Acoustic Signals and Messages
Our research on ASAM attempts to elucidate some specific facets of avian and mammalian vocal communication. As communication is defined as an exchange of messages we want to ascertain, for instance, how a given 'sender' animal encodes a specific message in the pattern of an acoustical signal, and how this message - after successful signal transmission - is decoded and responded to by a given addressee. Acoustical signal systems have a number biological and methodological advantages. They can be applied, for example, without visual contact among communicating individuals, and they allow animals to rapidly exchange large amounts of information. And, from the perspective of investigators, acoustical signals are easy to investigate.
Within such framework our research on ASAM has concentrated especially on signal parameters that indicate intrinsic states, such as arousal, stress or fear. we want to contribute to an early recognition of stressful situations, and additionally to an improvement of rearing or keeping conditions of birds or animals (see also ANCOR). Results of our previous studies on ASAM are published e.g. in: Hultsch & Todt 1982; Todt et al. 1988, 1995; Fischer et al. 1995; Schrader & Todt 1998; Todt & Naguib 200; Kipper & Todt 2003; Brumm et al. 2003; Cirillo 2004; Mundry & Sommer 2004 (see REFERENCES).