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Publications in alphabetical order of first authors

Ansorge, V., Hammerschmidt, K. & D. Todt (1991) - Communal roosting and formation of sleeping

clusters in Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus). Am. Journal of Primatology 28: 271-280.

Böhner J. & D. Todt (1996) - Influence of auditory stimulation on the development of syntactical and temporal features in European starling song. Auk 113: 450-456.

Bojanowski, E. (1999) - Early social development in bottlenose dolphin calves with special reference to therole of adult males. European Research on Cetaceans 12:131-135

Bojanowski E (2002) - Vocal behaviour in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): ontogeny and contextual use in specific interactions. PhD Thesis, Free University of Berlin.

Bojanowski E, Veit F & D Todt (2000) - The development of a bivocal signature whistle in a bottlenose dolphin calf.
European Research on Cetaceans 14: 70-74.

Brensing K, Linke K & D Todt (2001) - Sound source location by phase difference of a hydrophon array.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109: 430-433.

Brensing K, Linke, K. & D Todt (2003) - Can dolphins heal by ultra-sound? Journal of Theoretical Biology
225: 99-105.

Brumm, H. & H. Hultsch (2001) - Pattern amplitude is related to pattern imitation during the vocal
development of nightingales. Animal Behaviour 61: 747-754.

Brumm, H. (2002) - Sound radiation patterns in nightingale songs. Journal of Ornithology
143: 468-471.

Brumm, H. & D. Todt (2002a) - Facing the rival: directional singing behaviour in nightingales. Behaviour
140: 61-66.

Brumm, H. & D. Todt (2002b) - Noise-depedent song amplitude regulation in a territorial songbird. Animal
Behaviour 63: 891-897.

Brumm, H. & D. Todt (2003) - Facing the rival: directional singing behaviour in nightingales. Behaviour
140: 43-53.-

Brumm, H.: (2004a) - The impact of environmental noise on song amplitude variation in birds. Journal of
Animal Ecology 73: 434-440.-

Brumm, H. (2004b) - Causes and consequences of song amplitude adjustment in territorial birds. Anais
Academia Brasiliera de Ciencies 76: 289-296.-

Brumm, H. & D. Todt (2004) - Male-male vocal interactions and amplitude regulation in songbirds. Animal
Behaviour 67: 281-286.

Brumm, H., Kipper, S., Riechelmann, C. & D. Todt (2004) - Do Barbary macaques 'comment' on what they see?
Vocalizations accompanying interactions of third parties. Primates 57: 14-19.

Brumm, H., Voß, K., Köllmer, I. & D. Todt (2004) - Acoustic communication in noise: regulation of call
characteristics in a new world monkey. Journal of Experimental Biology 207: 443-448.

Cirillo, J. (2001) - Ingroup/outgroup effects of whispered vocalisations. Advances in Ethology 36:137.

Cirillo, J. & D. Todt (2002) - Decoding whispered vocalizations: relationships between social and
emotional variables. PIC Neural Information Processing 9: 1559-1563.

Cirillo, J. & D. Todt (2002) - How birds memorise and retrieve information encoded on different hierarchy
levels of singing. PIC Neural Information Processing 9: 1574-1578.

Cirillo, J. (2004) - Communication by unvoiced speech: the role of whispering. Anais Academia Brasiliera
de Ciencies 76: 413-424.

Cirillo, J. & D. Todt (2004) - W hy whispering could have evolved through biological ritualisation. Revista de Ethologia 5 : 153-154.

Cirillo J, Veit F, Zilber R & D Todt (2004) - Mirror directed behaviours of bottlenose dolphins tested in a
large open-sea enclosure. European Research on Cetaceans 15: 59-62.

Cirillo, J. & D. Todt (2005a) - Perception and judgement of whispered vocalisations. Behaviour 142: 113-128.

Cirillo, J. & D. Todt (2005b) – How to test for a ritual: the case of whispering. Measuring Behavior 5 (in press).

