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International Microdialysis Symposium 2022

Welcome to the website of the 9th International Microdialysis Symposium 2022 – Development, Integration, Translation which took place in Berlin, Germany, on 07 - 09 September 2022. This Symposium followed on the successful 8th Symposium in Uppsala, Sweden.

The 9th International Microdialysis Symposium was a highly successful event, filled with stimulating scientific presentation, fruitful discussions, and plenty of networking. We want to thank all participants, with representatives from academia, industry and healthcare for contributing to integrated discussions and exchange of experiences concerning microdialysis with focus on emerging hot topics in the

(i) development and application of the microdialysis technique and
(ii) integration and translation of microdialysis data from in vitro to in vivo extrapolation and from pre-clinical species to human. In this context, the impact of modelling & simulation shall also be emphasised.

For further information, please see the symposium booklet here.

We also want to take the opportunity to congratulate the young investigators Laura van Smeden and Davide Bindellini, who received the award for best young investigator oral presentations, and Frida Bällgren and Felix Müller who received the award for best young investigators poster presentations.

Warm regards from the Symposium Organising Committee,

Charlotte Kloft, Robin Michelet, Luis Ilia, Josefine Schulz, David Busse, Felix Müller, Davide Bindellini, Amrei Konrad, and Linda Aulin
Freie Universität Berlin


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