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Diederichsen E, Wagenblatt B, Schallehn V, Deppe U & Sacristan MD (1995) Transfer of clubroot resistance from resynthesised Brassica napus into oilseed rape — Identification of race-specific interactions withPlasmodiophora brassicaeActa Horticulturae 407, 423 - 430.

Diederichsen E & Sacristan MD (1996) Disease responses of resynthesized Brassica napus L. lines carrying different combinations of resistance to Plasmodiophora brassicae Wor. Plant Breed. 115, 5 - 10.

Hennin C, Höfte M & Diederichsen E (2001) Functional expression of Cf9 and Avr9 genes in Brassica napusinduces enhanced resistance to Leptosphaeria maculansMol. Plant-Microbe Interactions14, 1075-1085.

Hennin C, Diederichsen E & Höfte M (2001) Local and systemic resistance to fungal pathogens triggered by anAvr9-mediated hypersensitive response in tomato and oilseed rape carrying the Cf9 resistance gene. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol.59, 287-295.

Hennin C, Diederichsen E & Höfte M (2002) Resistance to fungal pathogens triggered by the Cf9-Avr9response in tomato and oilseed rape in the absence of hypersensitive cell death. Mol. Plant Pathol.3, 31-41.

Werner S, Diederichsen E, Frauen M, Schondelmaier R J & Jung C (2008) Genetic mapping of clubroot resistance genes in oilseed rape. Theor. Appl. Genet. 116, 363-372

Diederichsen E, Frauen M, Linders E, Hatakeyama K & Hirai M (2009) Status and Perspectives of Clubroot Resistance Breeding in Crucifer Crops. J. Plant Growth Regul.28, 265-281

Häffner E, Karlovsky P, Diederichsen E (2010) Genetic and environmental control of the Verticillium syndrome in Arabidopsis thalianaBMC Plant Biol.10, 235


Diederichsen E, Laga B & Bottermann J (2004) Brassica plant resistant to the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans(blackleg) (EP1547462, published on April 7 2010)

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Member of Dahlem Centre of Plant Sciences
Member of CRC 973