Fischer, J., Hammerschmidt, K. & D. Todt (1995) - Factors affecting acoustic variation in Barbary
macaques disturbance calls (Macaca sylvanus). Ethology 101: 51-66.

Fischer, J., Hammerschmidt, K. & D. Todt (1998) - Local variation in Barbary macaque shrill barks. Animal
Behaviour 56: 623-629.

Geberzahn, N., Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (2002) - Latent song type memories are accessible through auditory
stimulation. Animal Behaviour 64: 783-790.

Geberzahn, N. (2003) - Is quantity of song use in adult birds related to singing during development?
Behaviour 140: 593-602.

Geberzahn, N & H Hultsch (2003) - Long-time storage of song-types in birds: evidence form interactive
playbacks. Proc. of the Royal Society (London) 270: 1085-10 90.

Geberzahn, N. & H. Hultsch (2004) - Rules of song development and use in birds with large signal
repertoires. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences 76: 209-218.

Hammerschmidt, K. & D. Todt (1995): Individual differences in vocalizations of young Barbary Macaques
(Macaca sylvanus): A multi-parametric analysis. Behaviour 132: 166-178.

Heilsberg K, Schuster S, Todt D & R. Zilber (1998) - How male bottlenose dolphins cope with the choice of
swimming in a familiar confinement or in the open sea. European Research on Cetaceans 11: 205-208.

Hillmann, E., Hollen, F., Bünger, B., Todt, D. & L. Schrader (2003) - Farming conditions affect the reactions
of piglets towards novel environment. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 23: 137-152.

Hughes, M., Hultsch, H. & D.Todt (2001) - How do birds learn when they learn to sing ? Imitation and
invention in nightingale song. Ethology 108: 35-48.

Hultsch, H. (1980) - Beziehungen zwischen Struktur, zeitlicher Variabilitaet und sozialem Einsatz des
Gesangs der Nachtigall Luscinia megarhynchos. PhD Thesis, Free University of Berlin.

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1981) - Repertoire sharing and song-post distance in nightingales Luscinia
megarhynchos. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 8: 183-188

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1982) - Temporal performance roles during vocal interactions in nightingales
(Luscinia megarhynchos). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 11: 253-260.

Hultsch, H. (1983) - Behavioural significance of duet interactions : cues from antiphonal interactions
between males. Behaviour 86: 89-99.

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1984) - Spatial proximity between allies: a territorial signal tested in monogamous
duet singers. Behaviour 91: 286-293.

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1986) - Signal Matching: Zeichenbildung durch mustergleiches Antworten. Z.
Semiotik 8: 223-244.

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1989a) - Memorization and reproduction of songs in nightingales (Luscinia
megarhynchos): Evidence for package formation. J. Comparative Physiology 165: 197-203. -

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1989b) - Context memorization in the song learning of birds. Naturwissenschaften
76: 584-586.-

Hultsch, H. (1992) - Time window and unit capacity: dual constraints on the acquisition of serial information
in songbirds. Journal of Comparative Physiology 170: 275-280.

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1992a) - The serial order effect in the song acquisition of birds: relevance of
exposure frequency to song models. Animal Behaviour 44: 590-592.

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1992b) - Einsatz und Interpretation geflüsterter Signale. In: K. Pawlik & K. Stapf
(eds.): Umwelt und Verhalten. Bern/toronto, Huber Verlag. Pp: 391-406.

Hultsch (1993a) - Ecological versus psychobiological aspects of song learning. Etologia 3: 309-323.

Hultsch, H. (1993b) - Tracing the memory mechanisms in birdsong acquisition. The Netherland Journal of
Zoology 43: 155-171.

Hultsch H. & D. Todt (1996a) - Rules of parameter variation in homotype series of birdsong can indicate a
'sollwert' significance. Behavioral Processes 38: 175-182.

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1996b) - Discontinuos and incremental processes in the song learning of birds:
evidence for a primer-effect. J. Comparative Physiolology 179: 219-226.

