Funding of research
Our current research is funded by German research foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) to explore photoperiod stress and by the Lieselotte and Prof. Dr. Kurt-Dietrich Krolow Foundation (Krolow Foundation) to study the role of CKX genes in the regulation of yield.
Past funding
A significant part of our funding has been received from DFG, both for numerous individual projects and the participation in a number of collaborative research centers (CRCs) and priority programs, includin
- CRC 973 Priming and memory of organismic responses to stress (2012 – 2022)
- Priority Program 1530: Flowering time control – from natural variation to crop improvement (2014-2018)
- CRC 429 Molecular physiology, energetics, and regulation of primary metabolism in plants (2002 - 2010)
- CRC 449 Structure and function of membrane integral receptors (2002 – 2010)
- Priority Program 1067 Molecular analysis of phytohormone activity (1999 – 2005)
- Priority Program 1005 Genetische und molekulare Aufklärung von Prozessen der Merkmalsausprägung bei Nutzpflanzen (1998 – 2001)
- CRC 446 Mechanism of cellular behaviour in eukaryotes (1997 – 2000)
- The Arabidopsis Functional Genomics Network (AFGN)
The laboratory has initiated and coordinated several international collaborative research projects, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the frame of the GABI, PLANT-KBBE, and PLANT2030 programs, including:
- GABI-GROWTH – Yield enhancement in oilseed rape (2008-2011)
- SEEDS – Yield enhancement in oilseed rape (2012 – 2016)
- ROOTS – Root enhancement for crop improvement (2010-2014)
We have participated in the BMBF-funded collaborative research project:
- PopMass – Development and use of novel gene technologies to increase biomass (2012-2015)
Further support has been obtained from Volkswagen Foundation and the Krolow Foundation for basic research, and from Syngenta, Bayer CropScience and BASF for applied projects.
The total sum of funding obtained is ~14 Mio Euro.