Research Groups

Absmeier Lab – mRNA Translation and Turnover

Herzel Lab - RNA dynamics

Bottanelli Lab - Membrane trafficking

Stricker Lab - Biochemistry and Genetics

Chakrabarti Lab - mRNA-Metabolism

Knaus Lab - Signal Transduction

Wahl Lab - Structural Biochemistry

Ewers Lab - Membrane Biochemistry

Heyd Lab - RNA Biochemistry

Freund Lab - Protein Biochemistry
Image Credits

Eva Absmeier
Image Credit: —

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Francesca Bottanelli
Image Credit: —

Sigmar Stricker
Image Credit: —

Sutapa Chakrabarti
Image Credit: —

Petra Knaus
Image Credit: —

Markus Wahl
Image Credit: —

Helge Ewers
Image Credit: —

Florian Heyd
Image Credit: —

Christian Freund
Image Credit: —
Recent Research

Drozdz et al. in The EMBO Journal
Drozdz et al. show that phosphorylation cascades can target the splicing machinery and lead to the fast and transient adjustment in the alternative splicing program of cells. The process is coined “immediate early splicing” and can help, e.g., to coordinate the extensive changes in gene expression during T cell activation. The findings set a paradigm for a new gene regulatory principle in the cellular response to activation.

Wang et al. in Nature Communications
Wang et al. find that ADP and (p)ppGpp nucleotides bound at subunit interfaces inhibit ρ ring closure that underpins the hexamer activation, thus favoring the assembly of inactive higher-order oligomers. Connector substitutions and antibiotics that inhibit RNA and protein syntheses trigger ρ aggregation in the cell. These and other recent data implicate aggregation as a widespread strategy to tune ρ activity.

Gjorgjevikj et al. in Nature Communications
Many bacteriophages can modulate host transcription. Gjorgjevikj et al. uncover the anti-termination mechanism of phage satellite P4 protein, Psu. Psu dimers clamp two open rings of the termination factor ρ, promote ρ hyper-oligomerization, and trap nucleotides in ρ’s binding pockets.

Lützkendorf et al. in Nature Communications
The active zone is a brain signaling hub critical for synaptic information transfer and the encoding of behaviors. Lützkendorf et al. identify Blobby as an assembly factor required for proper active zone nanoscale protein architecture and memory formation.

Barthel et al. in Applied Research
Crystallographic fragment screening (CFS) has recently matured into an important method for the early stages of drug discovery projects. Barthel et al. describe the specialized F2X workflow along with the relevant differences to other existing CFS platforms, and the ongoing developments aimed at supporting users of the facility.

Stockhammer, Adarska et. al in Nature Cell Biology
Stockhammer, Adarska et al describe ARF1 compartments as the site of adaptor- and clathrin-dependent post-Golgi sorting. Shedding of ARF1 and maturation into recycling endosomes drives sorting of secretory and endocytic recycling cargo.

Stockhammer et. al. in Journal of Cell Scienes
Here we provide a resource for endogenous tagging with TurboID for proximity-based proteomics

Wong-Dilworth in Journal of Cell Biology
STED imaging of endogenously tagged ARF GTPases reveals their distinct nanoscale localizations

Himpich in ChemCatChem
How Can the Diterpene Synthase CotB2V80L Alter the Product Profile?

Zehrer et al., in eLife
We here developed an open source, high-resolution, automated fluorescence microscope that fits into an incubator and can be built mostly from low-cost components.

Rentsch et al., in The Journal of Cell Biology
Using single particle tracking and simulations, we tested here a long-standing assumption, that the submembrane cytoskeleton compartmentalizes the motion of membrane proteins. We could find that in several neuronal cell types submembrane actin rings impede the lateral motion of membrane proteins.

Groza et al., in Nature Communications
We here developed a synthetic virus-receptor system to ask, if multivalent lipid binding alone is sufficient for viral internalization. By tuning receptor affinity, we could show that once a threshold in adhesion energy is met, particles deform the plasma membrane and internalize. We could thus identify a purely biophysical path to enter cells.

Kashyap et al., in Nature Methods
We here developed a method for the controlled optogenetic delivery of any protein at the single molecule level.

Knaus in iSciences
Dynamic remodeling of Septin structures fine-tunes myogenic differentiation

Herzel in mBio
Combining genetics and RNA sequencing in this joint study with the Leah Cowen lab at the University of Toronto we link the virulence-associated filamentation program of the opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida albicans to pre-mRNA splicing.

Ilhan et. al. in International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Ilhan M., Hastar N., Kampfrath B., Spierling D. N., Jatzlau J., Knaus P..BMP Stimulation Differentially Affects Phosphorylation and Protein Stability of β-Catenin in Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25(9), 4593

Said et al. in Nature Communications

Zuber et al. in Nature Communications
Concerted transformation of a hyper-paused transcription complex and its reinforcing protein

Herzel in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
In this joint review with the Karla Neugebauer lab at Yale University we discuss co-transcriptional gene regulation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes and highlight striking parallels in how RNA polymerases interact with the machineries that act on nascent RNA.