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1998) - Hierarchical learning and development of song. In: Pepperberg, I., Balda, R.
& E. Kamil (eds.): Animal Cognition in Nature. Academic Press, N.Y. : pp. 275-303.

Hultsch, H., Mundry, R. & D. Todt (1999) - Learning, representation & retrieval of rule-related knowledge
in song systems. In: Friederici, A. & Menzel, R. (eds). Learning: Rule Extraction and Representation.
Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, pp 87-99.

Hultsch, H., Schleuss, F. & D. Todt (1999) - Auditory-visual stimulus pairing enhances perceptual learning
in a songbird. Animal Behaviour 58: 112-134.

Hultsch, H. & Todt, D. (2001) - Trajectories of Song Development. Language Acquisition & Acquisition
Disorders 24: 309-331.

Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (2004a) - Approaches to the mechanisms of song memorization and singing suggest a
procedural memory. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences 76: 219-230 .

Hultsch H & D Todt (2004) - Learning to sing. In: Marler P & H Slabbekorn (eds.), Nature's Music – The
Science of Birdsong; Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp.80-107.

Janik V, Dehnhardt G & D Todt (1994) - Context related parameter variations of signature whistles in
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 35: 243-248.

Kipper, S. & D. Todt (2001) - Variation of sound parameters affects the evaluation of human laughter.
Behaviour 138: 1161-1178.

Kipper, S. & D. Todt (2001) - The use of vocal signals in the social play of Barbary macaques. Primates 42:

Kipper, S. & D. Todt (2002) - The use of vocal signals in the social play of Barbary macaques. Primates 42:

Kipper, S. & D. Todt (2003a) - Dynamic-acoustic variation causes differences in the evaluation of laughter.
Perceptual and Motor Skills 96: 799-809.

Kipper, S. & D. Todt (2003b) - The role of rhythm and pitch in the evaluation of human laughter. Journal of
Nonverbal Behavior 27:255-272.

Kipper, S, Mundry, R., Hultsch, H & D Todt (2004) - Long-term persistence of song performance rules in
nightingales: a longitudinal field study on repertoire size and composition. Behaviour 141: 371-390.

Kipper, S., Mundry, R., Sommer, C., Hultsch, H., & D. Todt (2005) - Larger nightingales (Luscinia
megarhynchos) have larger song repertoires and arrive earlier on their breeding grounds Animal
Behaviour (in press).

Mundry, R. (1999) - Testing related samples with missing values: a permutation approach. Animal Behav.
58: 1143-1153.

Mundry R & Todt D (2000) - Automated measurement of tonal vocalisations: methods and examples of their
application. Measuring Behaviour 3: 47-52.

Mundry, R. & C. Sommer (2004) - Tonal vocalisations: an approach to semi-automatic analyses and
examples of their application. Anais Academia Brasiliera de Ciencies 76: 284-288.-

Naguib, M (1997) - Ranging of songs in Carolina wrens. Behavioral Ecolology Sociobiology 40: 385-393.

Naguib, M. (1999) - Effects of song overlapping and alternating in nocturnally singing nightingales, Animal
Behaviour 58: 1061-1067.

Naguib, M. & D.Todt (1997) - Effects of dyadic vocal interaction on additional conspecific receivers in
nightingales. Animal Behaviour 54: 1535-1543.

Naguib, M. & D. Todt (1998) - Recognition of neighbors’ song in a species with a large and complex song
repertoire. Journal of Avian Biology 29: 155-160.

Naguib, M. , Fichtel, C. & D. Todt (1999) - Nightingales respond more strongly to vocal leaders of
simulated dyadic interactions. Proc. of the Royal Society (London) 266: 1-6.

Naguib, M., Mundry, R., Ostreiher, R.., Hultsch, H. Schrader, L. & D. Todt (1999): Cooperatively breeding
Arabian babblers call differently when mobbing different predator-induced situations. Behavioral
Ecology 29: 636-640.

Naguib, M., Altenkamp, R. & Griessmann, B. (2001) - Nightingales in space: song and extra territorial
forays in radio tagged song birds. Journal of Ornithology 142: 306-312.

