Calculation of the static and dynamical correlation energy of pseudo-one-dimensional beryllium systems via a many-body expansion
Koch, D. and Fertitta, Eduardo and Paulus, Beate – 2016
Due to the importance of both static and dynamical correlation in the bond formation, low-dimensional beryllium systems constitute interesting case studies to test correlation methods. Aiming to describe the whole dissociation curve of extended Be systems we chose to apply the method of increments (MoI) in its multireference (MR) formalism. To gain insight into the main characteristics of the wave function, we started by focusing on the description of small Be chains using standard quantum chemical methods. In a next step we applied the MoI to larger beryllium systems, starting from the Be6 ring. The complete active space formalism was employed and the results were used as reference for local MR calculations of the whole dissociation curve. Although this is a well-established approach for systems with limited multireference character, its application regarding the description of whole dissociation curves requires further testing. Subsequent to the discussion of the role of the basis set, the method was finally applied to larger rings and extrapolated to an infinite chain.