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Office of Academic Affairs and Examinations Office and Mentoring

More information about the opening hours and cancellations of the Offices of Academic Affairs and the Examination Office can be found via the following links:

Sarah Marie Adam

Examinations Office: M.Sc. Biology, M.Sc. Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology, M.Sc Pharmaceutical Sciences

+49 30 838 67362

Janine Heinrich

Examinations Office: B.Sc. Biology with Teacher Training, B.Sc Biochemisty, M.Sc. Biochemistry

+49 30 838 69958

Nina Humke

Office of Academic Affairs for Biology; currently on maternity/parental leave

+49 30 838 55255

Björn Kleier

Office of Academic Affairs for Chemistry and Biochemistry

+49 30 838 53701

Björn Kleier

Juliane Koppe

Examinations Office: B.Sc Chemistry, B.Sc Chemisty with Teacher Training, M.Sc Chemistry, Diploma Chemistry and Biochemistry (discontinued)

+49 30 838 66445 (E-Mail bevorzugt)

Juliane Koppe

Annemarie Serno

Examinations Office: B.Sc. Biology, Diploma Biology

+49 30 838 53840

Dr. Vanessa Zacher

Office of Academic Affairs for Biology; Project Teaching and Education in 2030

+49 30 838 53907

Dr. Vanessa Zacher