Naguib, M., Hammerschmidt, K. & Wirth, J. (2001) - Microgeographic variation, habitat effects, and
individual cues in calls of chiffchaffs. Ethology 107: 341-355.

Naguib, M., Mundry, R., Hultsch, H. & D. Tod t (2002) - Responses to playback of whistle songs and
normal songs in male nightingales: effects of song category, whistle pitch, and distance. Behavioral
Ecolology and Sociobiology 52: 215-223.

Perelberg A & R Schuster (2003) - Association patterns and synchrony levels in bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus). European Research on Cetaceans 16: 54-59.

Riebel, K. & D. Todt (1997) - Light flash stimulation alters the nightingale's singing style: implications for
song control mechanisms. Behaviour 134: 1-20.

Riechelmann, C., Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1994) - Early development of social relation-ships in Barbary
macaques (Macaca sylvanus), Current Primatology 2, 279-288.

Roshani, A., Todt, D., Janik, V. & Hultsch, H. & D. Todt (1994) - Yawning in male Barbary macaques
(Macaca sylvanus), Current Primatology 2 : 81-86.

Schrader, J. & D. Todt (1993) - Contact call parameters covary with social context in common marmosets
(Callitrix jacchus). Anim. Behav. 46: 1026-1028.

Schrader, L. & D. Todt (1998) - Vocal quality is correlated with levels of stress hormones in domestic pigs
(Sus scrofa domestica). Ethology, 104, 322-349.

Schrader, L. & J. Ladewig (1999) - Temporal differences inthe responses of the pituitary Adrecortical axix,
the Sypathoadrenomeddular acis, heart rate and behaviour to a daily repeated stressor in domestic
pigs. Physiology & Behavior 66: 775-783.

Todt, D. (1970a) - Gesang und gesangliche Korrespondenz. Naturwissenschaften 57: 61-66.

Todt, D. (1970b) - Die antiphonen Paargesänge des ostafrikanischen Grassängers. Journal für Ornithologie
111: 332-356.

Todt, D. (1971) - Äquivalente und konvalente gesangliche Reaktionen von Nachtigallen. Zeitschrift für
vergleichende Physiologie 71: 262-285.

Todt, D. (1973) - Biologisch-kybernetische Analyse der Komposition des Gesangs verschiedener Vögel.
Nova Acta Leopoldina 208: 311-331.

Todt, D. (1975a) - Social learning in grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus). Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 39:

Todt D. (1975b) - Short-term inhibition of outputs occuring in the vocal behaviour of Blackbirds. Journal of
Comparative Physiology 98: 289-306.

Todt, D. & J. Wolffgramm (1975) - Überprüfungen von Steuerungssystemen zur Strophenwahl der Amsel
durch digitale Simulierung. Biological Cybernetics 17: 109-127.

Todt, D. (1976) - Spontaneous recombinations of vocal patterns in grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus).
Naturwissenschaften 62: 399-401.

Todt, D. & A. Fiebelkorn (1979) - Display, timing and function of wing movements accompanying
antiphonal duets of Cichladusa guttata. Behaviour 25: 42-58.

Todt, D., Hultsch, H., & D. Heike (1979) - Conditions affecting song acquisition in nightingales.
Ethology 51: 23-35.

Todt, D. & H. Hultsch (1980) - Functional aspects of sequence and hierarchy in song structure. Acta Congr.
Internat. Ornithologici XVII: 663-670.

Todt, D. (1981) - On functions of vocal matching: effect of counter replies on song post choice and singing.
Ethology 57: 73-93.

Todt, D., Hultsch, H. & F. Duvall (1981) - Behavioural significance and social function of vocal and non-
vocal displays in monogamous duet-singers. Zool. Beiträge 27: 422-448.

Todt, D. & H. Hultsch (1982) - Impairment of vocal signal exchange in the monogamous duet-singer
Cossypha heuglini (Turdidae): Effects of pairbond maintenance. Ethology 60: 265-274.

