novartis), Basel, Switzerland, community pharmacy |
1987-1991 | Undergraduate studies of Pharmacy at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz |
Professional activities
Since 2022 | Project Investigator (PI) in the project GlobalResist |
Since 2021 | Project Coordinator of the project On-Target |
Since 2020 | Work-Package-Leader, Principal Investigator (PI) and member of the Steering Committee in EU Horizon2020-Projekt “FAIR” |
Since 2008 | Chair of the interdisciplinary Structured Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX "Pharmacometrics and Computational Disease Modelling" (together with Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Huisinga) |
2016-2021 | Principal Investigator and member of the Steering Committee in the research consortium “ABIMMUNE” within the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance’, (BMBF Funding No.: 031L0097) |
2016-2021 |
Principal Investigator and member of the Executive Board Leader in the research consortium “COMBINATORIALS” within the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (BMBF Funding No.: 031L0098B) |
2014-2018 | Principle Investigator (PI) in the TAIN project |
2011-2016 | Work Package Leader in EU Project “DDMoRe“ of the Innovative Medicines Initiative –Joint Undertaking |
2004, 2002 | Fellow with Prof. M.O. Karlsson, Uppsala University, Sweden |
Since 2002 | Member of Editorial Boards and Referee of various international, peer-reviewed journals Guest Editor/Associate Editor: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Guest Editor for Special Issue: Systems Pharmacology, 2015/2016) |
Since 2002 | Scientific consultant for pharmaceutical companies |
1990 | Fellow with Prof. H. Derendorf, University of Florida, US |
amongst others
Since 2000 | "Academic Center of Excellence" or follow-up programs (Pharsight today Certara, US) |
2002 | Habilitation grant of the Dr. August and Dr. Anni Lesmueller-foundation |
1998 | Ernst-Reuter-Preis 1998 of the Ernst-Reuter-Society of the Freie Universität Berlin |
1998 | Joachim-Tiburtius-Award 1998 of the Senate of Berlin |
1997 | Young Investigator Award 1997 of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer - Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanism (EORTC-PAMM) |
Professional positions and memberships
amongst others
Since 2023 | Member of the Scientific Board of the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines |
Since 2017 | Chairperson of the Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research (CESAR) – Pharmacometrics; 2013-2017 Vice Chairperson of CESAR - APOH |
Since 2016 | Member of the Scientific Board of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) |
Since 2014 | President of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), section Berlin-Brandenburg, and Member of the executive committee of DPhG |
Since 2013 |
Member of the Drug Commission of German Pharmacists (Arzneimittelkommission der Deutschen Apotheker, AMK) |
Since 2012 | Deputy Member of the Steering Committee (Ständige Kommission) of the Dahlem Research School, DRS |
Since 2011 | Member of the Scientific Organising Committee of the PK/PD Expert Meeting (PK/PD-Expertentreffen) |
Since 2009 | Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the ‘Internat. Symposium on Measurement and kinetics of in vivo drug effects’/since 2014: ‘Internat. Symposium on Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Systems Pharmacology’ in Noordwijkerhout, NL/ since 2020 ‘Quantitative Systems Pharmacolocy Conference’ in Leiden, NL |
Since 2006 | Scientific Board member of the ’Deutsche Arzneibuch Kommission’ (German Pharmacopoeia) at the Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices) |
Since 2006 | Scientific Board member of the ’Foerderinitiative Pharmazeutische Betreuung’ |
Since 2002 | Member of the Scientific Organising Committee of the Population Approach Group Europe (PAGE); and Chief Organiser of the Annual Meeting PAGE 2010 in Berlin (600 participants) |
2012-2019 | Member of the Coordination Group of the Focus Area ’DynAge‘ (Disease in Human Aging) at the Freie Universität Berlin ( |
2005-2009 | Member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS) PharmSciFair 2009 Planning Team |
2003-2006 | Vice president of the Working Party Clinical Pharmacy of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) |
Academic self-government
amongst others
Since 2023 |
Vice Dean of Research, Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy of FU Berlin |
2019-2023 |
Executive Director of the Institute of Pharmacy of FU Berlin |
2013-2019 |
Vice Director of the Institute of Pharmacy of FU Berlin |
Since 2017 |
Deputy member of the Department Council Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy of FU Berlin |
Since 2013 |
Member of the Board of the Institute, Member of the Examination Committee of Institute, Member of the Education Commission of the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy - AK Pharmacy (since 2023: representative), Freie Universität Berlin |
Since 2012 | Member of the Doctoral Board at the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin |
Since 2011 | Member of the Selection Committee of the "Deutschlandstipendium" (Scholarships) at the Freie Universität Berlin |
2010-2011 | Managing Director of the Institute Division Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacy at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg |
2006-2011 | Member of the Board of the Institute of Pharmacy, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg |
see here