Wei et al. in Nature Communications
The Stricker group shows a critical requirement for Neurofibromin to coordinate muscle fiber growth and muscle stem cell quiescence induction, and to prevent detrimental metabolic reprogramming with life-long consequences.

Knaus in iScience
Fluid Shear Stress-modulated chromatin accessibility reveals the mechano-dependency of endothelial SMAD1/5-mediated gene transcription

Stricker in Immunity
The Stricker group provides a new model for lymph node initiation in the embryo

Dyhr et al. in PNAS
3D surface reconstruction of cellular cryo-soft X-ray microscopy tomograms using semisupervised deep learning

Thielhorn et al. in Angewandte Intl.. Ed.
Controlled Grafting Expansion Microscopy

Freund in Nature Chemical Biology
In this paper by Abualrous et al., catalyzed peptide exchange, a process that shapes T cell responses, is reported for 12 different MHC class II variants. Experimental approaches taken by the Freund laboratory are combined with a theoretical description by the Noe group. It is shown that the population of a transient state has predictive value for catalyzed exchange and that MHC class II dynamics correlates with the odds ratio for the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis.

Kotsaris and Stricker in NPJ Regenerative Medicine
The Stricker group shows that Osr1 is a central transcriptional regulator of fibro-adipogenic progenitors during skeletal muscle regeneration

Chakrabarti in RNA
Modulation of RNA binding properties of the RNA helicase UPF1 by its activator UPF2

Preussner & Heyd in Science Advances
Regulation of alternative splicing after step 1 by C* factors

Jia et al. in Nature Communication
Extended DNA threading through a dual-engine motor module of the activating signal co-integrator 1 complex

Vester et al. in Acta Crystallographica D
Conformation-dependent ligand hot spots in the spliceosomal RNA helicase, BRR2

Jatzlau & Burdzinski et. al. Commun. Biol.
Jatzlau & Burdzinski et al. have established techniques for visualization of TGFβ superfamily receptors and growth factors

Franz et al. in Life Science Alliance
Branch point strength controls species-specific CAMK2B alternative splicing and regulates LTP

Jehle et al. in Molecular Systems Biology
A human kinase yeast array for the identification of kinases modulating phosphorylation-dependent protein–protein interactions

He in Epilepsia
The molecular and phenotypic spectrum of CLCN4-related epilepsy

Lan et al. in Nature Communication
Exchange catalysis by tapasin exploits conserved and allele-specific features of MHC-I molecules

Grass et al. in PNAS
Large-scale ratcheting in a bacterial DEAH/RHA-type RNA helicase that modulates antibiotics susceptibility

Absmeier et al. in JBC
Long-range allostery mediates cooperative adenine nucleotide binding by the Ski2-like RNA helicase Brr2

Reichenbach et al. in Advanced Biology
Differential Impact of Fluid Shear Stress and YAP/TAZ on BMP/TGF‐β Induced Osteogenic Target Genes

Knaus in Stem Cell Rev and Rep
ActivinA Induced SMAD1/5 Signaling in an iPSC Derived EC
Model of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) Can Be Rescued by the
Drug Candidate Saracatinib

Geertsema in Nature Biotechnology
Left-handed DNA-PAINT for improved super-resolution imaging in the nucleus

Li in Nature Communications
Directed manipulation of membrane proteins by fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles

Pei in Nature Communications
The δ subunit and NTPase HelD institute a two-pronged mechanism for RNA polymerase recycling

Roske in Nucleic Acids Research
A skipping rope translocation mechanism in a widespread family of DNA repair helicases
Roske in Nucleic Acids Research

Loll in JACS
Loll in JACS: The Impression of a Nonexisting Catalytic Effect: The Role of CotB2 in Guiding the Complex Biosynthesis of Cyclooctat-9-en-7-ol

Said in Science
Steps toward translocation-independent RNA polymerase inactivation by terminator ATPase ρ

Preussner in EMBO Reports
Neumann in EMBO Reports
Neumann, Heyd, Preußner - Alternative splicing coupled mRNA decay shapes
the temperature‐dependent transcriptome

Stricker in Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Stricker in Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle: Cell autonomous requirement of neurofibromin (Nf1) for postnatal muscle hypertrophic growth and metabolic homeostasis

Hiepen in Cells
Hiepen, Mendes, Knaus in Cells:
"It Takes Two to Tango:
Endothelial TGFβ/BMP Signaling Crosstalk with Mechanobiology"

Huang in Molecular Cell
Huang - Structure-Based Mechanisms of a Molecular RNA Polymerase/Chaperone Machine Required for Ribosome Biosynthesis

Freund in Brain
Freund in Brain
Syntaxin-1B mutations reveal clear molecular disease mechanisms that translate into distinct neurophysiological phenotypes

Knaus in Bone
Knaus in Bone
BMP signalling in a mechanical context – Implications for bone biology

Meinke in eLife
Meinke et al, in eLife
Srsf10 and the minor spliceosome control
tissue-specific and dynamic SR protein expression

Haltenhof in Molecular Cell
Tom Haltenhof et al. in Molecular Cell: A conserved kinase-based body
temperature sensor globally controls alternative splicing and gene