Todt, D., Brüser, E.; Hultsch, H. and Lange, R. (1982) - Nocturnal actions and interactions of newborn
monkeys. Journal of Human Evolulion 11: 383-389.

Todt, D. (1986) - Hinweischarakter & Mittlerfunktion von Verhalten. Z. Semiotik 8: 183-232.

Todt, D. (1988) - Serial calling as a mediator of interaction processes: Crying in primates. In: Todt, D.,
Goedeking, P. & D. Symmes (eds.): Primate vocal communication. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/
Heidelberg/ New York: 88-107.

Todt, D., Goedeking, P. & D. Symmes (1988) Primate vocal communication. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/
Heidelberg/ New York.

Todt, D. & H. Hultsch (1992) - Birdsong: Variations that follow Rules. Behavior & Brain Sciences 15:190-192.

Todt, D., Hammerschmidt, K. and H. Hultsch (1992) - The behaviour of Barbary macaque (Macaca
sylvanus): Perspective and projects of a long term study. Primate Report 32: 19-30.

Todt, D. and A. Haut (1992) - One for Tim and one for Tom. Ein Setting für Studien an Zwillingskindern.
In: K. Pawlik & K. H. Stapf (eds.): Umwelt und Verhalten. Huber Verlag, Bern/Toronto/ Seattle: 383-390.

Todt, D. & H. Hultsch (1993) - Biologische Grundlagen des Dialogs. In: Wessel, K. F. & D. Naumann:
Kommunikation und Humanontogese; Kleine Verlag, Bielefeld. pp: 53-76.

Todt, D., & J. Böhner. (1994). Former experience can modify social selectivity during song learning in the
nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos). Ethology 97: 169-176.

Todt, D., Hammerschmidt, K., Ansorge, V. & J. Fischer. (1995) - The vocal behavior of Barbary macaques:
call features & performance in infants & adults.In: Zimmermann,E., Newman, J & U. Jürgens (eds.):
Current topics in primate vocal communication. Plenum Pr.,N.Y. pp:141-160.

Todt, D. (1995) - Verhaltensbiologische Aspekte der Entwicklung sozialer Bindungen auf vormenschlicher
Stufe. In: G. Spangler & P. Zimmermann (eds): Die Bindungstheorie. Verlag Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, pp. 21-39.

Todt D & H Hultsch (1996a) - Projects and perspectives of a research programme established at the Dolphin
Reef, Eilat, Israel. European Research on Cetaceans 9: 287-291.

Todt, D. & H. Hultsch (1996b) - Acquisition and performance of repertoires: Ways of coping with diversity
and versatility. In: Kroodsma, D.E. & Miller, E.H. (eds). Ecology and evolution of communication.
Ithaka, NY; Cornell University Press. Pp. 79-96.

Todt, D. (1997) - The Codex of Social Play : A System of Rules that can Prevent Ingroup Violence.
Schriften zur Rechtspsychologie 3: 305-315.

Todt, D. & C. Riechelmann (1997) - Formen der frühen Sozialisierung bei nicht-menschlichen Primaten. In:
Ahnert, L. (Hrsgb.): Tagesbetreuung für Kinder unter der Jahren. Huber Verlag Bern. Pp. 193-214.

Todt D, Fritsch E & F Veit (1997) - Vocal behaviours of dolphins in the context of passing physical barriers.
European Research on Cetaceans 10: 68.

Todt, D. & H. Hultsch (1998) - How songbirds deal with large amounts of serial information: retrieval rules
suggest a hierarchical song memory. Biological Cybernetics 79:487-500.

Todt, D. & H. Hultsch (1999) - How nightingales develop their interactional competence. Ostrich 69: 122-137.

Todt, D., Veit, F., Hultsch, H. & R. Zilber (1999) - Cues from responses of bottlenose dolphins to whistle
playback. European Research on Cetaceans 12: 275-280.

