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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Charlotte Kloft

Bild: Charlotte Kloft

Head of Department Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry

Institute of Pharmacy

Freie Universität Berlin


Head of Department Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry and Managing Director of the Institute Vice Dean of Research at BCP Faculty

Freie Universität Berlin
Institute of Pharmacy
Kelchstr. 31
Room 225
12169 Berlin
+49(0)30 838 450656

Office hours

for student consultation

Fri 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. (by appointment)

Curriculum Vitae

Present and previous positions

Since 2011   ‘Universitaetsprofessorin’ (Full Professor) and Head of Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry at the Freie Universität Berlin
2005-2011 ‘Universitaetsprofessorin’ (Full Professor) and Head of Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the Martin-Luther-Universitaet Halle-Wittenberg
1999-2005 ‘Oberassistentin’ (Associate Professor)/’Wissenschaftliche Assistentin’ (Assistant Professor) at the Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin
1997-1999 Study manager, Dept. of Drug Metabolism/Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Pharmaco­kinetics, Hoechst Marion Roussel (today: Sanofi), Frankfurt/Main
1993-1997 ’Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin’ (Graduate student) at the Institute of Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin

Academic education; academic and professional degrees/qualifications

Since 2012 Permission for working with pathogenic microorganisms in accordance with § 44 ff IfSG (German Protection against Infection Act; “Infektionsschutzgesetz”)
Certified laboratories: Biosafety level 2, defined in EU directive (Council Directive 90/679/EEC, 26 November 1990)
2003 Habilitation and venia legendi in Clinical Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin
Title: Rationale dosing strategies based on pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic models in the treatment of cancer
1997 ’Dr. rer. nat. (summa cum laude)’ (PhD with highest honours) at the Faculty of Pharmacy,
Freie Universität Berlin (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. U. Jaehde, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Schunack)
Title: Clinical pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic investigations for dose optimisation of platinum complexes
1992 Registered Pharmacist
1991-1992 Internship at SANDOZ (today Novartis), Basel, Switzerland, community pharmacy
1987-1991 Undergraduate studies of Pharmacy at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz

Professional activities

Since 2022 Project Investigator (PI) in the project GlobalResist
Since 2021 Project Coordinator of the project On-Target
Since 2020 Work-Package-Leader, Principal Investigator (PI) and member of the Steering Committee in EU Horizon2020-Projekt “FAIR”
Since 2008 Chair of the interdisciplinary Structured Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX "Pharmacometrics and Computational Disease Modelling" (together with Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Huisinga)
2016-2021 Principal Investigator and member of the Steering Committee in the research consortium  “ABIMMUNE” within the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance’, (BMBF Funding No.: 031L0097)

Principal Investigator and member of the Executive Board Leader in the research consortium “COMBINATORIALS” within the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (BMBF Funding No.: 031L0098B)

2014-2018 Principle Investigator (PI) in the TAIN project
2011-2016 Work Package Leader in EU Project “DDMoRe“ of the Innovative Medicines Initiative –Joint Undertaking
2004, 2002 Fellow with Prof. M.O. Karlsson, Uppsala University, Sweden
Since 2002 Member of Editorial Boards and Referee of various international, peer-reviewed journals
Guest Editor/Associate Editor: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Guest Editor for Special Issue: Systems Pharmacology, 2015/2016)
Since 2002 Scientific consultant for pharmaceutical companies
1990 Fellow with Prof. H. Derendorf, University of Florida, US


amongst others

Since 2000 "Academic Center of Excellence" or follow-up programs (Pharsight today Certara, US)
2002 Habilitation grant of the Dr. August and Dr. Anni Lesmueller-foundation
1998 Ernst-Reuter-Preis 1998 of the Ernst-Reuter-Society of the Freie Universität Berlin
1998 Joachim-Tiburtius-Award 1998 of the Senate of Berlin
1997 Young Investigator Award 1997 of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer - Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanism (EORTC-PAMM)

Professional positions and memberships

amongst others

Since 2023 Member of the Scientific Board of the Frankfurt Foundation Quality of Medicines
Since 2017 Chairperson of the Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Research (CESAR) – Pharmacometrics; 2013-2017 Vice Chairperson of CESAR - APOH
Since 2016 Member of the Scientific Board of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG)
Since 2014 President of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), section Berlin-Brandenburg, and Member of the executive committee of DPhG
Since 2013

Member of the Drug Commission of German Pharmacists (Arzneimittelkommission der Deutschen Apotheker, AMK)

Since 2012 Deputy Member of the Steering Committee (Ständige Kommission) of the Dahlem Research School, DRS
Since 2011 Member of the Scientific Organising Committee of the PK/PD Expert Meeting (PK/PD-Expertentreffen)
Since 2009 Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the ‘Internat. Symposium on Measurement and kinetics of in vivo drug effects’/since 2014: ‘Internat. Symposium on Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Systems Pharmacology’ in Noordwijkerhout, NL/ since 2020 ‘Quantitative Systems Pharmacolocy Conference’ in Leiden, NL
Since 2006 Scientific Board member of the ’Deutsche Arzneibuch Kommission’ (German Pharmacopoeia) at the Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices)
Since 2006 Scientific Board member of the ’Foerderinitiative Pharmazeutische Betreuung’
Since 2002 Member of the Scientific Organising Committee of the Population Approach Group Europe (PAGE); and Chief Organiser of the Annual Meeting PAGE 2010 in Berlin (600 participants)
2012-2019 Member of the Coordination Group of the Focus Area ’DynAge‘ (Disease in Human Aging) at the Freie Universität Berlin (www.fu-berlin.de/dynage)
2005-2009 Member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS) PharmSciFair 2009 Planning Team
2003-2006 Vice president of the Working Party Clinical Pharmacy of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG)

Academic self-government

amongst others

Since 2023

Vice Dean of Research, Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy of FU Berlin


Executive Director of the Institute of Pharmacy of FU Berlin


Vice Director of the Institute of Pharmacy of FU Berlin

Since 2017

Deputy member of the Department Council Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy of FU Berlin

Since 2013

Member of the Board of the Institute, Member of the Examination Committee of Institute, Member of the Education Commission of the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy - AK Pharmacy (since 2023: representative), Freie Universität Berlin

Since 2012 Member of the Doctoral Board at the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin
Since 2011 Member of the Selection Committee of the "Deutschlandstipendium" (Scholarships) at the Freie Universität Berlin
2010-2011 Managing Director of the Institute Division Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacy at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
2006-2011 Member of the Board of the Institute of Pharmacy, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

see here