Knaus in MBC of the cell
Knaus-AMOT130 drives BMP-SMAD signaling at the apical membrane in polarized cells

Hiepen in PLOS Biology
Hiepen-BMPR2 acts as a gatekeeper to protect endothelial cells from increased TGFβ responses and altered cell mechanics

Chakrabarti in Nature Communications
Chakrabarti - Insights into the assembly and architecture of a Staufen-mediated mRNA decay (SMD)-competent mRNP

Loll in Beilstein J Org Chem
Loll - Current understanding and biotechnological application of the bacterial diterpene synthase CotB2

Wahl in Nucleic Acids Research
Wahl - Structural basis for the function of SuhB as a transcription factor in ribosomal RNA synthesis

Freund in Structure
Freund - Exon Inclusion Modulates Conformational Plasticity and Autoinhibition of the Intersectin 1 SH3A Domain

Stauber in eLIFE
Stauber - A FRET sensor of C-terminal movement reveals VRAC activation by plasma membrane DAG signaling rather than ionic strength

DeBortoli in Nucleic Acids Research
F. De Bortoli - Increased versatility despite reduced molecular complexity: evolution, structure and function of metazoan splicing factor PRPF39

Neumann in Journal of Cell Science
A. Neumann - Genome-wide identification of
alternative splicing events that regulate protein transport across the
secretory pathway

Sticht in Biophysical Journal
J. Sticht - FBP21’s C-Terminal Domain Remains Dynamic When Wrapped around the c-Sec63 Unit of Brr2 Helicase

Driller in Nature Communications
R. Driller - Towards a comprehensive understanding of the
structural dynamics of a bacterial diterpene
synthase during catalysis

Stricker in Stem Cell Research
S. Stricker - Odd skipped-related 1 (Osr1) identifies muscle-interstitial fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs) activated by acute injury

Loll in Nature Communications
B. Loll - Molecular insights into antibiotic resistance - how a binding protein traps albicidin

Stricker in Development
S. Stricker - Genome-wide strategies identify downstream target genes of connective tissue-associated transcription factors

Stricker in PLoS ONE
Sigmar Stricker - Cooperation of BMP and IHH signaling in interdigital cell fate determination

Wollenhaupt in Biophysical Journal
Jan Wollenhaupt - Intrinsically Disordered Protein Ntr2 Modulates the Spliceosomal RNA Helicase Brr2

Loll in ChemBioChem
B. Loll: Ketonization of Proline Residues in the Peptide Chains of Actinomycins by a 4-Oxoproline Synthase

Loll in ChemCatChem
B. Loll: Rhodococcus erythropolis Oleate Hydratase: a New Member in the Oleate Hydratase Family Tree
Image Credits

250219 Drozdz
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250110 Gjorgieviki
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250109 Lützkendorf
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250108 Barthel
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241125 Himpich.jpg
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Zehrer 240913
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Rentsch 240912
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Groza 240911
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Kashyap 240910
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240813 Graphical abstract_1200px
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240730 Herzel in mBio
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Ilhan et al Graphical Abstract_rev
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240416 Said et al. in Nature Communications
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240410 Zuber
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Herzel in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
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240319 Wei in Nature C.
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230915 Knaus in iScience
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Stricker in Immunity
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230620 Dyhr
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230621 Thielhorn
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230510 Freund in nature chemical biology
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230411 Kotsaris
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270323 Sutapa
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230314 Preussner in Science Advances
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230313 Jia et al. in Nature Communication
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230312 Vester et al. in Acta Crystallographica D
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230112 Jatzlau & Burdzinski et al. in Commun. Biol.
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221219bc Franz et al. in Life Science Alliance
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A human kinase yeast array for the identification of kinases modulating phosphorylation-dependent protein–protein interactions
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210810 He in Epilepsia
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Lan in Nature Communications
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Grass in PNAS
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210726 Absmeier in JBC
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Geertsema in Nature Biotechnology
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Li in Nature Communications
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210104 Pei in Nature Communications
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Roske in Nucleic Acids Research
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201208 Loll in JACS
Image Credit: JACS

Said in Science
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201123 Preussner in EMBO Reports
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Hiepen in Cell
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Knaus in Bone
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Meinke et al in eLife
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Haltenhof in Molecular Cell
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200201-Knaus in MBC of the cell
Image Credit: MBC of the cell

200114-Hiepen in PLOS Biol
Image Credit: PLOS

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Loll in Beilstein J Org Chem
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091019-Wahl-Nucleic Acids Res
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Image Credit: T. Stauber

190416 Francesca PRPF39 structure
Image Credit: DeBortoli

Image Credit: Alex Neumann

Image Credit: Sticht/Biophysical Journal

Driller/Nature Communications
Image Credit: Driller/Nature Communications

Image Credit: Stricker/Stem Cell Research

Image Credit: B. Loll/Nature Communications

Image Credit: S. Stricker/Development

Image Credit: S. Stricker/PLoS one

online access
Image Credit: J. Wollenhaupt

online access
Image Credit: B. Loll

online access
Image Credit: B. Loll