Todt, D. & M. Naguib (2000) - Vocal interactions in birds: The use of song as a model in communication.
Advances in the Study of Behavior 29: 247-296.

Todt, D., Cirillo, J. ,Geberzahn, N. & F.Schleuss (2000) - Vocal imitation in birds. Cybernetics and Systems
32: 257-283.

Todt, D. (2001) - Verständigung bei Primaten: Kommunikative Strategien auf vormenschlicher
Entwicklungsstufe. fundiert 2: 24-31.

Todt, D. & H. Brumm (2001)- Vigilance, Windows and Virtual Sign Stimuli: Psycho-biological Aspects of
Video Watching. Paragrana 10: 173-195.

Todt, D. & H. Hultsch (2002) - Social aspects of vocal learning and song use in birds. Proc. 23 rd Int.
Ornithol. Congress, Beijing, Vol. 3: 112-118.

Todt, D. (2003) - Rituale als Spielmaterial einer denkbaren Evolution von ästhetischer Erfahrung. In: J.
Küpper & C. Menke: Dimensionen ästhetischer Erfahrung. Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp Taschenbuch
Verlag, pp. 308-332.

Todt, D. & S. Kipper (2003) - Der Begriff 'Kommunikation' in den Biowissenschaften. Signifikation:
Beiträge zur Kommunikationswissenschaft 5: 29-59.

Todt, D. & N. Geberzahn (2003) -Age-dependent effects of song exposure: song crystallization sets a
boundary between fast and delayed vocal imitation. Animal Behaviour 65: 971-979.

Todt,D., Brumm,H., Kipper,S. & C. Riechelmann (2003) - Vocalisations produced by Barbary macaques that
monitor triadic encounters: Do individuals comment on what they see? Folia Primatolog. 74: 225-226.

Todt, D. (2004a) - From birdsong to speech. Anais Academia Brasiliera de Ciencies 76: 201-208.

Todt.D. (2004b) - Beziehungsentwicklung im Rahmen der Mutter-Kind-Dyade. In: L. Ahnert (ed.): Frühe
Bindung - Ein Lehrbuch. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, München; Kapitel 6: 127-146.

Todt.D. (2004c) - Beteuungsvielfalt und Strategien der Beziehungsregulation. In: L. Ahnert (ed.): Frühe
Bindung - Ein Lehrbuch. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, München; Kapitel 11: 213-239.

Veit, F. (1999) - Whistle use in agonistic interactions of bottlenose dolphins. Europ. Res. Cetac. 12: 266-270.

Veit, F. (2002) - Vocal signals of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): Structural organisation and
communicative use. PhD Thesis, Free University of Berlin.

Veit, F. & E. Bojanowski (1996) - Behaviours accompanying a change in the dominance hierarchy of
bottlenose dolphins with respect to adult males. European Research on Cetaceans 9: 202-204.

Veit. F., Bojanowski, E., Todt, D., Zilber, R, Supin AY & LM Mukhametov (1998) - Back to the black:
release of a male bottlenose dolphin after six years in a semi-free enclosure at the Red Sea. European
Research on Cetaceans 11:72-75.

Vettin, J. & D. Todt (2004) - Laughter in conversation: features of occurrence and acoustic structure.
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 28: 93-116.-

Vettin, J. & D. Todt (2005) - Human laughter, social play and play vocalisations of non-human primates: an
evolutionary approach. Behaviour 142: 217-240.-

Vollmer, S. & D. Todt (1997) - Intergroup agonistic behaviour of female toque macaque (Macaca silenus).
Primate Report 47: 57-64.

Wiedenmann, G. & D. Todt (1990) - Discrete responses of adult subjects during exposure to infant cry
sequences. Early Child Development and Care 65: 179-188

Will, A. & D. Todt (1997) - Object exploration in Barbary macaques. Primate Report 47: 65-72.

Wolffgramm, J. & D. Todt (1982) - Pattern and time specificity in vocal responses of European Blackbirds
Turdus merula. Behaviour 81: 264-286.