Courses, lectures and seminars
You can study plant physiology with us from your first term until you finish your PhD. We offer basic and advanced courses for Bachelor, Master and PhD students.
For more details, have a look at the list to your right. Bachelor courses are usually given in German, Master and PhD courses in English.
- BSc Basismodul Botanik
- BSc - Vertiefungsmodul Pflanzenphysiologie
- BSc Aufbaumodul Physiologische Biologie
- Allgemeine Biologie fuer Nebenfachstudierende
- MSc - Introduction in advanced Biology
- MSc - Applied Plant Bioinformatics
- MSc - Molecular Physiology of Plant Acclimation and Adaptation
- MSc - Current topics in DCPS
- Forschungsseminar
- Projekt- und Laborarbeit
- MSc - Projektpraktikum und Masterarbeit
- BSc - Wahlmodule / affine Module