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(Scientific) Positions

Student helpers

Student/Research assistant in MowBEF project (2 years, 41 h per month, starting in April/May 2024)

Bachelor/Master theses

Currently, we offer several Bachelor and Master projects in our DFG-funded project "LandUseMultBEF". The project deals with "Forest management effects on the functions of freshwater macroinvertebrate communites". Check out details here, if you are interested in learning more about the topics and requirments.

Currently, we offer Bachelor and Master thesis projects in our project "MowBEF". The project focuses on mowing effects in fen grasslands on plant diversity and consequences for ecosystem functions, including greenhouse gas emissions, biomass production, decomposition, predation. Check out the details here if you are interested in joining our group for your thesis.

There are different options to conduct a Bachelor/Master thesis in our group. You should be interested in Theoretical Ecology, Biodiversity and/or Ecological Modelling. Please contact Britta Tietjen or other members of the group if you are interested in starting a Bachelor/Master thesis with us.