Direction for users
14195 Berlin
Library of the Botanical Garden and the Botanical Museum and the Biology Department Library at the Botanical Museum
Library identifiers in the card index of the FU: B24 (ZE BGBM) and B 827 (Biology Department Library)
Library identifiers in the FU card index: 188/24 and 188/827
Further library identifiers for inventories of the Biology Department Library of former department libraries: B 78, B 825, B 131, B 874, B 901, B 909, B 910
Opening Times
Throughout the year: Mo-Fr 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., magazine orders until 5. p.m.
Access: General access
Terms of use: Reference library, copies possible
Capacity: 100 positions
Terms of use: Terms of use for the Library of the central facility of the Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (ZE BGBM) of Freie Universität Berlin dated July 21 2006. (FU-information 60/2006, pp. 2-6)
and Terms of use for the Library of the faculty biology, chemistry and pharmacy of Freie Universität Berlin dated July 19 2006 (FU-information 59/2006. pp. 2-6 English Translation)
Volume areas/ Collected areas
- ZE BGBM: General botany, systematic botany, applied botany, nature protection, phytogeography, nomenclature, the history of botany
- Biology department library: General biology, biological anthropology, human biology, primatology, zoology, morphology, physiology, systematic zoology, reproduction and development, evolution, apiology, ethology, genetics, science of culturing/breeding, genetics, cytogenetics, population genetics, quantitative genetics, botany, plant cell and tissue culturing, plant physiology, growth and development physiology, metabolism physiology, general botany, photobiology, Biochemistry, molecular biology, systematic botany, algae, mushrooms, lichen, moss, fern plants, seed plants, geobotany, plant anatomy, applied zoology ecology, entomology, chemical ecology