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Origin Department license

The following information is exclusively addressed to members of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy of Freie Universität Berlin. The license data must not be passed on to unauthorized persons!

Home-Use license

You can obtain the necessary information for the Origin Home-Use license by first logging in with your ZEDAT account on the Linux server login.bcp.fu-berlin.de of the department (a text terminal, e.g. PuTTY on a Windows computer, is sufficient for this).

In a command line please enter:


and then please confirm the question.

The software is available after registration from the OriginLab company server.


For activation you need a product key. To do this, you need to log in to the aforementioned website and press the "Request" button. The product key will then be sent to your e-mail address. (You may have to enter the product key again).

The URL to be entered can be found as described above.

The procedure is described in detail in the following wiki of FB Physics: Origin home-use license (https://wiki.physik.fu-berlin.de/it/software:origin:home-use). Please note that only members of FB Physik can log in on the link https://software.physik.fu-berlin.de/ given there.


The person responsible for the FB BCP is Matthias Worch, for the physics department Jens Dreger.