We regularly teach in the master programs Bioinformatics (FU), Biology (FU), and Computational Neuroscience (TU, HU). Exchange students, visiting students, and master students from other programs and universities are invited to participate. Please also visit the online curriculum of the Freie Universität.
Winter Semester 2013 / 2014 |
- Module Analysis of Neural Data, Modeling of Neurons and Networks (Analyse und Theorie Neuronaler Prozesse A, 23902) for students in the Master programs Bioinformatics, Biology, Computational Neuroscience. Vorbesprechung / Initial meeting : Di 22.10.2013 16:30 Uhr, Room 215, Neuroinformatik, Königin Luise Str. 1-3. Dates (to be confirmed): Feb 24 - Mar 7. Location (to be confirmed): Computer Pool Bioinformatics, Arnimallee, Campus Dahlem
- Lecture Series Introduction to Advanced Biology 23400a,23400b. Master Biology. M Nawrot: Nov 19, 2013
- Module Programming and Data Analysis with Matlab (Octave) 23423a, 23423b, 23423c. Master Biology (all specializations). 2 weeks full time, Lecture, Tutorials, and Practicals. Preliminary Meeting: April 16, 16:00, Room 215, Königin-Luise Str. 1-3
Dates: Augut 5-9 AND Augut 19-23, Location: PC Pool Pharmazie, Königin Luise Str. 2-4
Responsible: Martin Nawrot.
Winter Semester 2012 / 2013 |
- Lecture Series Introduction to Advanced Biology 23400a,23400b. Master Biology. M Nawrot: Nov 28, 2012
- Module Programming and Data Analysis with Matlab (Octave) 23423a, 23423b, 23423c. Master Biology (all specializations). 2 weeks full time, Lecture, Tutorials, and Practicals. Preliminary Meeting: Nov 29, 16:00, Room 215, Königin-Luise Str. 1-3. Dates: (to be confirmed) March 4-8 and March 18-22, Responsible: Martin Nawrot. [flyer]
- Module Analysis of Neural Data, Modelling of Neurons and Networks. (Analyse und Theorie Neuronaler Prozesse A, 23902a). Master Bioinformatics (FU), Master Computational Neuroscience (TU,HU), Master Neurobiology and Behavior (FU). Lecture and Tutorials, 2 weeks full time, Aug 6-17, 9am - 5pm. Computer Room, Bernstein Center, Campus Charite, Haus 2. Responsible: Martin Nawrot, Michael Schmuker. [flyer]
- Module The role of memory in decision making (Modul Analyse und Theorie Neuronaler Prozesse B, 23367). Master Bioinformatics, Master Biology, Master Neurobiology and Behavior. Seminar and Tutorials. Seminar en bloque, Aug 28-29, full time. Responsible: Dorothea Eisenhardt, Martin Nawrot. [final program] [seminar reader]